First off,
Glad to have you here! Now, about your questions... First, if that clicking noise is the camera, then you can try clamping it down harder or making sure the case isn't close to or touching the roll bar. As for the wind noise. DO NOT go by the speed/door recommendations on the back of the camera. If it's out in the wind at all, use the waterproof door. Only use the non-water proof if it's inside the car or behind the windscreen on your bike. Other than that, there's not much you can do except trying to get it closer to the engine or exhaust exit. Or if you have some editing software that can reduce background noise, some people have had some success with that. For some reason mine sounds pretty good on the bike, but not nearly as good on the car. I guess it's just cause the engine and exhaust are a lot closer to the camera on the bike. Hope this helps.