EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

It takes as much or more natural resources to build EV as it does to build ICE...those resources are also finite...

......and we have to look at the big picture and not just North America.....
If you’re advocating back to horse and buggy, I’ll ask you to step around to the Zerks looney bin area.
I put about 2K miles a year on my 4 wheeled vehicles, so I do my part. Can’t say the same about just about everybody else I know. My scooter gets about 70 MPG but the Tuono is a true hot rod.
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If you’re advocating back to horse and buggy, I’ll ask you to step around to the Zerks looney bin area.
Not at all.....I'm advocating a change to the work/live model to move people closer to where they work instead of the huge sprawl we currently have....even public transit can't manage all the movement each day....

Everyone wants that big, fancy house out on it's own which eats up valuable farm land and creates a real need to commute to their work.

Sitting in an EV out on the hiway in rush hour in the middle of a Canadian winter is pretty stressful, sometimes they sit there for hours creeping along very slowly and then trying to recharge that EV for the commute home is problematic.

Everyone wants that big, fancy house out on it's own which eats up valuable farm land and creates a real need to commute to their work.

Sitting in an EV out on the hiway in rush hour in the middle of a Canadian winter is pretty stressful, sometimes they sit there for hours creeping along very slowly and then trying to recharge that EV for the commute home is problematic.
Everyone, just about everyone, that I know as well. I live right in town, and with the addition of a couple of neighborhood stores I don’t even need a vehicle half the time. I love it, but hardly anyone feels that way, so hopefully EV and ICE technology keeps advancing at the same pace.
You mean that gasoline powered cars have unlimited range and don't need to stop for gasoline? That's what it looks like you are saying. When I take long trips, I've always had to plan for getting gasoline. Have you ever driven through New Mexico? You better plan your trip or plan on walking.

As to waiting in lines for plugging an EV in, I've never seen anyone waiting in lines for electric, but I have seen plenty of lines at gas stations over the years. I wait in one almost every time that I fill up at Costco.

I think you should get out more and not just rely on what you hear on the right wing stations.

Of course not - don't take it so literal. :)

What I'm saying is that after all this time, and the technology, that I thought there would have been more development in different forms of technology to replace the ICE in the mainstream - rather than lithium batteries, mining, etc.

What I'm saying is we are the generation where road trips were a thing. A tank of fuel and 700k's covered and a 10 min stop to refuel and stretch the legs and grab a snack. I am referring to the upcoming generation "may not" get to experience the road trip as we know/knew it. THey may, but it will be a different experience.

But, I have very, very rarely, had to line up for fuel. Whereas it's a common thing here as the charging infrastructure hasn't kept up with the demand or to cover the distance into the rural areas. It's common to hear people waiting in line for a charging point - and when they do, suddenly it's an hour gone by the time they get in a charge. AS long as everyone is aware of it, then people will adjust - different times is all.

Just to clarify - I get out and about, and much like Canada and USA, we can and do drive for hours and days and still haven't reached our destination. (hence my comments on the road trip)

And never have nor do I listen to or get involved in anyway with "Right wing" stations

I can see this in separatist Quebec and California like British Columbia....

Hybrids are what is making this list stronger...there are lots of hybrids out there, not so much in the province I live in though.

A hybrid would interest me more than a pure EV though.....I kind of like the concept Ram was doing with a self contained hybrid except the fact the ICE engine is disconnected from the power train and is only there to charge the batteries.....all fine and dandy until the battery goes south and then the vehicle dead in the water...at least if the ICE was connected if anything happened to the electric system, a person could still drive somewhere.
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all fine and dandy until the battery goes south and then the vehicle dead in the water...at least if the ICE was connected if anything happened to the electric system, a person could still drive somewhere.
By the same token the ICE could go bad, or the much more complicated transmission in an ICE vehicle could go bad, doubling the possibility. In town, in an area without horrific cold, an EV is way more prone to dependability, so there is a target segment in society for EV.
Now back to your agenda
By the same token the ICE could go bad, or the much more complicated transmission in an ICE vehicle could go bad, doubling the possibility. In town, in an area without horrific cold, an EV is way more prone to dependability, so there is a target segment in society for EV.
Now back to your agenda
The entire Achille's heal of anything EV is the battery system and lack of range.....and with the smaller battery of a hybrid the range is even less.

If I were to have a hybrid, I would want it to be able to be driven via ICE or battery.......similar to the system on my son's Santa Fe hybrid....he can run full EV or a combination giving him very good combined range.

Of course there is a target segment in society for EV.....the same as there is for many other things out there.......

But with those we are given a choice and if the North American governing bodies have their way, that choice will be taken away.....we either go EV....or else....that's the message I'm getting out of at least my government.....