EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

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I’ve taken beans out of my diet, as well as anything else which may produce gas.
My way of thinking is these climate activists are all hypocrites....

Unless they live in thatch huts with no heat source (burning wood is a no-no), wear hemp clothes they made themselves, brew their own food and walked to their protest locations, they all have a carbon footprint and in most of their eyes even a little carbon footprint is still having one....

From file footage, they are all wearing modern clothing of which most is made from some sort of petroleum product and shipped to wherever they live via some sort of petroleum burning conveyance....
I kind of look at it like it is everyone's responsibility to reduce their personal carbon footprint and reduce how much waste they produce if possible.

I don't idle my truck and I always ensure I plan out my trips to reduce having to do multiple trips or daily trips if possible.

I recycle and grow as much of our own produce as possible (we have a greenhouse). We plant pollinator gardens and manage our trees, shrubs and gardens properly.

I never use a drive thru either.

However, we are all guilty of riding our motorcycles primarily for pleasure thus creating a carbon footprint in this manner albeit a smaller one.
I produced around 4,000 lbs of CO2 flying for 15 hours somewhere on an airbus and the back again for 15 hours. Around 17,000 miles total.

I consumed around 86,400 lbs of CO2.

Don’t keep a record of my truck and bike, but I think I am doing pretty good.

You guys need to step up.
I produced around 4,000 lbs of CO2 flying for 15 hours somewhere on an airbus and the back again for 15 hours. Around 17,000 miles total.

I consumed around 86,400 lbs of CO2.

Don’t keep a record of my truck and bike, but I think I am doing pretty good.

You guys need to step up.
It would take two lifetimes for me to offset the carbon footprint I had in my former profession.....

So I do what I can.....probably only put 6000kms on the truck and bike in a year.....
It would take two lifetimes for me to offset the carbon footprint I had in my former profession.....

So I do what I can.....probably only put 6000kms on the truck and bike in a year.....
Maybe if you were not there serving, a lot more stuff would have burnt down. So give yourself some credit for keeping the bad guys in check.
Like most things in the modern world, carbon footprints are out of our collective control, they are instead controlled by corporations that make plastic bags, junk food, automotive product and all else. I for one will not be made to feel guilty, I won't be conned into recycling plastic bottles just so a corporation can make extra profit not using recycled glass ones like in the old days. That's how the corporates and government work, they create a problem and then try and push the blame and the fix onto the consumer.

As for the EV, that's clearly just another money making venture using up the last reserves of cheap oil and coal on the planet. They are like bitcoin lol, they started out with these elaborate promises but it was all just marketing, none of it turned out to be true. Now it's simply a matter of faith, you either believe in the Holy EV and put up with all the persecution of long waits at the charging station, high insurance, and massive depreciation, or you get on with your life in a practical way.

Like most things in the modern world, carbon footprints are out of our collective control, they are instead controlled by corporations that make plastic bags, junk food, automotive product and all else. I for one will not be made to feel guilty, I won't be conned into recycling plastic bottles just so a corporation can make extra profit not using recycled glass ones like in the old days. That's how the corporates and government work, they create a problem and then try and push the blame and the fix onto the consumer.

As for the EV, that's clearly just another money making venture using up the last reserves of cheap oil and coal on the planet. They are like bitcoin lol, they started out with these elaborate promises but it was all just marketing, none of it turned out to be true. Now it's simply a matter of faith, you either believe in the Holy EV and put up with all the persecution of long waits at the charging station, high insurance, and massive depreciation, or you get on with your life in a practical way.

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And you get the EV fanboys that try to use the approach that all of the problems with EVs are just b/s fabricated data. Everyone anti EV are just not educated enough to understand.

EV range anxiety. Doesn't exist.
EV charging problems. Nah
EV fires. Just a minor issue blown out of proportion.
Like most things in the modern world, carbon footprints are out of our collective control, they are instead controlled by corporations that make plastic bags, junk food, automotive product and all else. I for one will not be made to feel guilty, I won't be conned into recycling plastic bottles just so a corporation can make extra profit not using recycled glass ones like in the old days.
So, do you recycle glass?
So, do you recycle glass?
No, but the only glass that goes in my bin is peanut butter jars. If I buy soda it's in aluminium cans, and I don't recycle them either, I don't recycle poop. I had a client 20 years ago that was a university professor, he'd just got back from an investigation of a recycling plant down south and what he told me woke me me up to the fact that it's all BS, all of it.

The bottles I was talking about were old milk bottles and old soda bottles that went back to the plant for washing and reuse. What happens to plastic glass and paper now if quite different. The food grade stuff can't be used again for food so it's either chucked in a landfill, which is what they do a lot here, or it goes to make an innovative new product. Soon demand for the new product, say plastic ties to lash trees to plastic stakes outpaces the recycled supply so they make new plastic ties and stakes from oil.

It's all a lie, but if people want to recycle and feel like they are achieving something I don't care. Similarly what I do with what I buy is my own business.

going green.jpg

Now this is interesting... They investigated the great ocean garbage patch and discovered that 99% of the plastics that get into the ocean are missing. Where are they? Well they basically discovered they are sinking, going down into the sediments that are being built up on the ocean floor. And then, as established science has proven, they move slowly to the subduction zones, to be drawn deep in the earth's crust. At some later point, millions of years in the future, they will come up in volcanic eruptions. That is if they don't form new oil fields along their way :firing:

So relax! Nature is at work cleaning up for us.

Now this is interesting... They investigated the great ocean garbage patch and discovered that 99% of the plastics that get into the ocean are missing. Where are they? Well they basically discovered they are sinking, going down into the sediments that are being built up on the ocean floor. And then, as established science has proven, they move slowly to the subduction zones, to be drawn deep in the earth's crust. At some later point, millions of years in the future, they will come up in volcanic eruptions. That is if they don't form new oil fields along their way :firing:

So relax! Nature is at work cleaning up for us.

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Mother nature has resolved all of the earths maladies for eons. Man is just upset they will be extinguished in the process.

Reptiles had their day. Homosapiens had a good run. Insects will get their chance next. Or perhaps marine life. We have certainly learned dolphins, octopus, whales etc have evolved higher intelligence than we thought. They will evolve, just like we did.
It's all a lie, but if people want to recycle and feel like they are achieving something I don't care. Similarly what I do with what I buy is my own business.
That’s the only true thing you said. I took a tour of a plastic recycling plant. About 25% of the plastic is worthless, but a large amount of it is used to make new containers. The size of the plant was remarkable. There’s good money in it but that doesn’t take away from the fact that all that 75% of the recycled plastic doesn’t end up in land fills, and that’s a good thing. If you get a chance, visit a landfill and see firsthand what’s going on.
Feeling like you’re making a difference is nice, knowing is better.
That’s the only true thing you said. I took a tour of a plastic recycling plant. About 25% of the plastic is worthless, but a large amount of it is used to make new containers. The size of the plant was remarkable. There’s good money in it but that doesn’t take away from the fact that all that 75% of the recycled plastic doesn’t end up in land fills, and that’s a good thing. If you get a chance, visit a landfill and see firsthand what’s going on.
Feeling like you’re making a difference is nice, knowing is better.

So you're calling me a liar Red, so be it, I have no time for Woke corporate slaves myself.
Mother nature has resolved all of the earths maladies for eons. Man is just upset they will be extinguished in the process.
That's it, in a nutshell I am afraid. To believe that the human intelligence that raped the planet can be used to fix it is really an illogical supposition. All that really needs to done plastic wise is to stop producing it in vast amounts, but that will never happen because it's so profitable. Some forms have taken a real leap forward in production too because of newly available inputs that need a home. Like the liquid fractions that come out of shale gas. It's led to a veritable explosion in plastic baggie production planet wide. Just look at all the stuff we buy that now comes wrapped in it.

Manufacturing of plastics​

NGLs are a much cleaner resource than crude oil to manufacture plastics for the same reason that natural gas is cleaner than coal to generate electricity: burning gas produces significantly fewer emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), in this case, 27% less than oil.

Plastics manufacturing accounts for only 4-8% of total oil consumption, according to Yale Climate Connections. However, if the current pace of plastics manufacturing continues, the share of oil consumption used for plastics will rise to 20% by 2050, the Yale report said.

The growth in plastics production has occurred in the U.S. in regions that are rich in shale oil and gas formations. This has happened in parallel with increased unconventional production of oil and gas, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Significant resources include the Marcellus and Utica shales in the Northeast, the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico, and the Haynesville Shale in Louisiana, among others.

Sorry @Red05, I'm just the messenger on this one like I was when reporting on what the professor told me. Feel free to be offended.