Has anyone installed the "no cut" frame sliders?

And now, most important for you guys: Hayabusa
No difference to spot. He’s even made the bar narrower in the middle to that it doesn’t touch the radiator.

View attachment 1526500


I haven’t got development pictures, but the oldest ones I found are from June 18th 2001. T-Rex didn’t even exist...

I hope this helps you see why I’m so angry with T-Rex and why he manages to keep his prices that low... They copy us and while doing it, they get it al wrong and give no-cut sliders a bad name by using cheap materials...

Feel free to contact me if you’d have questions...


Christophe, Bike Design Benelux
Awesome product you have there. I may have to pick up some.
I'm going to take pics for you.
Hey man, I've some problems to surf on your web-site...I'm very interesting in purchasing your frame sliders...

Nice, looking forward to receiving your pics... Thx! :)

Problems with the website? Tell me... I didn't notice issues and didn't get messages about database maintenance or stuff like that...
Nice, looking forward to receiving your pics... Thx! :)

Problems with the website? Tell me... I didn't notice issues and didn't get messages about database maintenance or stuff like that...

In practice when I search for Hayabusa items the web site tell me that are not items found for my bike...
I've seen pics only in the e-mail you've send to me...
I'm interested in your aerodynamics frame slider.
That's odd... I've tried it myself and it works fine... About 260 products found for the Hayabusa...


You can narrow it down by choosing a construction year (1999-2007 or 2008-2009) and/or a product category...

You'll find the aerodynamic slider under Crash Protectors - Teardrop slider.


Nothing to do...the only one time that I've looked at your frame sliders was the time you've send to me an e-mail with the attached pics.
No problem pal, I'm still interested...
NOw I'll show you some pics of t-rex colliding with some piece of my bike.
Hey Gabelbrücken,

I seet that you've got the 08-09 model. I've checked what T-Rex does for this bike... In essence, he modified the 99-07 kit to fit an 08-09 with as few changes as possible. But it means he must have had a bike in order to see what changes he had to make. The problems you showed in the pictures above, show how awful his frame slider development skills really are... His slider touches the fairing and there seems to be a hassle with the electric wiring.

We've started from scrap, as we do with each new model. We're not keen on cutting in costs by using stuff that hasn't been developed for that exact bike. By starting from zero (and keeping the solutions you've found in the past in mind) you make sure that you've made the best possible kit to protect the bike and don't make compromises to make it a bit cheaper... Check out his (first pic) and our (second pic) kit...



You see that our kit doesn't touch the fairing and it leaves the wiring where it should be, unstrained.

This pic shows the new mounting bracket and proves that the electric wiring is left as it was.


And it's not touching the fairing. Don't mind the prototype slider on the third pic though, we were just experimenting with some new designs.




My conclusion: T-Rex proves that he knows sh!t :whistle: about making frame sliders and f\_/cked up a 99-07 kit to make an easy 08-09 kit that has a rubbish fit and compromises the effectiveness of the kit in a crash and even passively (see wiring). Ours is not as cheap (in any meaning of the word), but I hope you now see why...
Please answer to my e-mail...I asked to you your paypal account and the final price including shipment in Italy.
I want to immediately remove and trash my t-rex...
Hey G, I checked with my colleagues... Thomas (on info@bike-design.com) got your mail about 15 minutes ago and is treating it as we speak. ;)

One of the other colleagues (Jerry - export@bike-design.com) is in charge of our foreign customers. He'll let you know how to proceed for a Paypal transaction, as you requested. ;)

Just send an e-mail to Jerry.I'm waiting for the paypal account...But now I've another problem...I have to fear a T-rex vengeance or an ambush? They know my address...
It's weird and strange that T-rex don't come in the forum to answer our question...

I've seen another type of no-cut f-s on the net...
I'm talking about S2 CONCEPT, made in France...They seem very similar to Bike Design....exception to the head of the slider that have an aerodynamic shape with a cartoon devil

StreetnTrack: Jerry asked me to send his regards. ;)

1. Watch it, you have to cut your fairing for the S2 sliders...
2. I remember that we had a good look at the ZX12R, but weren't able to come up with a solid, trustworthy solution at a reasonable price... If we're not sure about the strength or if the cost is too high, then we don't go further then the development stage...
3. Jerry's having a day off today, so he'll treat your payment tomorrow or Monday... With a bit of luck, you'll have our crash protectors next week.
StreetnTrack: Jerry asked me to send his regards. ;)

1. Watch it, you have to cut your fairing for the S2 sliders...
2. I remember that we had a good look at the ZX12R, but weren't able to come up with a solid, trustworthy solution at a reasonable price... If we're not sure about the strength or if the cost is too high, then we don't go further then the development stage...
3. Jerry's having a day off today, so he'll treat your payment tomorrow or Monday... With a bit of luck, you'll have our crash protectors next week.

3-no problem...here in Italy the rain is coming...I think that I can't use the bike tomorrow or Sunday.
2-no problem...i have on my Zx12r gsg frame sliders...a little bit fastidious when I change the gear or I rear brake but they are fine.
1-I feel happy to discover that there's no no-cut solution for the 'Busa except Bike Design.:thumbsup:
I'm waiting...who rent to me a little bit of patience?;-)
Nobody bought a couple of t-rex and want to say something about them?
There's no other Bike-design customer?
I assume that you're referring to the mounting brackets?

All of our mounting brackets are made from steel and a certain type of stainless steel. Those are hard materials compared to aluminium. The latter lends itself well for CNC machining because it's soft, so it doens't require a lot of time to make a nicely shaped pad from a solid block of material, though you'll have a lot of useless waste for a reasonably small bracket... But we don't use aluminium brackets for a good reason. Our steel and stainless steel brackets are a hard type of material that would require a huge amount of machining hours to make those brackets from a solid block to the actual bracket. Machining hours are verrrryyy expensive. :D And aluminium is not an option because it's a bad kind of material to use for this purpose. When the frame slider takes a hit, aluminium brackets will hardly bend; they will break right off... Our materials will absorb the impact (meaning the might bend a bit in strategic places, a bit like crush/crumple zones in cars).

What we do in stead, is take large steel or stainless steel bars, laser cut them while they're flat and then robots precision bend them in the programmed angles. This has proven to be the most secure solution. People like T-Rex cut every piece apart and then weld it all together, but compromises the strength and fit because hot material tends to bend in directions you don't want it to. Robot bent parts like our brackets are very strong (waaaayyyy stronger then welded parts) and the material is hardly subjet to metal fatigue (unlike aluminium!!!). Bending is only possible when 2 bends aren't too close to eachother, so we also have to weld sometimes...

Our sliders themselves and the auminium parts are CNC machined though...
I assume that you're referring to the mounting brackets?

All of our mounting brackets are made from steel and a certain type of stainless steel. Those are hard materials compared to aluminium. The latter lends itself well for CNC machining because it's soft, so it doens't require a lot of time to make a nicely shaped pad from a solid block of material, though you'll have a lot of useless waste for a reasonably small bracket... But we don't use aluminium brackets for a good reason. Our steel and stainless steel brackets are a hard type of material that would require a huge amount of machining hours to make those brackets from a solid block to the actual bracket. Machining hours are verrrryyy expensive. :D And aluminium is not an option because it's a bad kind of material to use for this purpose. When the frame slider takes a hit, aluminium brackets will hardly bend; they will break right off... Our materials will absorb the impact (meaning the might bend a bit in strategic places, a bit like crush/crumple zones in cars).

What we do in stead, is take large steel or stainless steel bars, laser cut them while they're flat and then robots precision bend them in the programmed angles. This has proven to be the most secure solution. People like T-Rex cut every piece apart and then weld it all together, but compromises the strength and fit because hot material tends to bend in directions you don't want it to. Robot bent parts like our brackets are very strong (waaaayyyy stronger then welded parts) and the material is hardly subjet to metal fatigue (unlike aluminium!!!). Bending is only possible when 2 bends aren't too close to eachother, so we also have to weld sometimes...

Our sliders themselves and the auminium parts are CNC machined though...


You speak about expensive hours at the cnc machine...
Now I'll show you the baddest idea that'I've never had in my life:

When my friends who build them said to me the final price I wish to die ...:banghead: