Busa Bash III

Okay, sounds good. I just made reservations at Phillips for a motel room for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (April 14/15/16). I might spend a night or two at the CROT before moving on to Phillips (I'm a glutton for punishment).

By the way, Highway 28 is my favorite boogie road too. I usually do my warm-ups on 28... less traffic/less enforcement.

As for cooking out and hanging out, I'm open but I'll probably pass on a ride to Georgia.

Let's go. I'm ready!  
You are right, 28 is nicer than 129 to the gap.
I am really chompin' at the bit to ride up there again.[/QUOTE]
Man... endless Tennessee rain has given me such a case of Cabin Fever that I'm trailering my scooter to Florida in a week or two just to regain my sanity. Really!

C`yall in the mountains.  
Made my reservations today at Phillips.I should be there Thursday afternoon. Warbaby interesting that you need to go to Florida because where I stand I was thinking Tennesse would be warm enough. Its going to make 50 here tomorrow that will get rid of that nasty snow. There was a post about food above I will be bringing those brat burgers like last year enough for every body and a couple rounds of BUD.
It wont come soon enough this ice fishing stuff is getting old. Is there a better way to get there than driving through the dragon with a trailer? If I'm coming from Knoxville
Made my reservations today at Phillips.I should be there Thursday afternoon.[/QUOTE]
Great! I look foreward to seeing you again.

Warbaby interesting that you need to go to Florida because where I stand I was thinking Tennesse would be warm enough.[/QUOTE]
It's not really the temps here. It's the seemingly endless rain.

I will be bringing those brat burgers like last year[/QUOTE]
Good....those brat burgers were awesome. I ate 4 or 5--hehehe  
brat burgers .... hmmmm .... yeah you can't come if you dont bring some of those
those things were freakin YUMMMYYYYYY

Hey NCBusa and Fireman, please IM me and let me know what your lodging status is.....ideally in the next day or so

I was just directed to this thread.  I'll be there with bass boss and some more people in my club (redline superbike) and homeland peeps too.  Staying at friendly field's as well.  Silver truck and a big black trailer.  Silver and blue bus.  See you guys there.  Here's the thread on our forum for reference.

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I'll be there with bass boss and some more people in my club (redline superbike) and homeland peeps too.[/QUOTE]
The more, the merrier!

Is there a better way to get there than driving through the dragon with a trailer? If I'm coming from Knoxville.[/QUOTE]
You can go from Knoxville/Maryville to Tellico Plains and from Tellico Plains to Robbinsville via the Cherohala Skyway. I go that way sometimes. It's a very nice drive that won't wear you out while towing a trailer. Knoxville is just off the map, north of Maryville.

I found a trailer that I can borrow and plan to be there for sure. Bluto and I may do a caravan thing up there with our rigs. What do you all thing about posting our cell phone numbers, so we can call each other, or at least so I can call you all? Mine is 248-891-4252. I hope to be there by late friday night.
hmm, brat burgers are yummy, hot sauce is good .....

still waitin to hear back from NCBusa and Fireman .... you guys readin these threads?
cell phone list would be good. Rather than post them online, I'll volunteer to collect who ever wants to send theirs, compile a list and the mail it to everyone. Just PM me your # and email address and I'll email the list out the monday of the event.

Also, just FYI, for the most part cell phones do not work on/around the gap, so you will want to make sure you know where you are going prior to getting too close on 129 and the surrounding areas...... OnStar is the best for the area and even it sux pretty much on near the fugitive damn over to the outlook
Zuk, I just sent you a PM about my plans on lodging. If there is anyone out there that will be riding that way on Thursday, give me a holler. I will be heading out from Raleigh at about 9:30 and heading that way. That way I can just take my time and see some other things. Also reading on the AMA magazine, there is a road leaving Ashville toward Trust NC, that is suppose to have a 1 mile decending cork screw turn. I forgot the road number, but I will check it out on my way up there.