I need to quit smoking

Good luck - know that is tough.  

Now who wouldn't want another bike sitting in the garage?  
I do! I do! Looking at a Ducati as we speak.

And I'm not quiting either.

good luck with the stopping smoking.
i hope to be in a similar frame of mind in about 4 days (when i finish wot i got) i gave up about 2 years ago for only 2 months, with the help of niquorette patches. can't stop thinking about giving up. doesn't cost me a lot moneywise because i roll my own.
Was down seeing the doctor recently. i banged my ear drum a while back and since it has caused a build up of wax. i asked if i needed emptying of it and he poked his torch inside my ear and replied+ all i can see is catarrhrr. i must be full of it and my lungs must be empty of it. another good point is you make a complete recovery, lungs and all.
friends in high places is another feature i discovered when giving up. that is. people who don't smoke are more elan than smokers. pretty stupid habit though when you think about it. poison evrey half hour or so. i also like the feel of my nuts better when quitting (more what it is all about sort of thing). so good luck.
You see 300, the girl on the right in the second row quit smoking. This is what the Surgeon General does not tell you.
