I started this thread so I will post anything I want to within the guidelines of forum rules thank you....
Someone else might find this information interesting and that is what this thread is based on....not interdimensional squabbles....
I don't know how this became a thread with only 4 people posting in it but it was meant for the masses on this forum....we are obviously all gear heads or we wouldn't be attracted to the Hayabusa...
For me it started out with one guy repeatedly telling the thread posters how highly educated he was and jumping in your chyt telling you how uneducated you were. For God's sakes he at one point actually proposed he was smarter than the whole country of Canada. Noone there knows enough about electricity compared to him.
Bee you have a different higher education. You've had to train and organize soldiers to carry out coordinated and organized military operations in very harsh climates and circumstances. From reading your post, I suspect it was your whole career. You taught them common sense and how to rely on it. That has led you well in this thread. You may get caught up in things you didn't know technically. But you don't mind learning. That never makes you wrong. You've gotten better at smelling b/s as this thread has run it's course.
I looked around the site a little. I saw that you knew nothing about Hayabusa starting issues either. How'd that work out after others started posting starting issues with theirs?
Blanca arguing over the current Gaza conflict. Whatya know Blanca, just wasn't educated enough in that thread either.
Then this latest. A self described highly educated, data analysis skilled engineer. Types into his calculator a few keystrokes and says 6000%.
And apparently doesn't once stop and say to himself, can this really be 6000%? It's the first thing I asked myself. I knew his calculator wasn't malfunctioning. So I looked at the link. It's not my first rodeo having to either compose data, or decompose it.
I have a lot of data holes that I'd like to see filled.
Did they define what makes up a fire for an example? Seems like a silly question. But you can have a catastrophic total loss of a vehicle fire. Or you can have a localized fire contained to a small area of a vehicle with less than $1000 damage. Both are fires.
What portion of the 1529 and 25 were fires caused from moving traffic accidents?
Did they find 1529 going back 4 years or 44 years?
By the way Bee. His link confirms you were right about more than one thing you stated in this thread that you got a lot of chyt when you tried to bring it into discussion here.