Situation would have to be super perfect with an almost guarantee. That situation doesn't really exsist. I don't like pissing cops off. I'd rather them be my friend. A better chance of getting in less, and hopefully, no trouble.
(dmrowe @ May 20 2007,22:10) 99% of the stories you hear about people running from the cops and beating them is BS. You can't outrun a police radio and you damn sure aren't going to outrun a helicopter.
It depends on your skills and your location. If you are an expert rider, you know where you are and you know you have time to get away before any chopper could gets in on the action. You are not getting caught. Especially in the city. I know this one guy who does not and will not stop for the law. For him it's just easier to get away. Yeah I know. Guy's like him make it hard for people like me and it s#x. The law over here declares it open season every year on jap bikes. It's terrible. I have dedicated sport bike friends ( 4 of them ) buy cruisers because they are sick of it. They still have their sport bikes but hardly jump on them anymore and as for the guy who runs from the law. He bought a nice lookin custom victory that he has no problem doing 12 oclocks with and says now the popo don't even look at him. Under the right conditions an expert rider knows when he could run and knows he's not getting caught. Remember. They could do things with a bike you couldn't and make it look easy because for them it is. Just my opinion.
Does it count when you're 15 and on a dirt bike?Cop comes in the field after ya in his cruiser.Mopar with a 440[showing my age].Well that 440 can't keep up with a 175 Yamaha wide open across a bumpy field
That was 28 years ago and I still laugh when I think how I went 1/2 a mile to his 100yards
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