I meant insurance. In essence, an affordable national healthcare plan is good. I know it didn't start well and I was very much opposed to it, not being able to afford healthcare ever in my life except for when I was married to a spouse who had great insurance. For me, it's worked out because I was really poor. I know there are a heck of a lot of people making just above a livable income who can't afford what they have to pay for insurance now. That's why Trump should continue to work on what was started.
Yeah, all the way! That's what I did but I was lucky I chose to get a teaching degree years back and I am able to move anywhere (although this has separated me from my kids even more). Also, the whole process took me ten years going from this job to that finding a way. I could have lived just fine without the insurance but that's from the perspective of a poor person. LOL you can live without a lot of things (and choose to not live without others--like bikes).
Having primary care of kids does open the door to a lot of benefits if you're poor. I do not have primary care of my kids. I got food stamps for two years which was wonderful but there was NO CHANCE of getting a free roof over your head in Milwaukee, WI. It was all taken up and the waiting list was years not to mention, if you don't have primary care, you're not eligible for housing anyway. Being a poor dad without primary placement is no picnic either and there's a few of us out there. The answer is usually "move where there's a job" and that's the compromise I accepted three years ago. It will cause other problems. It's sadly ironic I have been working with other people's kids for 3 years. I'm happy I have finally been successful however. ...and there's a lot more to come. The relationship with my kids is not likely to be a big success however from what I have seen and heard from other single dads.