michael parris heuberger
Hi. Thst is what the world needs right now EV airplanes. Stop all oil use today.Or the exhaust being emitted by aircraft and ships.....now that's staggering....millions and millions (probably more) gallons of fuel burning each hour around the globe
I still say there is a huge hypocrisy of forced EV to the masses and all these thousands of aircraft and ships running around for the sole purpose of either amusement or frivolous travel.....I'm certain that in a short time their carbon footprint would outweigh that of automobiles.
EV also require the use of petroleum in the manufacturing process and the mining of materials for their batteries, many of these mines are in South America and the rain forest is being cleared for them.
To add to my stance, what is being done to sort out the billions of polluting ICE vehicles in Asia and other countries where there are zero emission controls in place? Until we get them under control we go no place.
In my former profession the carbon footprint of what we did was immeasurable.......so it's difficult for me to grasp the fact that EV for the masses would have any impact at all on any sort of climate change.