Dang it. More stuff against Obama

I know when I am wasting my time....

I hope you mean waisting you time defending your narrow minded ideals about the republican party.

Now that is not to say that I think you personally are narrow minded but I believe, based on your statements, that the ideal behind what you think the party stands for are narrow minded.
I hope you mean waisting you time defending your narrow minded ideals about the republican party.

Now that is not to say that I think you personally are narrow minded but I believe, based on your statements, that the ideal behind what you think the party stands for are narrow minded.

Wow! No, I mean wasting my time with someone who obviously has differing political veiws than I do, and that you see things differently. I stated my opionions, and I stand firm that the Republican party is the best. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
I hope you mean waisting you time defending your narrow minded ideals about the republican party.

Now that is not to say that I think you personally are narrow minded but I believe, based on your statements, that the ideal behind what you think the party stands for are narrow minded.

Liberal response. Don't agree so bend it, turn it around and attack.


Listening to Bob Beckel are we?

Liberal response. Don't agree so bend it, turn it around and attack.


Listening to Bob Beckel are we?


Hey I have not seen you try to answer the question nor defend Postal's position?

Why not read the thread and give it a try?
Hey I have not seen you try to answer the question nor defend Postal's position?

Why not read the thread and give it a try?

I know how Tom feels.

Why don't you read outside this forum?

"Search" comes to mind. Again.

I know how Tom feels.

Why don't you read outside this forum?

"Search" comes to mind. Again.


But the things he "Feels" are not based upon reality.

I may feel bad because when I watch the morning weather it is reported that it is raining. The reality when I actually look out the window could be that it is sunny and nice. I would have every right ot feel sad until I was shown the truth. That is why I respect his and your right to "feel" however you want but open your eyes to the truth and you may feel differently.

What he provided were examples that were outside what he was claiming, therefore they did not support his reality.

Additionally he provided NO examples of the "Special Right" or "Special Law" he was so sure were being enacted for homosexuals. He cited hate crime legislation but those law are designed to protect everyone. In the examples he provided if the investigations found no evidence to support the local DA's filing hate crime charges or if the DA just decided not to how can you blame the law?
I hope you mean waisting you time defending your narrow minded ideals about the republican party.

Now that is not to say that I think you personally are narrow minded but I believe, based on your statements, that the ideal behind what you think the party stands for are narrow minded.

Why should any of us try to debate anything with you? You have attempted to twist every statement I, and others, have made so far and when you can't twist it around to your favor you just resort to personal attacks. Many of the ideas which I have stated you have attempted to make it sound like I would like to take away constitutional rights or don't understand constitutional rights. This couldn't be further from the truth. Then you all but attack my credibility and say I need to read the constitution. Yeah whatever skippy, I've probably got a better grasp on the constitution and civil rights than you will ever have as my job is governed by it. Keep posting because it is people like you that do more harm than good for your party! If anything, you have confirmed why I vote for conservative candidates, Thank you!

I'm looking forward to the morning of Nov 5th, the campaign will be over and I believe that McCain will be our next president. The one thing the liberal media needs to keep in mind is there is only one poll that counts and it will be taken on Tuesday Nov 4.
How about special rights provided by activist judges that allow gays to get married when in fact it is against the Law? People give in too easily to the homosexual agenda against our nation, such as destroying the sanctity of marriage by allowing these grotesque marriages to take place.

AFAJournal.org - Brian Fahling

Like I said, I could show you evidence all day long, but it's up to you to accept facts or reject them.

And it's not about my "feelings" it's about truth and one's right to accept it or reject it. To each his own.

Remember, this thread isn't about homosexuality, but is about Obama. On that, we'll have to agree to disagree.

Why should any of us try to debate anything with you? You have attempted to twist every statement I, and others, have made so far and when you can't twist it around to your favor you just resort to personal attacks. Many of the ideas which I have stated you have attempted to make it sound like I would like to take away constitutional rights or don't understand constitutional rights. This couldn't be further from the truth. Then you all but attack my credibility and say I need to read the constitution. Yeah whatever skippy, I've probably got a better grasp on the constitution and civil rights than you will ever have as my job is governed by it. Keep posting because it is people like you that do more harm than good for your party! If anything, you have confirmed why I vote for conservative candidates, Thank you!

I'm looking forward to the morning of Nov 5th, the campaign will be over and I believe that McCain will be our next president. The one thing the liberal media needs to keep in mind is there is only one poll that counts and it will be taken on Tuesday Nov 4.


Give me ONE example of where in this discussion I have attempted to twist your statement.

You said: "- most churchs welcome everyone, mine teaches us to love the person not the sin. It is the christians duty to reach out to those who sin and show them the way. It is not our job to judge, God will take care of that for us"

Then you said: “#1 homosexual relationships are wrong, not open for debate, it is what it isâ€￾

So here you are saying two things that are opposed. You say it is not our job to judge, and then you judge. I don’t care that your beliefs are opposed but my point is the judgment you are making would deny individuals their civil right to enter into a marriage. That denial of rights is not consistent with the constitution and therefore un-American.

That said I did not find where you ever came out and said you were against gay marriage so I don't know where you stand exactly. So I apologies, because I did make that assumption.

As long as your beliefs do not infringe upon anyone else's rights, I respect and support your right to your faith; in fact, I would defend your right to believe in whatever you like. You are absolutely free to believe homosexuality is wrong; you are not free to use that as an excuse to deny homosexuals rights that you can freely exercise.

Now as I have also stated in other posts, I do not think the government should be in the marriage business. This is where the problem lies a "marriage" license is a contract between two individuals that allows for, those individuals to act on the others behalf, share property and responsibility for children (if they are involved). I may have excluded a couple things but essentially all a marriage license does is roll up several contractual agreements Leave marriage up to the church.

In terms of your attitude toward the poor, you stated: "#5 The poor know how to work they just choose not to because it is much easier to continue to receive free money than it is to get out and work for it. Besides it would disrupt much of the drinking and smoking dope than many on welfare do."

All I did was point out that you, who invoked your faith by, stating: "- most churchs welcome everyone, mine teaches us to love the person not the sin. It is the christians duty to reach out to those who sin and show them the way. It is not our job to judge, God will take care of that for us".

This in my mind is a JUDGEMENT of the poor, something you said it was God's job to do.

Please explain how this is a twisting of your statement????
How about special rights provided by activist judges that allow gays to get married when in fact it is against the Law? People give in too easily to the homosexual agenda against our nation, such as destroying the sanctity of marriage by allowing these grotesque marriages to take place.

AFAJournal.org - Brian Fahling

Like I said, I could show you evidence all day long, but it's up to you to accept facts or reject them.

And it's not about my "feelings" it's about truth and one's right to accept it or reject it. To each his own.

Remember, this thread isn't about homosexuality, but is about Obama. On that, we'll have to agree to disagree.


None of this is evidence of any "Special Rights". All homosexuals are asking for is the SAME rights YOU enjoy to enter into a marriage.

You may not agree with the practice and it is absolutely your right to disagree, but as I stated to CTA you have NO RIGHT to deny other individuals rights that you yourself can exercise simply because you disagree with their lifestyle. That denial of rights is fundamentally un-American.

Pertaining to your comparison of Republicans and Democrats, I think that your comparison is fundamentally flawed.


Pro-abortion. - No, supporting a woman's right to make decisions about her health and reproductive rights is NOT being "Pro-Abortion"

Pro higher taxes. - No evidence of this other than Obama wanting to raise taxes on the wealthiest 5%. That means tax-cuts for 95% of us. The last democratic president we had cut taxes.

Pro Gay special privaleges. - I have shown that your notion of "Special Privileges" is a myth

Pro Socialism. - Way to broad a statement to be applicable

Pro Hate Crime laws, which target silencing what Christians say against homosexuality and immorality. - ZERO evidence of this.

Pro extreme social programs that tax the rich at a higher rate and give to the poor, who in some cases don't want to work, but would rather live off the government. - This is not what I would call "extreme". The wording doesn’t make sense because taxation is not, to my knowledge a "Social Program"

Pro-reduction of US military spending, weakening our defenses. - I agree with, in general democrats support a reduction in military spending but it is wrong to say they support a weakening in defense.


Pro-life, anti-abortion. - True, although this is denies women the right to determine what is best for their health.

Pro lower taxes - Yes along with increased deficit

Anti-Gay special privaleges. - Again "Special Privledges" do not exist.

Anti-socialism; let people flurrish in businesses, let people make money in this land of opportunity. - Not really

Anti-special hate crimes; rather, enforce the laws we have. - There are no "Special hate crimes laws"

Teach the poor to work and feed themselves, getting them off of Welfare and Governemnet dependancy. - No real evidence of this being a republican ideal.

Pro-strong US military; spend money to make America strong and safe. - Even if it is on a war justified by lies that did nothing to make us safe.
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Once Obama is in the white house as a rubber stamp for Nancy Polosey and Harry Reed, is there anyone who really believes they will really be the receipents of lower taxes. Not in this life time!

Obama scares me to death! 25% reduction in military spending, redistribution of wealth, fairness doctrine (Close down talk radio) affirmative action, gun rights, legalize more than ten million aliens, just to name a few of the issues we can look forward to in the next four years.

Democrats? Lower taxes? You are living in a fantacy world.
This thread demonstrates differences in world views. What each individual believes about God determines their world view. Some people believe in absolutes, others believe there are no absolute truths. Some people are grounded on the solid, absolute , inerrant Word of God . Others are not and don't understand what the Word is. This fact determines and developes our views concerning everything in life, politics included. One can look at the demographics in America to see how this is the determining factor. In the Bible Pilate asks Jesus "what is truth". We all have to ask this question and make a decision.
This thread demonstrates differences in world views. What each individual believes about God determines their world view. Some people believe in absolutes, others believe there are no absolute truths. Some people are grounded on the solid, absolute , inerrant Word of God . Others are not and don't understand what the Word is. This fact determines and developes our views concerning everything in life, politics included. One can look at the demographics in America to see how this is the determining factor. In the Bible Pilate asks Jesus "what is truth". We all have to ask this question and make a decision.

No doubt, and I respect everyone's right to their faith but no one has the right to deny others civil rights and using their faith as a justification. That is the Taliban.
No doubt, and I respect everyone's right to their faith but no one has the right to deny others civil rights and using their faith as a justification. That is the Taliban.

I would not argue here as to what is or is not a civil right. Just commenting about the total polarization in America on politics. You have formed a view about civil rights, perhaps from your life experiences, school, friends ,family, or what you have read.
My point is that ultimately your viewpoint is formed from what you, and everyone for that matter, believes about God. This establishes your reference point or moral compass.
A secular society will drift one way. A society based on Christianity, for example will go the opposite direction.
Another point I would make is that there are no neutral or innoccuous beliefs concerning anything.
I would not argue here as to what is or is not a civil right. Just commenting about the total polarization in America on politics. You have formed a view about civil rights, perhaps from your life experiences, school, friends ,family, or what you have read.
My point is that ultimately your viewpoint is formed from what you, and everyone for that matter, believes about God. This establishes your reference point or moral compass.
A secular society will drift one way. A society based on Christianity, for example will go the opposite direction.
Another point I would make is that there are no neutral or innoccuous beliefs concerning anything.

Yes and a society based upon Islam will go in the Direction of the Taliban.

Civil rights are not, nor should not be determined by the direction of the prevailing political wind. Your right to life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness should not be infringed upon based upon any other individual’s beliefs.

Which it is exactly why we as Americans are a society based upon freedom. The freedom to believe whatever you like as long as it doesn't infringe upon your neighbor's right to believe whatever they like.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
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Once Obama is in the white house as a rubber stamp for Nancy Polosey and Harry Reed, is there anyone who really believes they will really be the receipents of lower taxes. Not in this life time!

Obama scares me to death! 25% reduction in military spending, redistribution of wealth, fairness doctrine (Close down talk radio) affirmative action, gun rights, legalize more than ten million aliens, just to name a few of the issues we can look forward to in the next four years.

Democrats? Lower taxes? You are living in a fantacy world.

I was installing a backup camera in the Tundra this morning and had my XM Radio on. Yes, FOX News.

I listened to McCain's speech and Obama's speech in their entirety on the campaign trail.

McCain: Pretty much the same on issues. A so so political speech as it were. Military, tax incentives etc. Promises like the others.

Obama: He does have great speech writers and a smooth delivery. While I was listening I stopped my install several times.

What I came away with was the fact that Obama sounds just like a Dictator.

I will cut this. I will transfer wealth. I will provide Health Care. I will tax those that earn. I will provide jobs. (we know better on both candidates)

For me it was scary. I would ask that you listen to both. I know, tired of hearing it but just leave your Radio dial tuned and listen.

With the agenda of Pelosi, Reid, Biden and Obama be afraid. Very afraid.


Give me ONE example of where in this discussion I have attempted to twist your statement.

You said: "- most churchs welcome everyone, mine teaches us to love the person not the sin. It is the christians duty to reach out to those who sin and show them the way. It is not our job to judge, God will take care of that for us"

Then you said: “#1 homosexual relationships are wrong, not open for debate, it is what it isâ€￾

So here you are saying two things that are opposed. You say it is not our job to judge, and then you judge. I don’t care that your beliefs are opposed but my point is the judgment you are making would deny individuals their civil right to enter into a marriage. That denial of rights is not consistent with the constitution and therefore un-American.

That said I did not find where you ever came out and said you were against gay marriage so I don't know where you stand exactly. So I apologies, because I did make that assumption.

As long as your beliefs do not infringe upon anyone else's rights, I respect and support your right to your faith; in fact, I would defend your right to believe in whatever you like. You are absolutely free to believe homosexuality is wrong; you are not free to use that as an excuse to deny homosexuals rights that you can freely exercise.

Now as I have also stated in other posts, I do not think the government should be in the marriage business. This is where the problem lies a "marriage" license is a contract between two individuals that allows for, those individuals to act on the others behalf, share property and responsibility for children (if they are involved). I may have excluded a couple things but essentially all a marriage license does is roll up several contractual agreements Leave marriage up to the church.

In terms of your attitude toward the poor, you stated: "#5 The poor know how to work they just choose not to because it is much easier to continue to receive free money than it is to get out and work for it. Besides it would disrupt much of the drinking and smoking dope than many on welfare do."

All I did was point out that you, who invoked your faith by, stating: "- most churchs welcome everyone, mine teaches us to love the person not the sin. It is the christians duty to reach out to those who sin and show them the way. It is not our job to judge, God will take care of that for us".

This in my mind is a JUDGEMENT of the poor, something you said it was God's job to do.

Please explain how this is a twisting of your statement????

CTA ??? You there?
I'll accept no comment as agreement. :beerchug:

yet another assumption. Don't flatter yourself by thinking that I agree. I'm just smart enough to know that you will continue to twist and change the context of any argument that I present and if you can't do that you will resort to personal attack.

Many on here have tried to show the problems associated with the liberal way of thinking. If you believe Barrack Hussein Obama will be so good vote for him. As for me I had the chance to vote for him to put him on the Senate and didn't vote for him and I'm sure not going to vote to make him president.