
-Yes helped pull the country out from financial disaster. Trillion dollar stimulus package for shovel ready infrastructure projects. Good idea. WTF actually happened to all that cash? I didnt see any improved infrastructure across the country.

Where DID all that money go???
We are trillions more in debt during the obama administration, and yes I know he is not the only one to blame. Several previous administrations (repubs and dems) have been borrowing on the backs of me and you and many future generations of us to come :mad:
They are both cut from the same cloth. Front men. The man behind the curtain is the one that pulls the strings.:poke:

Now, where were we? hmmmmm... oh that's right, Hayabusas!
So , is the Gen 2 better than a Gen 1?

If they were both cut from the same cloth the media wound have not lost their marbles as they continually do on a daily basis since Trump announced he was running for POTUS. Dont like lower taxes? Don't want a secure border and the immigration laws fixed? Obama was a globalist puppet that hung out with Soros and other bad anti America haters... start reading the right history books like "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs as just one example of how deeper research proves the main stream media is not your friend.
If they were both cut from the same cloth the media wound have not lost their marbles as they continually do on a daily basis since Trump announced he was running for POTUS. Dont like lower taxes? Don't want a secure border and the immigration laws fixed? Obama was a globalist puppet that hung out with Soros and other bad anti America haters... start reading the right history books like "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs as just one example of how deeper research proves the main stream media is not your friend.

I stopped listening to the Corporate media years ago, I listen to the Independent media and get the other side of the story ( truth where it is shown.)
The BIG PICTURE.......
The Banksters and the Zionists are running it all, at the end of the day.
The 'elected' government officials are all paid to 'tow the line', look at JFK, he stepped out of line . . .wanted to abolish the Fed, the puppeteers don't tolerate that and the penalty for that was . . . death.
The whole world is now opening their eyes and seeing it for what it really is. A matrix but more and more are choosing the RED pill!
guys... I do caution against going toooo far... there is some meaningful insight into our political system here..... captain once told me.... THINK about what ure gonna say... type it out... READ IT... ask ureself if uve gone too far.... The word fag nowadays greatly offends many many people... and we wanna respect peoples rights... no hate speech... please... I don't want the thread locked....
Thanks man . . .

I don't wanna give any more liberals
anything else to cry about . . .

We all know how much
they like to cry after elections *

Lays Hilary extra salty.jpg