Gen 3 Latest report ..

I for one am glad the core of the busa remained na and not turbo or charged... I wouldn't have bought it.
Apart from motorways locally there aren't enough roads to use that extra power and to retain the low rpm grunt and instant response would have been near impossible especially for EU5. Those who feel 500hp is what they need then keep the Gen1 or 2 as you'll never use the new electronics and what percentage of totally busa sales do you represent... That's how Suzuki will have looked at it when making the Gen3... Even if the turbo group was 30 to 40% they wouldn't risk loosing the other 60% on a bike that few wanted or could control.
I'll stick to the Gen 3 on the roads that just happen to cater for the fastest roads races in the world yet have only a few straights.... The new busa has added some nice cornering talents and toys.
Is it safe... Yes... Is it boring for having rider aids.. No... We all set our own bikes up to do what we want and I feel that most owners will find the Gen3 is just what they want.... I do understand the pricing issue many have and that's a personal choice that each buyer has to accept.
It's not the ultimate performance bike but its got performance most bikes cannot live with and still retains the overtaking punch that makes fast riding enjoyable without bouncing off a rev limiter.
I for one am glad the core of the busa remained na and not turbo or charged... I wouldn't have bought it.
Apart from motorways locally there aren't enough roads to use that extra power and to retain the low rpm grunt and instant response would have been near impossible especially for EU5. Those who feel 500hp is what they need then keep the Gen1 or 2 as you'll never use the new electronics and what percentage of totally busa sales do you represent... That's how Suzuki will have looked at it when making the Gen3... Even if the turbo group was 30 to 40% they wouldn't risk loosing the other 60% on a bike that few wanted or could control.
I'll stick to the Gen 3 on the roads that just happen to cater for the fastest roads races in the world yet have only a few straights.... The new busa has added some nice cornering talents and toys.
Is it safe... Yes... Is it boring for having rider aids.. No... We all set our own bikes up to do what we want and I feel that most owners will find the Gen3 is just what they want.... I do understand the pricing issue many have and that's a personal choice that each buyer has to accept.
It's not the ultimate performance bike but its got performance most bikes cannot live with and still retains the overtaking punch that makes fast riding enjoyable without bouncing off a rev limiter.

Suzuki built it just like the other generations of Hayabusas..some will keep it stock and many will modify it...Suzuki knows this and built it accordingly.
193 boys!!! With akrapovic titanium race exhaust don't make since that's only 5hp more then base test when they stated 9hp more...smh... I'm about to return this exhaust lol I like the look of the all black brocks penta carbon more and my tuner buddy said I will get more hp out of that system...
I asked him if it was to the wheel he said yes ...can't be so but either way she's gonna scream once the beast is unleashed!!!

But then other guy on stock exhaust says to the crank...which it has to be because stock would be over 200hp... got me all excited for a minute lol

So then all the specs saying 188hp it's talking about to the rear what's going on here ? Can't be they said hp went down... 1 more month we will all know the truth on exact hp.... Chris Moore where you at ?