Harley Junk

"It's the height of stupidity to search for the donkey you're already riding on"

Hey Homey,,,where did you get that tag line

I am reading your post as...I am too small and scrawny to back up my words so "go down to the local biker gang and pick a fight"
You are a real fruit cake !!
And you don't read too well either...I never even insinuated that HD riders were faggots...only some seem to have self-image issues and some seem to suffer from "large penis envy"...anything over 5 inches,,,I would say.

Hey Kawa,

You still runnin your mouth I see.  Been my experience that those who run their mouth on the internet are the posers, They seldom can back it up in person. So why don't you just shut your pie hole and go away?  This is a completly worthless thread and truly serves no valid purpose!
Well my little friend,,,your back,,,I see you CLAIM to own a buell so you have my sympathys.
Get a life tough guy!

Read again fool! I don't claim to own a Buell!  I do own two Harleys and the busa though.  The "Buell Peg Mod" is on the Busa.  If you knew ANYTHING or could read, you would have figured it out!  And at 6' and about 260+ I dont think I qualify as anyones "little friend" Oh well, I just consider the source!  I have a life, do you?
My little "obese" friend...you need a good diet. Too much chips and soda pop for you. All that blubber hanging off the tank needs to go. Try one of the good diet plans and stay off that bike until you drop...say 80lbs. You go around a corner too fast on that Busa and that spare truck tire could take you right on over. We wouldn't want anything to happen to ya',,,chubby buddy!!

Mobusa,,,I can now understand why you get sooo upset about the Harley comments. You are one of the exceptions and I appologize to you. A Harley is exactly the bike that "fits" you.
Have another triple big Mac on me with double super fries and four or five extra large cokes.:D
kawa is tough on a keyboard
Lets just ignore this little troll, likely he will go away or if he rides like he talks, crash and burn.(although, i don't wish that on him or anyone else) Note, he is up to a whole 40+posts now, most of them worthless name-calling and such.
Busa's & Harley's.........Hmmmmmm!
I have both!
Poodle's are Dog's.....But not all Dog's are Poodle's
Busa's & Harley's are two different Breed's!
I ride my Busa 10 times the miles as my NightTrain.
Why.....Everytime I get on my NightTrain I hit the Rev. Limiter ever gear for the first 20 miles.