Best movie line

"The Wolfe??? Sheeeeit ***** - thats all you had to say!" - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction - scene 'The Bonnie Situation'
"Sex is kinda like Pizza, even when its bad.... its still pretty good!"
"Where da white women at?"  -Sherrif Bart, BLAZING SADDLES

"Badges?  We dont need no stinking badges!" -Mexican Outlaws, BLAZING SADDLES

"Anyone got a dime?  Someone's gotta go back to town and get a sh*t load of dimes."  -other crooked lawman, BLAZING SADDLES

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1. "Hey, Dutch; looking good."
2. "Ain't nothing but a bunch of slackjawed fag**ts in here. This stuff'll make you a sexual Tyranosaurous."
3. "What's de mat-te?. Those CIA boys gotcha pushing too meny penculs?"
4. "Your ghostin us sucka, now I don't care who you are back in the world. Do it one more time, I'll bleed you, real quiet, n'leave you here."
5. "Cum'on, I am heeeaaa, kel me, cum'on do et, kell me, do et now!!"
"What kinda sick b*tch steals the ice cube trays from the freezer?!!"

"I know what it is. It's an espresso machine. No, wait. It's a Sno-Cone maker. Is it a water heater?"

"I've got a little d!ck. It's really pathetic."

"That's a lotta money, even for a biscuit like her."

"Would a spy pi$$ his pants?!"

"I've been in the van for 15 years. I'm sick of bein' in the van. You guys get to the be in the van next time."

(Betcha can't guess what DVD I watched last night?!

"What kinda sick b*tch steals the ice cube trays from the freezer?!!"

"I know what it is.  It's an espresso machine.  No, wait.  It's a Sno-Cone maker.  Is it a water heater?"

"I've got a little d!ck.  It's really pathetic."

"That's a lotta money, even for a biscuit like her."

"Would a spy pi$$ his pants?!"

"I've been in the van for 15 years.  I'm sick of bein' in the van.  You guys get to the be in the van next time."

(Betcha can't guess what DVD I watched last night?!  

True Lies - Ahnold's last really good film IMO.
Finding Nemo
Tad:I know what that is. Oh, oh! Sandy Plankton saw one. He called, he said it was called a...a

Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get stuck out there and I'll have to get
you before another fish does! Get back here! I said get back here, now! Stop! You take one
move, mister. Don't youdare! If you put one fin on that boat..are you listening to me?
Don't touch the bo--Nemo!

[whispering] He touched the butt.

You paddle your little tail back here, Nemo. That's right. You are in big trouble, young man.
Do you hear me? Big...big--
Mines the one that says bad mother fu*ker on it. Pulp Fiction

Say ello to my little friend! Scarface

Yippy ki yay mother fu*cker! Die Hard

Gentlemen, welcome to fight club. Fight Club

Are you talkin to me? Taxi Driver

I know it was you, Fredo. The Godfather II


Would you look at the ass on that!
Ya, he must work out. Dumb and Dumber

<!--EDIT|Violent J
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there is no right and wrong, only fun and boring

bring out your dead!!!! bring out your dead!!!!!
"I guess this friendship really IS over then, isn't it? Maybe it just isn't worth a damn."

"You just tell me where to sign, bud."

"Right on my AZZ....after you kiss it!"

- Harry and Lloyd, Dumb and Dumber
" Good, Bad... I'm the Guy with the Gun."

Or of course... "I've got two guns, one for each of ya!"
This being a Busa board and the Busa being what it is ...
" I feel the need ... the need for SPEED! " --- Top Gun

Raider out.

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Brodie: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega."

Little Girl: [looking at a Magic Eye poster] "Wow. It's a schooner."
Willam Black: "Ha ha ha ha. You dumb #######. It's not a schooner... it's a Sailboat."
Little Boy: "A schooner IS a sailboat stupid head."
Willam Black: [becoming enraged] "You know what. There is NO Easter Bunny. Over there, that's just a guy in a suit."

Chasing Amy
Banky Edwards: [to Alyssa] "Since you like chicks, right, do you just look at yourself naked in the mirror all the time?"