yet another assumption. Don't flatter yourself by thinking that I agree. I'm just smart enough to know that you will continue to twist and change the context of any argument that I present and if you can't do that you will resort to personal attack.
Many on here have tried to show the problems associated with the liberal way of thinking. If you believe Barrack Hussein Obama will be so good vote for him. As for me I had the chance to vote for him to put him on the Senate and didn't vote for him and I'm sure not going to vote to make him president.
So when faced with your own hypocracy you retreat claiming a non-existant personal attack?
I did not change the context of anything, I quoted you exactly.
Seriously, you accuse me of twisting your comments but you are wrong.
Now when you are confronted with your own comments you accuse me of a personal attack? Where did I attack you?
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