I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

Islamic extremists is an oxymoron. Islam is not a religion of violence. There are violent, unscrupulous people that also align with all faiths, but you don't often hear the terms christian or hindu extremists.
Gotta be careful following any "religion".
Sometimes they ask/force you to drink the Coolaid. Jim Jones.
Sometimes they ask you/force you to father their children. David Coresh.
Sometimes they ask little boys to take their pants off. Catholic priests.
Sometimes they just kill lots of people. I know,I know they are just misunderstood. Upstanding folks one and all.
Being a failed catholic myself I often tell catholic jokes.Like this one:

Cruise ship out in the water.Things are great till the ship strikes a rock. The captain yells over the ships loud speakers..."The ship is going down fast." "Woman and children to the lifeboats.Woman and children only!" Among the ships passengers are a Lawyer a School Teacher and a Roman Catholic Priest.They hear the announcement. The lawyer runs and jumps in a lifeboat and starts to lower it down. The school teacher yells at him..."What about the children,what about the children?" The lawyer yells back at him..." Ahh fukk the children!" The roman catholic priest says..."You think we have time?"

Forgive me. It has been NEVER since my last confession.



It's easy to get paranoid when things get weird.

Liberals? The President? Issues of people? I dunno Mythos. I dont think half of these rioters know the diff between a dem and a repub.Some prolly dont even know who's in office or even care. They just want free shi7,and to burn shi7 down.It's not about who's right and who's wrong anymore.They just want to party.If you get a chance,pull one of them aside and ask them a few questions. Is this helping? WHO is it helping? Whats the end goal? Yer a smart dude.Come up with some questions.Ask them if all the troubles go away with this president. I will bet you some Busa goodies that most of the rioters wont have the first clue. Could be wrong thou...meh.

I think a good number of them are quite intelligent. I consider the statue tippers to be rioters but they're not steeling anything or randomly destroying property. They are extremists but they have purpose. Government leaders are not stopping them. Those leaders might be the ones who have the real purpose. Again, it's easy to get paranoid when weird things happen. My imagination might be running away.
Islamic extremists is an oxymoron. Islam is not a religion of violence. There are violent, unscrupulous people that also align with all faiths, but you don't often hear the terms christian or hindu extremists.
You didn't get the chance to read my post I take it?

The Islamic extremists are the people of Islam who can either not read the Koran and thus be led by other with ill intent. Or members of the Islamic faith who follow Sharia Law to the letter.

I hear you on the extremists within other faiths but have yet to meet them in a field of battle.
As just a question of curiosity....has any white supremist groups copyrighted the saying "white lives matter?"

I only ask as a person in this link has been fired from his job amid the fact he had a banner fly behind an aircraft.

As this isn't a false statement in which white lives do matter as do other lives why would there be such a negative reaction to this statement? I've seen similar reactions from a statement of "All lives matter" too but this isn't a false statement either...

This is an honest to goodness question-I'm not being confrontational nor am I being facetious.

As just a question of curiosity....has any white supremist groups copyrighted the saying "white lives matter?"

I only ask as a person in this link has been fired from his job amid the fact he had a banner fly behind an aircraft.

As this isn't a false statement in which white lives do matter as do other lives why would there be such a negative reaction to this statement? I've seen similar reactions from a statement of "All lives matter" too but this isn't a false statement either...

This is an honest to goodness question-I'm not being confrontational nor am I being facetious.

Black Lives Matter arose from the assumption that all lives matter except blacks. This was based on the fact that many have in the past simply shrugged their shoulders when things like police shootings happened.

Taking this statement and saying white lives matter is implying that BLM was saying black lives matter to the exclusion of other races, a sort of verbal Judo to distract from the fact that black and brown people are treated as less important than other races.

Personally, I think the name should have been BLM2 (Black lives matter too) and it would not have left this predictable challenge to the premise open. The term BLM was quite spontaneous, it was pretty much a shout at a protest that grew louder and louder. I'm certain it was not vetted strategically or by market analysts. BLM is pretty organized now, but the chant is iconic and unlikely to change.
Black Lives Matter arose from the assumption that all lives matter except blacks. This was based on the fact that many have in the past simply shrugged their shoulders when things like police shootings happened.

Taking this statement and saying white lives matter is implying that BLM was saying black lives matter to the exclusion of other races, a sort of verbal Judo to distract from the fact that black and brown people are treated as less important than other races.

Personally, I think the name should have been BLM2 (Black lives matter too) and it would not have left this predictable challenge to the premise open. The term BLM was quite spontaneous, it was pretty much a shout at a protest that grew louder and louder. I'm certain it was not vetted strategically or by market analysts. BLM is pretty organized now, but the chant is iconic and unlikely to change.

I agree, BLM2 makes perfect sense as BLM kind of makes the presumption they are the only lives which matter, technically there can be such sayings for anything and everything...

I saw a saying which said "honey bee lives matter" the other day due to the demise of the honey bee...I thought that to be a little over the top.

I personally don't think I will see racial equality in my lifetime, it would be nice but not reality I'm afraid.
I agree, BLM2 makes perfect sense as BLM kind of makes the presumption they are the only lives which matter,
That presumption is at the heart of this matter. Totally wrong and misunderstood. It's a presumption so rediculous that in my mind has to be born of hate of some sort. As Arch said, it’s heartbreaking that some folks have to be reminded that black lives matter as much as anyone’s.
I did read and comprehend, if not agree, with your post.
Who are the leaders of this movement? There has be some, who is in charge of the money they collect. Who is the government going to negotiate with, where are all these ideas of protest and where to protest coming from?
You didn't get the chance to read my post I take it?

The Islamic extremists are the people of Islam who can either not read the Koran and thus be led by other with ill intent. Or members of the Islamic faith who follow Sharia Law to the letter.

I hear you on the extremists within other faiths but have yet to meet them in a field of battle.
. Why do people interrupt the Bible in so many different ways. Remember men wrote it , and rewrote it, and changed it to fit what ever they wanted. I suppose God spoke each one of them and told different gospel to each?
That presumption is at the heart of this matter. Totally wrong and misunderstood. It's a presumption so rediculous that in my mind has to be born of hate of some sort. As Arch said, it’s heartbreaking that some folks have to be reminded that black lives matter as much as anyone’s.
I did read and comprehend, if not agree, with your post.

Having to be reminded that black lives matter is just sad really...it shouldn't even be a thing. For people to be judged solely by the color of their skin in the 21st century is ridiculous...

If an alien entity were to be observing our planet they must shake their heads at how we interact with each other.

Yes, I watch sci-fi shows and if there were a federation of planets, this one would not be allowed to be part of that federation I'd say...
Having to be reminded that black lives matter is just sad really...it shouldn't even be a thing. For people to be judged solely by the color of their skin in the 21st century is ridiculous...

If an alien entity were to be observing our planet they must shake their heads at how we interact with each other.

Yes, I watch sci-fi shows and if there were a federation of planets, this one would not be allowed to be part of that federation I'd say...
I think you just have to keep things in perspective. We tend to focus on the negative but you could also look at the last few months as a pretty miraculous time for race relations. The BLM protesters are multi-racial, maybe even mainly white people by the looks of news coverage. You have millions of people in the street and only a few bad actors causing problems. For the most part the Police have been good, the military good, mayors great, governors great, and the business community have all handled this pretty well.

It's a crazy world. I can't tell you how many times I have said to black friends that white people, basically most all people, just want to live their lives in relative peace. When a leader let's the dogs out they characterize the entire country in a negative way and they elevate the bad guys stature. As crazy as these times are I'm actually pretty amazed Trump got away with it for so long.

It's amazing that people can watch a person murdered right on their cell phones and just shrug it off. I don't know why Floyd was different from all the others but I think it's a bigger, deeper issue. I think people are just fed up with the crazy way this world is run sometimes. I also think the COVID virus gave people the brake they needed to focus on this issue.

I just hope we can make it through the next 6 months it will take to legally rid this world of Trump. The damage done is going to make putting Humpty Dumpty back together again very difficult. The next president will have a monumental task to rebuild relationships in this country and with our friends around the globe. If I were Canada, GB or any of our traditional friends I would be a bit skeptical when in the next election another more capable crazy person could win and unravel everything again.
Having to be reminded that black lives matter is just sad really...it shouldn't even be a thing. For people to be judged solely by the color of their skin in the 21st century is ridiculous...

If an alien entity were to be observing our planet they must shake their heads at how we interact with each other.

Yes, I watch sci-fi shows and if there were a federation of planets, this one would not be allowed to be part of that federation I'd say...

Exactly!! The fact remains it's happening still in our society, hence all the outrage. FINALLY outrage.
As just a question of curiosity....has any white supremist groups copyrighted the saying "white lives matter?"

I only ask as a person in this link has been fired from his job amid the fact he had a banner fly behind an aircraft.

As this isn't a false statement in which white lives do matter as do other lives why would there be such a negative reaction to this statement? I've seen similar reactions from a statement of "All lives matter" too but this isn't a false statement either...

This is an honest to goodness question-I'm not being confrontational nor am I being facetious.

Early, EARLY on we were discussing racial prejudice involved in hiring. You can be sure that racial issues come into play in firing too. Making a big public statement about anything controversial is a risk to your job and it doesn't matter if you do it outside of work.
Exactly!! The fact remains it's happening still in our society, hence all the outrage. FINALLY outrage.
an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.

arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation in (someone).

Do I need to post all the photo's and video of the OUTRAGE.

People lose their lives. (riots)
Destruction of property. (riots)
Set fires,destroy monuments,looting,etc etc etc.
Yup,that's what we need.OUTRAGE.
Outrage is a form of anger. What's the first thing that happens when a human being becomes angry? They lose the ability to think and reason clearly. In all sorts of professions they teach and train you NOT to get angry. Do you want a surgeon at work who is angry? An air traffic controller? A police officer? Employee's are trained to stay calm even on the telephone. At a certain point,once all hope is lost of meaningful solution filled dialog they are trained to hang up.Let the caller calm down,get rid of their outrage. Then a solution can be reached.
Maybe you've seen a street fight or been in one
where one combatant is losing his shi7 with anger and rage. His opponent is calm,cool,collected. Mr.Calm dances around and carefully,scientifically chooses and lands his strikes. Mr.Rage flails about wildly so engulfed in rage he can't see straight.He rages/rushes in and has his own size and body weight used against him (the heart of judo).
Outrage is not something you want to carry into any situation.
As a theoretically advanced society should we all not remain cool,calm and rational?
Or do we get to pick and choose? Stay calm for this situation,rage for this one.
We've all seen people in the state of outrage at the car rental company,the airlines, the businesses. The person raging at the unlucky employee behind the counter deserves their rage?

If humanity is to move forward it must be done with clear,logical debate,calm and intelligent thinking.

Or the other thing....


As just a question of curiosity....has any white supremist groups copyrighted the saying "white lives matter?"

I only ask as a person in this link has been fired from his job amid the fact he had a banner fly behind an aircraft.

As this isn't a false statement in which white lives do matter as do other lives why would there be such a negative reaction to this statement? I've seen similar reactions from a statement of "All lives matter" too but this isn't a false statement either...

This is an honest to goodness question-I'm not being confrontational nor am I being facetious.

Another thought on the White Lives Matter banner, even though white lives do matter, most people must have thought that guy was reacting against BLM. It was the negativity and sarcasm that got him canned. Had he flown a BLM banner, it might have been ok because that's showing support instead of disapproval.

I saw a saying which said "honey bee lives matter" the other day due to the demise of the honey bee...I thought that to be a little over the top.

Bumblebee, Whatcha talking about, over the top?!! I support all bee's lives and monarch butterfly's! Frogs and snakes too. We have a lot more reptiles and amphibians in the past few years I've noticed. That's a good sign.
an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.

arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation in (someone).

Do I need to post all the photo's and video of the OUTRAGE. View attachment 1621764
People lose their lives. (riots)
Destruction of property. (riots)
Set fires,destroy monuments,looting,etc etc etc.
Yup,that's what we need.OUTRAGE.
Outrage is a form of anger. What's the first thing that happens when a human being becomes angry? They lose the ability to think and reason clearly. In all sorts of professions they teach and train you NOT to get angry. Do you want a surgeon at work who is angry? An air traffic controller? A police officer? Employee's are trained to stay calm even on the telephone. At a certain point,once all hope is lost of meaningful solution filled dialog they are trained to hang up.Let the caller calm down,get rid of their outrage. Then a solution can be reached.
Maybe you've seen a street fight or been in oneView attachment 1621765 where one combatant is losing his shi7 with anger and rage. His opponent is calm,cool,collected. Mr.Calm dances around and carefully,scientifically chooses and lands his strikes. Mr.Rage flails about wildly so engulfed in rage he can't see straight.He rages/rushes in and has his own size and body weight used against him (the heart of judo).
Outrage is not something you want to carry into any situation.
As a theoretically advanced society should we all not remain cool,calm and rational?
Or do we get to pick and choose? Stay calm for this situation,rage for this one.
We've all seen people in the state of outrage at the car rental company,the airlines, the businesses. The person raging at the unlucky employee behind the counter deserves their rage?

If humanity is to move forward it must be done with clear,logical debate,calm and intelligent thinking.

Or the other thing....View attachment 1621771 View attachment 1621770 View attachment 1621772 OUTRAGE.


View attachment 1621773
Interesting take on this Rubb. I was wondering if you might point out a case of major, or even minor social change that happened in this manner (calm discussion)? Cops have been killing blacks disproportionately for many years and until we had cell phones people just shrugged it off and said they don't believe it. Even with the murders video taped many still say I don't think there is a problem.
I think you just have to keep things in perspective. We tend to focus on the negative but you could also look at the last few months as a pretty miraculous time for race relations. The BLM protesters are multi-racial, maybe even mainly white people by the looks of news coverage. You have millions of people in the street and only a few bad actors causing problems. For the most part the Police have been good, the military good, mayors great, governors great, and the business community have all handled this pretty well.

It's a crazy world. I can't tell you how many times I have said to black friends that white people, basically most all people, just want to live their lives in relative peace. When a leader let's the dogs out they characterize the entire country in a negative way and they elevate the bad guys stature. As crazy as these times are I'm actually pretty amazed Trump got away with it for so long.

It's amazing that people can watch a person murdered right on their cell phones and just shrug it off. I don't know why Floyd was different from all the others but I think it's a bigger, deeper issue. I think people are just fed up with the crazy way this world is run sometimes. I also think the COVID virus gave people the brake they needed to focus on this issue.

I just hope we can make it through the next 6 months it will take to legally rid this world of Trump. The damage done is going to make putting Humpty Dumpty back together again very difficult. The next president will have a monumental task to rebuild relationships in this country and with our friends around the globe. If I were Canada, GB or any of our traditional friends I would be a bit skeptical when in the next election another more capable crazy person could win and unravel everything again.

All great points...

Hopefully all this allow everyone to move forward in a positive light.

I read this morning many tattoo artists were offering free coverups for racially themed tattoos and there have been many takers-that's a good sign as long as these people aren't just doing this to be incognito...
Interesting take on this Rubb. I was wondering if you might point out a case of major, or even minor social change that happened in this manner (calm discussion)? Cops have been killing blacks disproportionately for many years and until we had cell phones people just shrugged it off and said they don't believe it. Even with the murders video taped many still say I don't think there is a problem.
So on both (all) sides. How is the outrage working out for US so far?
Yelling and raging at your local town hall meeting,your mayor's office,the senate,in the street.....well,that's gets you thrown out/down with perhaps a complimentary jail sentence as well.
Don't get me wrong,you will be hard pressed to find a bigger "rage-aholic" than me. I just about always win too. But that is PURE LUCK. Mike Tyson fought with pure rage. He did extremely well. But it (rage) is NOT the right way to do things.
It just isn't.
A Shaolin Monk will attempt to use his (calm) teachings to reason with someone.
If then faced with rage,he will then (calmly) kick the holy krap outa you.
But,it's all bullshi7 to some.You see it as the path to right and good things.I do not.But hey... please, RAGE ON. Get out there on the front lines,go rage at the police.Yell and throw bricks at them. Throw some bricks and set some business's on fire. After all,they are the one's who make change,write policy. Those small business owners will back you 100% after this,I'm sure of it.I know I want ALL my personal shi7 destroyed in the name of protest. I want my Busa set on fire.
I told another member if these protests are all so good for everyone,go park yer Busa down there. See what all this "Outrage" gets you.
Not too worry,these rational,calm, well meaning raging protestors won't mess with your PERSONAL property.
RAGE ON brother.:super:
Anyway,time to go ride.I shall protest the rediculasly low speed limits while I'm at it.

I'd like pics and vids of you "In the Fight" if you don't mind. I'll be happy to start the Go Fund Me page to raise your bail. I got your back brother.:thumbsup: