Did i hear correctly?

Ok, Am I missing something here, but our country is going to crap because of illegals
Yep. But you are missing the fact that this thread is taking the org to the crapper.

Oh and check out these new rotors from Streetntrack. Bad arz A.

This is a touchy subject that can be talked about as long as you can back up your facts and refrain for name calling.
1. Remember when bush tried to break americans last piggy bank?...our own individual SS accounts?...and he didn't get his way?

2. Recall the mysterious and recent theft of all our veterans SS#'s?

are you seeing a trend here?...bush is going to release those funds with or without our blessings..out of a fund that the illegals never contributed to...which grossly speeds up the crash date of SS....and they will break the unfortunate news to us with smirks on their faces...followed with a full explaination of why executive power needs to be exercised to push through..."Social Security Reform"....then again?...maybe the dilweed will just lie and say bin laden stole it all.

it's unfortunate but...we pretty much have let the administration do whatever they like..by hook or by crook and plenty of both...and now to them?...our ca$h, freedoms and security are all well past.."at risk".

wake the fug up folks...last i heard?.....this IS.....still...."our country"

We just need to..."Mind It"....and....L8R, Bill.
Boyz...take this back a step to inteligent debate.

Leave out the BS,name calling all that crup that belongs o0n other boards,or it'll just get whacked.(complaints).

Just so you all know, Projekt is a pretty good guy...
We pick at each other but it's all in fun...
We do however, see some things different...
But we also agree on some points...
So lets keep up the debate, and put out on the table, all the things you guys are thinking about this soon to be explosive problem...
But at the same time, lets keep it civil and not get over aggressive...
A lot of people are frightened by what appears to be happening, me included...
So lets see if we, as a group, can come up with some fresh ideas about how to make things better for the Country...
Because we, as a whole, need to do something and soon...

Come to the US, get on welfare have a PO box along the boarder go over boarder to get check, go back to Mexico.

F^(# me with a wooden spoon. My GOD.

The problem is "US". We let the higher ups tell us to be tollerable. this tolerance is costing US OUR Country.
If we don`t stand up to the polititions, vote the crap out of office, and let them know we won`t stand for this, we have a chance. I am very afraid for my kids. OH GOD help us.
You got the voting part right!!!! Everything else is  inflammatory rhetoric because you cannot spend food stamps in Mexican grocery stores.
Hey Hotshot, when is the last time you saw a food stamp?

I worked at a gas plant and the MEXICAN drivers, for Juarez trucking, and jidrogas, would BRAGG about how money is gotten from the US on welfare and taken back to MEXICO and how one can buy a small lot to build on. Get welfare and take the money back to MEXICO. Why would they lie to me?

You seem to be getting hot under the collar. Hiding anything?
Come to the US, get on welfare have a PO box along the boarder go over boarder to get check, go back to Mexico.

F^(# me with a wooden spoon. My GOD.

The problem is "US". We let the higher ups tell us to be tollerable. this tolerance is costing US OUR Country.
If we don`t stand up to the polititions, vote the crap out of office, and let them know we won`t stand for this, we have a chance. I am very afraid for my kids. OH GOD help us.
You got the voting part right!!!! Everything else is  inflammatory rhetoric because you cannot spend food stamps in Mexican grocery stores.
Hey Hotshot, when is the last time you saw a food stamp?

I worked at a gas plant and the MEXICAN drivers, for Juarez trucking, and jidrogas, would BRAGG about how money is gotten from the US on welfare and taken back to MEXICO and how one can buy a small lot to build on. Get welfare and take the money back to MEXICO. Why would they lie to me?

You seem to be getting hot under the collar. Hiding anything?
cool it... It's getting hot in here... Thats why I'm stepping out.
What a load of BullShed. Come on guys, if you really believe that illegals can get SS payouts you are gullible to rumor and hate-talk. Gimme a break. Only legal residents and citizens can ever receive SS retirement payouts as they are the only people eligible for legitimate SS#'s. Let us not propagate more nonsense about illegals and benefits.... If a legal immigrant, resident, or citizen regardless of background decides to retire to Mexico they have every right to do so. There is a large community of American expatriot retirees living in many parts of Mexico such as the Baja California peninsula to name just one.
Is this a community of gossiping hens or one of motorcycle enthusiasts?

Egg on your face, huh?

I am tired of the BS talk that illegals only take the jobs that AMERICANS won`t do.

Tell this BS to the Electricians, the carpenters, plumbers, roofers, sheetrock hangers, painters, framers, and the basic construction workers that were making $20 to $30 plus dollars an hour. The illegals have come over here and will do this skilled work for minimum wage, some make $10 dollars an hour. I see it everyday.

I say all employers that hire illegals should be fined $20,000 for the first offense. Next is PRISON time.

Retirees living in MEXICO, are these the ones that had their property taken away by the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT!!!
It seems to me that you talk a lot of BS, and the crap runs out of the sides of your mouth, uncontrollably. Sit back, learn something,and STFU.

This invasion has to stop.
Wakeup AMERICA  

I am editing this post to apologize to the this community. It just bothers me to see untruths repeated over and over until people belive it.

I won`t post in here again. Sorry.

<!--EDIT|Big Bo
Reason for Edit: None given...|1152749217 -->
well big bo, I guess I didn't ask nicely enuff.

I asked for the krap to stop.

You respond with..... "It seems to me that you talk a lot of BS, and the crap runs out of the sides of your mouth, uncontrollably. Sit back, learn something,and STFU."

I dont get it ?
Big Bo's posting <span style='color:deeppink'>PRIVILAGE'S</span> gone for a while.

Let cooler heads prevail.

Back to your inteligent debate.

So what is the fix? Create a DMZ with a mine field larger and deeper then getmo's? Looks like voting wont do any good.
So what is the fix? Create a DMZ with a mine field larger and deeper then getmo's? Looks like voting wont do any good.
hmmmm.... thats ACTUALLY a depatable idea... at least to me ... Fences don't stop them. I think a couple falling limbs past the signs that say "WARNING, MINE FIELD! DO NOT ENTER!!" might get the point across.

Reason for Edit: None given...|1152751278 -->
I love this. Finally, people get so heated that they get into the way they really feel.

Tired of giving your money to people you don't want to share the same sidewalk with? Tired of everything being bi-lingual?
Why isn't it multi-lingual? Why don't our schools and signs and every f**king thing else speak in German, Italian, French, etc.
Because...they...learned...the..language. Just as they would expect you to do if you came to their country.

Do you think you could sneak across the border into Lithuania and expect the people there to adopt your language, pick up all your expenses, give money to your dying ancestors in other countries (SS to your extended foreign family). Hell no. If you didn't stop when they said stop, you'd be dead as Kellsy's nuts (and they are pretty damn dead).

But, it is too late. There is nothing you can do. The tide is here and you can't undo it. Unless you want to go the route the first "Americans" took and put people on reservations. You are outnumbered. You have lost.

As I've said, being 59, I won't have to see end. My prediction?
This nation will degenerate into a fourth rate power and weaker.
When it is weak enough, another foreign country will attack and wipe out every opposing faction, much like the American Indian, and there will be a new country that encompasses the whole continent. They will re-write history, just as we have done, and be the new super power. And history will go on. We think we are so important, but really, we're just a blip on the map of humanity.
So what is the fix? Create a DMZ with a mine field larger and deeper then getmo's? Looks like voting wont do any good.
hmmmm.... thats ACTUALLY a depatable idea... at least to me ... Fences don't stop them. I think a couple falling limbs past the signs that say "WARNING, MINE FIELD! DO NOT ENTER!!" might get the point across.
Who's going to pay for it and maintain it and patrol it? Who is going to fight the international community when they condemn us for doing it?
So what is the fix? Create a DMZ with a mine field larger and deeper then getmo's? Looks like voting wont do any good.
hmmmm.... thats ACTUALLY a depatable idea... at least to me ... Fences don't stop them. I think a couple falling limbs past the signs that say "WARNING, MINE FIELD! DO NOT ENTER!!" might get the point across.
Who's going to pay for it and maintain it and patrol it? Who is going to fight the international community when they condemn us for doing it?
You're the Marine. You do it!

J/K bro

So what is the fix? Create a DMZ with a mine field larger and deeper then getmo's? Looks like voting wont do any good.
hmmmm.... thats ACTUALLY a depatable idea... at least to me ... Fences don't stop them. I think a couple falling limbs past the signs that say "WARNING, MINE FIELD! DO NOT ENTER!!" might get the point across.
Who's going to pay for it and maintain it and patrol it? Who is going to fight the international community when they condemn us for doing it?
You're the Marine. You do it!

J/K bro
ALL of it? Ok let me go get some Claymores and a bunch of those OZM-4's (the neat little ones that pop into the air). Man it's going to be a lot of digging, maybe I can get some illegal’s to help me out.

fat cats and aristocrates exploitation of illegal cheap labor at the expense of our nations stability, unity, people and borders...it's that simple...as we sit back and watch them twist our laws of the land on cnn to meet their wants...and feed their greed...I don't hate illegal immigrants...I hate the people who blantantly trample our security and twist our laws to allow them to enter in the first place...including bushs bs dog 'n pony show of toothless tigers...6,000 NG with their hands tied behind their backs and blinders as standard duty gear....and if we middle classers don't unite and "DO" something?..our nation will continue accelerating down the road of..

of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation

great....i just pi$$ed my own self off!
