If you could change the oRg..

Could you create an "I hate Obama" sub-forum for those of us who enjoy wallowing in fear and paranoia?

Perhaps then the "Random Thoughts" subforum would have a higher number of "thoughts" per thread.


Really did chuckle out loud at that one....


Sport touring net has a neat little feature it's an "all" button after the page number that allows you to view the whole thread. It's really handy.


all link.JPG
Bikes -N- Babes photo section :whistle:

Guns -N- Ammo section,

Member pages for photos, information, linked to their Avatar or such:

e,g, My bikes, my guns,my dogs, my tarantula,my other guns, my kids, Wife, GF. me, etc..
There seems to be a lot of good ideas that I would have suggested, but on more close to home is being able to set back ground colors of the site. Darker colors are a lot easier to see and being able to set "unique to me" parameters would really be nice.
How about rep/karma?

Good post = :clap:
A-Hole post = :disagree:

We have it and we at one point turned it on, it was a big game and people got screwed with and it turned into a big joke so we turned it off..
Uh....bring back Bogus...:poke:

We never made him go away, I think Randy had enough of some folks here and he left cause he was tired of it. I have spoken to him on the phone several times and his account is as available today as it was the day he chose to leave.
When I try to PM everyone on the OK list ( 38 ) it is a little bit of a pain because

When I click on my contact pop-up it shows all my contacts, I start checking the boxes on the right to pm them but before I can get 15 boxes checked the list changes because someone has either signed on or off. Quite frustrating when you almost have them all checked and it changes and erases everything.

Anyway to be able to send as many PMs as you want at one time and a button at the top that checks them all at one time.

Im probably the only one that runs into this problem,

I changed it from 15 to 25 for donating members, lets see if that helps...
There seems to be a lot of good ideas that I would have suggested, but on more close to home is being able to set back ground colors of the site. Darker colors are a lot easier to see and being able to set "unique to me" parameters would really be nice.

Sous had that same request, we are already working on that one...

Cap, living danger close to the action here in Robinsbillile I can't recommend much, but it would be nice for those that have never met the group to tie a face to a name. How about an avatar with a picture of the user?
Instant messaging would be great. I know there are other services out there, but I think it'd be nice to have our own setup here on the org. :thumbsup:
Can we have a separate and purely politics section and not allow political threads in the random thoughts section?

Thanks Cap!

1. Vimeo just like Youtube embeded.
2. I belong to another site that has a "Bike of the Month" contest. Members enter their bike by posting pics, other members vote via "poll", the winner gets a little certificate (I'll bet you could come up with something pretty cool with that laser), and at the end of the year, all 12 go head to head for the "bike of the year" title. I've noticed that it seems to bring new members out of their shell more.
3. +1 humor section.