Judge overturns CA Proposition 8

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My $.03
2) I also feel marriage is a religious ideology. The government should recognize "civil union" and all couples who declare their intent to be together should file certificates of civil union with the government to get access to those certain benefits afforded appropriately. "Marriage" being a religious institution should continue to be so. If you want to get married in church, great, go for it. But to get access to government benefits (spousal rights, tax deductions, etc.) you have to file civil union. It's not a permit mind you, it's a declaration.

ok, you said it better than me..... you win, here is a cookie
Goverment should stay the he!! out of peoples lives and let them marry who they choose. There's already too many laws.

2) I also feel marriage is a religious ideology. The government should recognize "civil union" and all couples who declare their intent to be together should file certificates of civil union with the government to get access to those certain benefits afforded appropriately. "Marriage" being a religious institution should continue to be so. If you want to get married in church, great, go for it. But to get access to government benefits (spousal rights, tax deductions, etc.) you have to file civil union. It's not a permit mind you, it's a declaration.

Well said. We all win. Gays are made equal to everyone and religious people who find marriage sacred (me included) are happy :thumbsup:
i perform weddings, and if a gay couple wanted me to merry them, i would. i beleve it is between them and god. not really anyone elses busness. prop H8 was just that, hate and discrimination.

i read this and almost didn't post any response.......:talk2hand:
My $.03

1) What bothers me is not the subject of the legislation but that a single individual, who happens to be a judge, can overturn the will of the people. Judge didn't like it so he writes his opinion to vacate a law passed by the voting people. This irks me to no end. One person who was appointed by the President at the time (Reagan), has his job for life and cannot be removed by the people.

2) I also feel marriage is a religious ideology. The government should recognize "civil union" and all couples who declare their intent to be together should file certificates of civil union with the government to get access to those certain benefits afforded appropriately. "Marriage" being a religious institution should continue to be so. If you want to get married in church, great, go for it. But to get access to government benefits (spousal rights, tax deductions, etc.) you have to file civil union. It's not a permit mind you, it's a declaration.

3) The people who stand to benefit the most from this are lawyers. They just increased their pool of divorce opportunity. If you went with my suggestion for civil union the lawyers would still make out good.

This. I could expand on this to nearly no end, but I don't think anyone wants to read a post long enough for me to hit the max post limit in a thread. So x1,000,000,000,000 on this one should do it.

I understand where the zealot's are coming from... as far as not wanting their belief's 'tarnished' by calling it marriage.

Making it illegal will not stop gay people from being gay. It just won't happen. I'll say it again... gay people will still be gay. Denying them something that has absolutely nothing to do with you will only divides everyone further. Man religion is such a wonderful thing.

Post is already longer than I planned, so I'll refrain from the whole seperation of church and state spiel and just post this instead....

Funny thing is, the judge who overturned the law is a homo. I'm sure this didn't influence his decision , right? My thing is, if marriage is not defined as only between a man and a woman, as I believe that it should be, then where does it end. Why can't it be between a man/woman and a dog, or sheep, or dolphin, or turtle? If you want to be queer, then go ahead, it's none of my business, but don't force me to recognize your union as a marriage. You give em an inch, they want a mile. First it was gays, next bisexuals, then transsexuals.
Also, what about the will of the people, what good did it do to debate endlessly, and then vote on it? Another in a long tiresome line of activist judges. But I'm sure the 9th Circuit will overrule on appeal , right?:rofl:
The will of the people was spoken and one man overturned it .
Why vote ?
Why care ?
Why follow any law if after mass approval one person can overturn it ?

Marriage is a religious ceremony traditionally practiced by a man and a woman . It's that simple . Always has been and always should be . Being gay is fine with me but it is not normal nor should it be looked upon as such.
Only one species on earth practices homosexuality , only one and that should tell you something about how 'normal' it is .
thats the single funniest defense ive ever heard.

how does this affect your civil rights?

I think PandaNin explained it better than I ever could. I wish my debate skills were better.

I don't want the gay/lesbian agenda forced upon me or my family. I do not want my daughter's school forced to teach her that it's acceptable behavior. I do not want to see the military put in the really bad position to have to support a policy that most find morally reprehensable. Expecting me to accept gay/lesbian marriage is impacting my right to expect it to be between a man and a woman only.

If people want to be gay, that's their choice, and they have to live with the repercussions of the choices they make. It's the militant gay people who think they have to force me to see it as acceptable behavior that I can't stand. What two consenting adults do in their own bedroom is their business, so don't be out trying to make it mine.

The judge was biased. The people of the state of California VOTED and aproved the measure. It will eventually make it's way to the Supreme Court as it was pretty much destined to all along (which was the intent of the movement in the first place).
Only one species on earth practices homosexuality , only one and that should tell you something about how 'normal' it is .[/QUOTE]

Not true, primates practice it also, though compared to humans, rare.
That's the thing, it's not about civil rights or being treated "equally". If it was a civil union would accomplish such. It's about forcing their lifestyle on those of us that hold "marriage" as a sacred Godly union of a man and his wife, but who cares if we're offended. We have no rights.

How can we be surprised at the outcome when only one of three openly gay judges just happens to be the one deciding this?

Why not legalize marriage between a man and a kangaroo or a woman and a dog? Where does it stop? This is the problem with morality. When you remove God's law the lines on what's right and what's wrong get more and more blurred as interpreted by man and at some point the entire societal structure breaks down. History shows us that when society turns to immorality it's destruction draws near. No good will come from this.

Another sad day for America IMHO.
Only one species on earth practices homosexuality , only one and that should tell you something about how 'normal' it is .

Not true, primates practice it also, though compared to humans, rare.[/QUOTE]

You don't see gay ape couples do you ?

:rofl: He said 'Gay Ape' :rofl:
Not true, primates practice it also, though compared to humans, rare.

Not to threadjack the original topic but it is
well documented that over 500 animal species have homosexual relations. *

*Bruce Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, St. Martin's Press, 1999; ISBN 0312192398
a marriage has nothing to do with religion. i dont even believe in god but me and my wife are married.

its too funny people want civil rights, constitution this, my amendments that but you wanna deny those to people that are different from yourself.

you realize without a marriage you are limiting their freedom because it goes against your religion.

what happened to separation of church and state :rofl:
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