Harley Junk

So anyway, how's the weather where you guys are. It is shyt down here. It keeps raining on and off, just enough to keep the roads a mess. And down here, rain means "go faster" to most people. Not a safe time to ride a 2 wheeler.
Here in central Wa, we don't get but 7" of precip/yr. But day before yesterday it rained like a cow pissin on a flat rock. All dam day.
Today it is mostly clear. Should get up to around 70 or so. Weather is lookin good for my days off tho...thats a good thing.
Guess I really stirred up the sh@t !!
I have tried on numerous occasions to "get into" HOGs but just could not find the need for attention, weak ego, or apendage lacking.
I bought my first Busa last weekend and am loving it. Taking it slow at first,,only had it up to 120 so far and slow in the turns. It is a blast!! Exactly what I expected.
Now,,,I will go back and get me a beer and some chips and watch those Knuckleheads on TV building their HD's in Orange County New York and try to figure out WHAT the Hell the see in that noisy, rattly old junk.!!
They poor gobs of $ into a unit that leaks, smells, is noisy, rattles, breaks down, tries to look bad-ass. I am 52, can bench 275lb, know JuJitsu enough to kick most asses, have the self confidence to AVOID trouble. I look like the average Joe,,,clean cut, MR Nice Guy.
Most of my friends call me Arnold without the accent.
I wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally.
When I see the average Harley guy I just think "what a looser,,,grow up and conduct yourself like a grown man. Trash that stupid leather sh@t and those oversize dumbass boots, that faggy skull cap and be adult".
I look at the fruit cakes that ride the HD's and my sister could woop most of their asses. What are they trying to prove?? Here is my guess....I am an out of shape, under sexed, fat, dumpy, looser, with small arms and a caved-in chest and I want people to see "I am a tough guy"!!!
Good Day !!




Well GoldWanger,

I think I can comment on your comment about Harleys being un-reliable. I have owned four Harleys and put on well over 100k with several cross country trips. NO Problems! So, unless you know what you are talking about, Shut up and ride your Honda Bago! Bottom line, yeah, Harleys have some Japanese parts, about 18% last I read. so what! If you want to ride that BUTT UGLY montrosity that trys to pass for a motorcycle, go ahead. In short, it's your choice! (as Harleys and the Busa are mine) As for Harley people, just like any group, there are both good and bad, so save your generalizations! At least HD folks as a rule don't carry cutesy stuffed animals around on their Bikes!. Oh, and by the way ride your Honda-bago 13 years and then lets compare resale values. My 92 Springer is still worth just about what I paid for it in 92! I can also buy just about any Harley I want at retail, so you are mis-informed again! I ride Harleys and the Busa because I am a motorcyclist, nothing more or less. I dont think I am a Bad ass on the Harleys, nor do I think I am Valintino Rossi or Nicky Hayden when I ride the Busa. And let me know when Honda celebrates their 100th anniversery! Nuff said!

I compliment you !!
You are trully and exception to the rule !!
OK folks, here's some bad and some good news. I think. A very close and long time friend of mine is about to expire. We have ridden bikes together most of our lives. He has had a few more than me and has had several H.D.'s. One (current) is a '79 Low Rider that is still in near perfect condition he bought new. Only about 12K miles. And about half of those are mine. This is about the only H.D. I have ever really liked. The looks and style of the bike are just cool and comfortable.  He also has a '00 Gray Blackbird and a '02 Silver Blackbird. Both are mint. Anyway, he will probably not last out the week and his brother told me he has willed the Low Rider and the 2 'Birds to me. He is divorced with no children and parents are both gone. So his brother is the only relative. And they both have always considered me the 3rd brother. We used to call each others parents Mom and Dad. So I am about to inherit a H.D. and 2 Blackbirds. I guess I will need to lighten up on the Hardly Abelson stuff or be a hippocrite. And of all things I am I have never been a Hippocrite. Still, given a choice I would rather have Dennis here than the bike's in my garage. But he has made his peace and is as ready as he can be. So Lewis (brother) and I have been camping out at the Hospital and will continue until the end. I will enjoy the bike's for him, but will still miss him terribly.



ride with pride he must know youll enjoy them as much as he does!!!!!! sorry about your situation but it all gets better with time!!
MAN......I'm watching this show and it kills me......
The dad is screaming at the son....I would too if my kid was in to Harleys !!
WE will look the other way in your case.
I have lost a number of friends over the last 5 years. Guess it's an aging thing...enjoy the time you have left with him.
I compliment you !!
You are trully and exception to the rule !!
Thanks for the compliment, However, based only on my 39 years of riding experience. I dont feel that I am the exception.  In short, ride what you like, JUST RIDE!!!!