If you could change the oRg..

The Gallery links don't work anymore. At least sort off. Too lazy to whine about it.

Click on the Gallery link up top.
You used to get two options - My Photos, and My Favorites I think it was.

The 'My Photos' link disappeared. I have 525 photos in there. About 20 were marked as 'My Favorites' and that link is still there.

Just to get to your photo gallery, you have to click on 'Member Gallerys', then click on 'P', then click on Pashnit & finally get to the gallery of photos. Way too much work.

There are two options here, used to be three.

How about a memorial section for those who are gone but not forgotten?

Never Forgotten section is here btw in above screenshot.

Would it be possible to change the server settings to update recent threads immediately instead of every hour or whatever it is now? The only consistent thing about this forum that has always sort of bugged me is that I can read a thread, and come back an hour later, click "most recent post" and it takes me to posts that were made hours ago. If I'm not mistaken, it's a server load issue, but I'm no expert.
Ah yes i do :duh:

That's not all...Youtube had changed their embed stuff a couple of times, so copy/pasting the "EMBED" link from youtube is what give you the white box. Now, all you need to enter is the actually link NUMBER.

For example to embed this video: >
< all you need to paste in between the Youtube button above is the actual file name "AIQdd1XEy-s"

Like this

more people need to use the chat thing we have on :poke:

I agree with that, but IM's are private.

Okay, how about some sort of "Chat Request" as a compromise? For example, if I see that a certain user is online, I could go to their profile and click something that would instantly send them a pop-up requesting their presence in the chatroom.
1. Vimeo just like Youtube embeded.
2. I belong to another site that has a "Bike of the Month" contest. Members enter their bike by posting pics, other members vote via "poll", the winner gets a little certificate (I'll bet you could come up with something pretty cool with that laser), and at the end of the year, all 12 go head to head for the "bike of the year" title. I've noticed that it seems to bring new members out of their shell more.
3. +1 humor section.

I like the contest idea a lot! :beerchug:
Would it be possible to change the server settings to update recent threads immediately instead of every hour or whatever it is now? The only consistent thing about this forum that has always sort of bugged me is that I can read a thread, and come back an hour later, click "most recent post" and it takes me to posts that were made hours ago. If I'm not mistaken, it's a server load issue, but I'm no expert.

Couple ways to do this:

1) Log off and when you log on, you'll only see what's new since your last logoff.

2) If you click on '.oRg Forums' in the navbar, down at the bottom of the forums list, just above the 4 Gallery images, there's a "Mark Forums Read" link. Click that and then the next time you click on "New Posts", you'll only see what's new...
Working on that one...

Thanks. Might also look at photobucket...I think both have larger file size/length limits and aren't so picky about music...Probably would use my Vimeo account more if I could embed.
Here's Vimeo: (see the blue "V" button in the editor)


Is it possible to have a section just for videos?

How about a humor section?

Okay folks I have changed a few things since I posted about a new category for videos.

I have added a new section and you can get there using the nav bar on the top of the screen just under where it shows you logged in. The link is called videos.

You can go to this new area and you will see catagories on the left side of the screen.

To post a video

1. Choose the catagory where your video should be
2. On the top of the screen is an "Add Video", click that.
3. Add a title
4. Get the link from youtube and enter in the second space. (Others are coming including vimeo)
4. Enter a message or anything you want to say about the video, just like posting in the forum...
5. Add the video...

Its that simple, you can report videos for a number of reason and you can rate them on this page too..

let me know what you think...

here is a link directly to the new area...


Hope you like it...
