BTW Im a (or used to be) a Republican! I voted for Dole. Mccain would have been a great president, but W was terrible. Fortunately Trump is soooooooooo incompetent and stupid that everyone sees him as a clown. He isn't seriously, and that is keeping him from good time up the country like W did. (so far!)
While I agree the guy needs to stop the twitter stupid but really aside from his dumb comments think about this...
-Engaged a 70 year enemy - NK. Right or wrong no one has ever done that. Attempting to reign them back in
-Got remains of long fallen US soldiers that should have been demanded when the war ended.
-Said enough to our economy being butt f*cked by the entire world. Yes China steals our ideas fluctuates their money on purpose and does anything it can to get ahead. They told the WTO they would have all their BS protectionist laws pulled back by now..I mean by 10 years ago. At what point does one country say enough? No president really has done anything worthwhile except Trump
-Wrote into law that federal employees can be fired for doing a shitty job - who would thunk isn't this common sense
-Said enough to ILLEGAL immigration. What doesn't one understand about ILLEGAL. I'm sorry their country sucks. Come here legally and all good. Pay your taxes, work hard.
-Lowered corporate tax rates to compete on a global scale. Corporate tax rates are just used to generate more govt revenue to spend...Which is why Dems didnt like it.
I believe the guy needs to just STFU but the things he's done in less than a year...I don't know like him or hate him its hard to argue with
-Yes helped pull the country out from financial disaster. Trillion dollar stimulus package for shovel ready infrastructure projects. Good idea. WTF actually happened to all that cash? I didnt see any improved infrastructure across the country
- Got Bin Laden. Very proud moment for our country give the guy props.
Aside from that I think Michelle did more than him.