Can anyone here tell me what "Like an AR15" really means?

The ideology of the 2nd amendment is flawed.....when your founding fathers wrote it, they most likely didn't see technology being where it is today...

It was written in a day and age when the possibility was very real that the US could be overthrown by a foreign power....there was tiny fledgling military and a vast territory to defend...the vast territory still exists (to the benefit of the US) but there is now a very robust military, coast guard and police force protecting the nation...

We have to be we think for one second that the federal government would order it's own troops to go quell it's civilians? It came to that a few times (Kent State University), most recently under Trump who wanted to send in troops to quell riots and protests....

There are many AR15 type platforms in the hands of the civilian population-an unorganized group of civilians....if you know anything about tactics and strategy, It would be a real miracle to organize these civilians into any sort of effective fighting force who would have to fight against National Guard and regular troops who have quite an arsenal at their beckoned call....In reality, what military will turn against it's civilians and still have any sort of country left. I've been to those countries and they aren't fit to live in.

To take and occupy even a medium sized city would take vast resources that are sustainable and if there wasn't 100% buy in from the civilian populace, you could end up with a civil war within a civil war...

Now I'm writing a short novel here and could write much more on the subject but will digress as I know it is falling on deaf eyes...your mind has been made and set, there's is no point discussing it any further.
Hi. As you know I am pro guns. I am also for very strong gun laws and back ground checks. Everyone should have to pass a test to prove that you know how to use it. Even a new back ground check every year. Also red flag laws that work. I n the US a pole was taken and it said 28% of the people think that a civil war will break out. This is for bee. What would it take for you to fight your government or would just sit back and take it.
The ideology of the 2nd amendment is flawed.....when your founding fathers wrote it, they most likely didn't see technology being where it is today...

It was written in a day and age when the possibility was very real that the US could be overthrown by a foreign power....there was tiny fledgling military and a vast territory to defend...the vast territory still exists (to the benefit of the US) but there is now a very robust military, coast guard and police force protecting the nation...

We have to be we think for one second that the federal government would order it's own troops to go quell it's civilians? It came to that a few times (Kent State University), most recently under Trump who wanted to send in troops to quell riots and protests....

There are many AR15 type platforms in the hands of the civilian population-an unorganized group of civilians....if you know anything about tactics and strategy, It would be a real miracle to organize these civilians into any sort of effective fighting force who would have to fight against National Guard and regular troops who have quite an arsenal at their beckoned call....In reality, what military will turn against it's civilians and still have any sort of country left. I've been to those countries and they aren't fit to live in.

To take and occupy even a medium sized city would take vast resources that are sustainable and if there wasn't 100% buy in from the civilian populace, you could end up with a civil war within a civil war...

Now I'm writing a short novel here and could write much more on the subject but will digress as I know it is falling on deaf eyes...your mind has been made and set, there's is no point discussing it any further.

Spoken like a true socialist. I’m getting kinda tired of you repeating how many places you’ve been and what you’ve seen. Its IRRELEVANT.
I lived for three years in a country embroiled in civil war. I’d venture to say I’ve seen more death than you. People blown up, people shot, people rotting in the streets. Every day for years. That too is irrelevant.

The 2A and how it is written is not flawed, its perfect for those visionaries who wrote it as well as for those who understand it. Many held patents on technology. Many lived to see cartridge case firearms come to light. Not a one ever said ‘wait a minute we need to revise something.’
The 2A does NOT grant us the right to own firearms. What it does is limit the govt from preventing us from owning them.
Again the constitution specifically says ‘all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC’ along with the words tyranny. The people who wrote it said it is our duty to recognize it and address it.
The only reason the govt here would not go against its civilians is due to the amount of firearms we own, plain fact. Also remember the majority of those who serve or served are conservative. If you think they would go against their own citizens you’re wrong. Some would most would not.
Nothing you suggest will stop crazy, nothing.
Your country is not utopia. Still has crime. Still has gun crime. Yet King Trudeau with a sweep of a pen just banned as you said over 1500 platforms. Is that going to do anything to stop crime? Absolutely not.
The only deaf ears here are the ones tired of hearing Canadians tell us how to do it better when their country is nowhere near perfect and they are subjects to the whims of socialist dictators named Justin. You will kneel before him or else and yet you are telling us how we should do things differently. Laughable.
Hopefully you’ll stay out of our politics because your system is far more flawed than ours.
May your chains rest lightly upon you….
Hi. As you know I am pro guns. I am also for very strong gun laws and back ground checks. Everyone should have to pass a test to prove that you know how to use it. Even a new back ground check every year. Also red flag laws that work. I n the US a pole was taken and it said 28% of the people think that a civil war will break out. This is for bee. What would it take for you to fight your government or would just sit back and take it.

What other enumerated rights do you have to pass an annual test to enjoy?
You’re compromising with people who’s sole goal is to completely disarm you and have you on your knees before them. That is their ultimate goal, nothing else.
Spoken like a true socialist. I’m getting kinda tired of you repeating how many places you’ve been and what you’ve seen. Its IRRELEVANT.
I lived for three years in a country embroiled in civil war. I’d venture to say I’ve seen more death than you. People blown up, people shot, people rotting in the streets. Every day for years. That too is irrelevant.

The 2A and how it is written is not flawed, its perfect for those visionaries who wrote it as well as for those who understand it. Many held patents on technology. Many lived to see cartridge case firearms come to light. Not a one ever said ‘wait a minute we need to revise something.’
The 2A does NOT grant us the right to own firearms. What it does is limit the govt from preventing us from owning them.
Again the constitution specifically says ‘all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC’ along with the words tyranny. The people who wrote it said it is our duty to recognize it and address it.
The only reason the govt here would not go against its civilians is due to the amount of firearms we own, plain fact. Also remember the majority of those who serve or served are conservative. If you think they would go against their own citizens you’re wrong. Some would most would not.
Nothing you suggest will stop crazy, nothing.
Your country is not utopia. Still has crime. Still has gun crime. Yet King Trudeau with a sweep of a pen just banned as you said over 1500 platforms. Is that going to do anything to stop crime? Absolutely not.
The only deaf ears here are the ones tired of hearing Canadians tell us how to do it better when their country is nowhere near perfect and they are subjects to the whims of socialist dictators named Justin. You will kneel before him or else and yet you are telling us how we should do things differently. Laughable.
Hopefully you’ll stay out of our politics because your system is far more flawed than ours.
May your chains rest lightly upon you….
And I sir, am getting tired of "the my opinion is the only one that matters" way of thinking that you have.

I would suppose you are right and I am wrong...that that appease you better? Is it of great joy to not have any discussion but rather endure a one sided point of view?

Keep your point of view and I'll keep mine, I'm not interested in swaying your way of thinking, just giving you something to think about.

You know zero about me and I you and you what? That's ok too...I am fine with that.
What other enumerated rights do you have to pass an annual test to enjoy?
You’re compromising with people who’s sole goal is to completely disarm you and have you on your knees before them. That is their ultimate goal, nothing else.

What a ridiculous belief. How sad, how pitiful.
What a ridiculous belief. How sad, how pitiful.
yeah... right.... heavy on the sarcasm here... we don't have an anti gun lobby in America? Brady bill? What was that about? Never let a crisis go to waste...

What did a number of countries in the last 80 or 90 years do once they disarmed the populace?

Guns have saved many lives without a bullet being fired... most of the time once the bad guy sees the potential victim is armed the perp leaves the area.

Where is the highest frequency of gun related deaths? Its where the strictest gun laws are.

A lesson on what to do and what not to do.

yeah... right.... heavy on the sarcasm here... we don't have an anti gun lobby in America? Brady bill? What was that about? Never let a crisis go to waste...

What did a number of countries in the last 80 or 90 years do once they disarmed the populace?

Guns have saved many lives without a bullet being fired... most of the time once the bad guy sees the potential victim is armed the perp leaves the area.

Where is the highest frequency of gun related deaths? Its where the strictest gun laws are.

A lesson on what to do and what not to do.

If you were a shooter with bad intentions where would you go? Somewhere where the risk to yourself is minimal and people are unarmed.

Bad actors can get guns, there seems to be a very lax gun security issue, some firearm owners don't even know where their weapons are at all times. Taking guns away isn't a reality but making sure the ones in legal hands don't fall into the hands of bad actors should be a priority.

Guns stores do background checks and do their best to make sure a psycho path doesn't get their hands on a gun but in a private sale where is the same concern?...

Case in point, the article I posted where a man was shot and killed in front of his 8 yr old daughter while he was selling firearms to unknown people. This is not an isolated occurrence...

Guns have their place (I'm pro gun myself) but they need to be controlled in the sense of being locked up and out of the hands of kids within the home and out of the disgruntled teen who would take them to a school or mall...
If you were a shooter with bad intentions where would you go? Somewhere where the risk to yourself is minimal and people are unarmed.

Bad actors can get guns, there seems to be a very lax gun security issue, some firearm owners don't even know where their weapons are at all times. Taking guns away isn't a reality but making sure the ones in legal hands don't fall into the hands of bad actors should be a priority.

Guns stores do background checks and do their best to make sure a psycho path doesn't get their hands on a gun but in a private sale where is the same concern?...

Case in point, the article I posted where a man was shot and killed in front of his 8 yr old daughter while he was selling firearms to unknown people. This is not an isolated occurrence...

Guns have their place (I'm pro gun myself) but they need to be controlled in the sense of being locked up and out of the hands of kids within the home and out of the disgruntled teen who would take them to a school or mall...
I am all for the smart trigger technologies.

One of the ideas is this.

Nobody is getting deprived of thier right to own. Might be a way to make a stolen gun useless. Keeps it safe around kids. Etc etc.
I am all for the smart trigger technologies.

One of the ideas is this.

Nobody is getting deprived of thier right to own. Might be a way to make a stolen gun useless. Keeps it safe around kids. Etc etc.
Have you used any phone with the fingerprint unlock? Sometimes it doesn't read the fingerprint properly and takes 1 or 2 tries to unlock the phone. I could not imagine any type of "smart technology on a gun" If it were to fail during a self defense situation, it would cost the user their life.

Someone else mentioned on the forum that there should be charges for the parents who have left firearms accessible to kids. I agree with having a law that if a minor commits a crime with a firearm due to the parents not properly storing it, that the parents should be charged as well.
Have you used any phone with the fingerprint unlock? Sometimes it doesn't read the fingerprint properly and takes 1 or 2 tries to unlock the phone. I could not imagine any type of "smart technology on a gun" If it were to fail during a self defense situation, it would cost the user their life.

Someone else mentioned on the forum that there should be charges for the parents who have left firearms accessible to kids. I agree with having a law that if a minor commits a crime with a firearm due to the parents not properly storing it, that the parents should be charged as well.
This is just one example. There are technologies that keep the gun smart and controls who gets to shoot it. Cold be as simple as a proximity fob type technology. It "senses" you, and unlocks. That's pretty reliable. You could have the "fob" maybe like a ring on the finger type thing.
This is just one example. There are technologies that keep the gun smart and controls who gets to shoot it. Cold be as simple as a proximity fob type technology. It "senses" you, and unlocks. That's pretty reliable. You could have the "fob" maybe like a ring on the finger type thing.

What if you are disabled during a violent encounter and your spouse needs to defend you? Willing to stake your life or hers or your kids lives on some ‘smart tech’? Hard pass….
Try again….
What a ridiculous belief. How sad, how pitiful.
If you honestly believe that than tell me where and when after how many MORE gun laws will the democrats stop? None of them can or will answer that because after they pass the next gun law guess what more gun crime will happen and then what? They will seek to pass more which in and of itself is a clear admission that the laws already on the books havent worked and do not work.
Their end goal is complete disarmament of the civilian populace. If you don’t believe that than ask yourself why so many on the left now openly speak about abolishing the 2A and our RKTBA?
And I sir, am getting tired of "the my opinion is the only one that matters" way of thinking that you have.

I would suppose you are right and I am wrong...that that appease you better? Is it of great joy to not have any discussion but rather endure a one sided point of view?

Keep your point of view and I'll keep mine, I'm not interested in swaying your way of thinking, just giving you something to think about.

You know zero about me and I you and you what? That's ok too...I am fine with that.

Where did I say my opinion is the only one that matters? I didn’t. What I did say is that to me the opinions of Canadians do not matter in regards to American politics. Fix the leaks in your ship before you point out the ones in ours.
What would make me happy is if you stay the same as you are entitled to. As soon as everyone thinks the same than we will wind up no different than communist countries like China and be marched off to camps who knows where for being dissidents.

If you were a shooter with bad intentions where would you go? Somewhere where the risk to yourself is minimal and people are unarmed.

Bad actors can get guns, there seems to be a very lax gun security issue, some firearm owners don't even know where their weapons are at all times. Taking guns away isn't a reality but making sure the ones in legal hands don't fall into the hands of bad actors should be a priority.

Guns stores do background checks and do their best to make sure a psycho path doesn't get their hands on a gun but in a private sale where is the same concern?...

Case in point, the article I posted where a man was shot and killed in front of his 8 yr old daughter while he was selling firearms to unknown people. This is not an isolated occurrence...

Guns have their place (I'm pro gun myself) but they need to be controlled in the sense of being locked up and out of the hands of kids within the home and out of the disgruntled teen who would take them to a school or mall...
Your first sentence says it all. These chicken poop mass shooters seek places where people are unarmed. And again thats why crime in nyc is so high compared to other cities where people are potentially armed and can defend themselves.
On the rest I am all for proper ownership and storage as well as doing ones best to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. I just do not want it legislated as it is there. To have to keep it unloaded and locked up when I am in my home is just plain silly. Let adults be adults because the overwhelming majority do that every day. Im also for proper education as well. My son is almost 16. Hes experienced enough that id stack him up against most adults I know. And I have put him on the line at a few classes I’ve taken right alongside adults who chuckled when I did. Pistol rifle or shotgun, there wasn’t any chuckling when he turned and walked away.
Mass shooter events are microscoped and megaphoned into peoples ears so much down here that the average person thinks everyone with a gun is an explosion waiting to happen. Simply not true. Guess what of the over 40 million type AR rifles there are in this country an incalculable percentage didn’t kill anybody yesterday or the day before or will today. Rifles of all types are used in less than 1% of crimes and less than 1% of that 1% that are used are ‘military style’ rifles. But the left will never say it or admit it as it doesn’t fit the narrative. If that is true than why are they trying so hard to ban what is hardly ever used in crimes? Hmmmm. We know why. Not about the guns. Its about the control.
Mass shooter events are microscoped and megaphoned into peoples ears so much down here that the average person thinks everyone with a gun is an explosion waiting to happen. Simply not true. Guess what of the over 40 million type AR rifles there are in this country an incalculable percentage didn’t kill anybody yesterday or the day before or will today. Rifles of all types are used in less than 1% of crimes and less than 1% of that 1% that are used are ‘military style’ rifles. But the left will never say it or admit it as it doesn’t fit the narrative. If that is true than why are they trying so hard to ban what is hardly ever used in crimes? Hmmmm. We know why. Not about the guns. Its about the control.
We live that here, a mass ban of 1500 weapon platforms snuck in under the guise of the pandemic...and now hand guns are in the cross-hairs.

Ranges, weapon training, armorers, gun shops are all closing up their doors...nobody in our government thinks one second about people's livelihoods and recreational events being lost...

I rode past the range I normally go to the other day and it was closed up tight and a number was posted that said "by appointment only" I thought to myself this is the end of gun ownership when a sign like that goes up at a normally very busy range.

In our case, it is the voices of the very few that dictate to the masses.
We live that here, a mass ban of 1500 weapon platforms snuck in under the guise of the pandemic...and now hand guns are in the cross-hairs.

Ranges, weapon training, armorers, gun shops are all closing up their doors...nobody in our government thinks one second about people's livelihoods and recreational events being lost...

I rode past the range I normally go to the other day and it was closed up tight and a number was posted that said "by appointment only" I thought to myself this is the end of gun ownership when a sign like that goes up at a normally very busy range.

In our case, it is the voices of the very few that dictate to the masses.

And that my friend is why there is no compromise from me to them. Once they get ahold of that power they will never relinquish it.
These days I enjoy shooting older stuff more than new. I really enjoy Garands which a Canadian created for us. :)
I love seeing my son shooting groups smaller at 200yds with GI open sights than the bubbas next to us with scopes. Again they chuckle when we walk our targets out there. Chuckle even more when they see him getting behind an open sight 70yr old rifle too. Then when range goes cold and we walk back down I can see them peeking over for a look see. Then comes the headscratches and SILENCE….ha! My bwoy. ‘Whooped em again eh Josie!’
Not the rifle, its the shooter.
And that my friend is why there is no compromise from me to them. Once they get ahold of that power they will never relinquish it.
These days I enjoy shooting older stuff more than new. I really enjoy Garands which a Canadian created for us. :)
I love seeing my son shooting groups smaller at 200yds with GI open sights than the bubbas next to us with scopes. Again they chuckle when we walk our targets out there. Chuckle even more when they see him getting behind an open sight 70yr old rifle too. Then when range goes cold and we walk back down I can see them peeking over for a look see. Then comes the headscratches and SILENCE….ha! My bwoy. ‘Whooped em again eh Josie!’
Not the rifle, its the shooter.
All everyone is hoping for is a governmental change where they abolish this gun ban....not sure if they will be able to but we need to cling to some sort of hope.

I prefer open sights personally...most of the operational shooting I did was close in and open sights made more sense.

Garands are good shooters, once they get dialed they are hard to beat....I've shot those and the M-14 lots of times. I wish I had one, they are part of the ban.

I grew up with a Marlin .22lr lever action, it was pretty much always with me. But we had all kinds of firearms as my dad was a former armored guy and loved guns...Lee Enfields were his favorite, we had lots of those.....They were and are very accurate.
All everyone is hoping for is a governmental change where they abolish this gun ban....not sure if they will be able to but we need to cling to some sort of hope.

I prefer open sights personally...most of the operational shooting I did was close in and open sights made more sense.

Garands are good shooters, once they get dialed they are hard to beat....I've shot those and the M-14 lots of times. I wish I had one, they are part of the ban.

I grew up with a Marlin .22lr lever action, it was pretty much always with me. But we had all kinds of firearms as my dad was a former armored guy and loved guns...Lee Enfields were his favorite, we had lots of those.....They were and are very accurate.
Well at least the current ban they seek down here doesn’t include Garands. That would really get me pissed. :)
