How about special rights provided by activist judges that allow gays to get married when in fact it is against the Law? People give in too easily to the homosexual agenda against our nation, such as destroying the sanctity of marriage by allowing these grotesque marriages to take place. - Brian Fahling
Like I said, I could show you evidence all day long, but it's up to you to accept facts or reject them.
And it's not about my "feelings" it's about truth and one's right to accept it or reject it. To each his own.
Remember, this thread isn't about homosexuality, but is about Obama. On that, we'll have to agree to disagree.
None of this is evidence of any "Special Rights". All homosexuals are asking for is the SAME rights YOU enjoy to enter into a marriage.
You may not agree with the practice and it is absolutely your right to disagree, but as I stated to CTA you have NO RIGHT to deny other individuals rights that you yourself can exercise simply because you disagree with their lifestyle. That denial of rights is fundamentally un-American.
Pertaining to your comparison of Republicans and Democrats, I think that your comparison is fundamentally flawed.
Pro-abortion. - No, supporting a woman's right to make decisions about her health and reproductive rights is NOT being "Pro-Abortion"
Pro higher taxes. - No evidence of this other than Obama wanting to raise taxes on the wealthiest 5%. That means tax-cuts for 95% of us. The last democratic president we had cut taxes.
Pro Gay special privaleges. - I have shown that your notion of "Special Privileges" is a myth
Pro Socialism. - Way to broad a statement to be applicable
Pro Hate Crime laws, which target silencing what Christians say against homosexuality and immorality. - ZERO evidence of this.
Pro extreme social programs that tax the rich at a higher rate and give to the poor, who in some cases don't want to work, but would rather live off the government. - This is not what I would call "extreme". The wording doesn’t make sense because taxation is not, to my knowledge a "Social Program"
Pro-reduction of US military spending, weakening our defenses. - I agree with, in general democrats support a reduction in military spending but it is wrong to say they support a weakening in defense.
Pro-life, anti-abortion. - True, although this is denies women the right to determine what is best for their health.
Pro lower taxes - Yes along with increased deficit
Anti-Gay special privaleges. - Again "Special Privledges" do not exist.
Anti-socialism; let people flurrish in businesses, let people make money in this land of opportunity. - Not really
Anti-special hate crimes; rather, enforce the laws we have. - There are no "Special hate crimes laws"
Teach the poor to work and feed themselves, getting them off of Welfare and Governemnet dependancy. - No real evidence of this being a republican ideal.
Pro-strong US military; spend money to make America strong and safe. - Even if it is on a war justified by lies that did nothing to make us safe.