Mr Brown
The implication in your saying that my way of thinking is wrong is that yours is right, and I should agree with you. Newsflash, this is America, and opinions can't be wrong.At what point did I say everyone else has to be subject to my way of thinking? Missed that one I guess, my point was that you were just plain wrong. If I hadn't spelled it out clearly enough before, let this stand as my proclimation of the same, YOUR WRONG!
How could I miss that this could all boil down to Haliburton. Guess what, there is no other company in the world capable of the infrastructure rebuilding than Haliburton and yes, #### Cheney divested his interests in the company before becoming the VP candidate.
You always know when a liberal is loosing an argument, they turn to Haliburton.
I used Halliburton as an example, but they are a symbol of what is wrong with the corporate/government love affair that exists in this country. Of course Halliburton can rebuild a countries infrastructure, I just think it's repulsive that we started a war to prove it.
Just to be clear, Cheney sold his interests in Halliburton to his WIFE, if you consider that divestment, then your ostrich-like attitude toward things is even more ridiculous than I thought.
FYI, I'm not really a liberal, more a moderate, but conservatives like you who don't even realize that the party they so blindly follow fu*ks them at every turn makes me glad that I'm considered one.