And that's a state where the weather is stable (somewhat) unlike the northern states where winter comes into play...EVs don't like winter or salt on the roads...
I think the acceleration to go EV is far too fast and it will fail....the infrastructure can handle the few we have on the roads now but once they become mainstream, the electrical grid collapse is imminent....the money must be pretty good for the blind eye to be so prevalent....
The whole industry is propped up by the government. They have this thing called energy credits. Long story short, it's an alternative currency that is bought and sold as such. Elon is the first EV maker with the vision to exploit that. If he didn't get paid by the govt for each car's energy credit, Tesla would not be a solvent company.
It's all a collosal money grab.
I dealt with this in the coal industry.
We were considering buying a small decommissioned coal fired power plant that served about 130,000 homes.
We considered recommissioning it and using 100% recycled tires. Solely because tires were not considered a fossil fuel based firing fuel. The amount of energy credits we would have received was more than what we were able to charge to bring energy to the homes. In effect double dipping profits. It was staggering the amount of $$ that is flowing on the "green agenda".
I actually hired a wallstreeter to place the value on it. The energy credits are sold like a bond or a stock. If I'm a polluter, I'm being attacked by the govt. But if I can buy energy credits to give them back to get the credits back to be called "clean" enough, the government can reissue those to the likes of TESLA etc. If I'm a BIG polluter they buy billions of credits. Bank then just like $$.
If I was a non polluter, and become one due to a new government clean up reg, now they have to join the same buy energy credits just like the others. More buyers, more need to buy. Means they trade higher.
It's as close to printing up money as I had ever seen. And a HUGE scam. The big oil companies can buy more than they need to be compliant, and bank the rest. And wait for the value to go up. Resell them as needed or wanted.
Traded everyday just like a stock or commodity.
Meanwhile the ones really paying are the poor end users that think Gee I get $7500 for buying an EV. Not realizing they won't ever have reliable electricity to charge. CA is just the tip of the spear in this.