Gen 3 Latest report ..

...then why might I ask are you also riding a Kawasaki???

You said it does “nothing” excellent and I disagree. It does plenty things excellent. I got the Z because I missed the upright seating position I was used to on my CBXs, especially for the up and down hilly mountain roads around here. What the Busa does that’s not excellent is going S L O W L Y, especially down hill. :D
You said it does “nothing” excellent and I disagree. It does plenty things excellent. I got the Z because I missed the upright seating position I was used to on my CBXs, especially for the up and down hilly mountain roads around here. What the Busa does that’s not excellent is going S L O W L Y, especially down hill. :D
We can disagree, that's allowed....:beerchug:

I do agree however, people buy things that are near and dear to their hearts...for these (us) people...the Hayabusa does this excellently

Is it the fastest bike-no,
Is it the best handling bike-no
Is it the best stopping bike-no
Is it the best sports tourer-no
Other than the gen 3 is it a pretty bike-beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think the gen 3 is the best looking gen so far-but that's only my opinion of course.

Is it the most modified sport bike on the planet-yes, the aftermarket loves this bike
Is it a very capable bike which can do almost anything-yes
Does it ignite a deep passion in it's owners-yes is certainly does...
Here's a video of how you would fit on gen 3... weird his fuel range said 222 miles wtf ...can anyone with a gen 3 let us know what they got out of a tank a gas.
Salute to Kim 73 on a gen 3 go girl!!! I hope my chick and I are on gen x when I'm 73 heck might even be flying them by then lol
Ok soo big news kim is a man has been for 73 years

It's in B mode cuz it's raining not a good idea to be in A mode in the rain unless you have big ballz and not afraid to wreck or more money then since...
i rode a Gen 1 in snow every winter and never had modes to change.. just all about the wrist.
Use B mode once on a Gen 2 and never again.. the User modes on the Gen 3 are amusing but i'm always in mode A regardless of the weather.
You ride to the conditions ...shouldn't need the bike to do the work ...though given that guy clearly never rode a Busa or big cc bike before it was probably safer for the shop to be sure to get the bike back.
an anyone with a gen 3 let us know what they got out of a tank a gas.
so far with moderate to quickish speed use and a pillion i'm getting around 150 miles to the reserve so it is a little down on a gen 1 or 2 but nothing major...showing around 44 mpgUK and on a level road at 70mph its indicates its capable of close to 55mpg....i'd say on a solo trip at sensible speeds you'd get close to 200miles with some fumes left.....something no other bike i've owned beside a Busa has ever got close to.
I refilled after the last ride on the Gen 3 and the range indicator said 185miles.
The way the mid range has that little extra surge means I don't feel the need to chase revs and just shift 1or2k earlier and ride the torque....regardless of the stated figures I've absolutely no concerns about power or tank range
Luckily my Gen 1 (always in A mode) has a full gallon when my low fuel light comes on, regardless of how hard I’ve been riding. At least three times when the light came on I was a block away from a gas station. I always had a gallon left. Figuring my worst mileage I know I have at least 35 miles or so left in the tank. I think I’ve gone 185 miles before filling up. CA tanks are just five gallons.
Still trips me out how they say less hp and less mpg on gen 3 when it looks like it's the same and maybe even a little better then gen 2 lol damn you euro 5...