Judge overturns CA Proposition 8

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My brother is gay and an "in your face type". I no longer can be around him as I find his views and attitude heinous. I share your thoughts on this matter.

I find it very sad that your prejudice has alienated you from your brother....
Separate but equal doesn't work... It's still discrimination...

Civil unions and marriages are not the same thing.

Live and let live. We are a Country rich in diversity, and that makes us special. Let's not let our differences tear us apart when they should instead unite us.

+1000 Vega!

Where were the judges and good people of Nazi Germany when they stripped the Jews, the handicapped and any other group of people who disagreed with them of their rights? Don't even try to justify bigotry, discrimination and segragation as being right and proper. It's about equal rights and protection under the law and one group of voters cannot pass a law that abridges the rights and protections of any other group. If they could do that where would it stop?
I didn't see the law taking away anything from gays.........They have the same rights as anyone. They can do what they want as far as I am concerned, as long as they don't do it to me....................
the lion and bear pics are killing me:rofl:,But as for gay marriage, doesn't bother me a bit, I say let em be.
I find it very sad that your prejudice has alienated you from your brother....

It is not my prejudice but my brothers complete lack of civility and the huge chip on his soldier that has led me to this point. I could care less what he does privately. No need to worry brother. :beerchug:
Don't really see why gay people can't get married since it's a farcical affair anyway.

Frankly it strikes me as more logical than a heterosexual marriage since homosexuality is IMO a mental disorder, as is convincing yourself that you will love and remain with one person forever.

Opinions change overnight. People can't seem to even comprehend how much they might change over 5, 10 or ever 20 years, let alone a lifetime. Being so sure of marriage just seems like masturbation for your conscience.
Interesting case, the Feds say it should be a STATE issue, but when the VOTE goes against Gay issues it needs to be a FED issue. My big problem, is HOW can ONE Judge over rule 7 million voters that were given the decision making power, unless the old attitude of voters is true. As in, MY VOTE JUST DOESN'T COUNT :laugh:
I find it very sad that your prejudice has alienated you from your brother....

AH, how is that Drew's fault? Why should Drew have to amend his morals for his brother? Like he says, what he does in private is his business, but trying to force it "in his face" is just as disrespectful to Drew as your view that Drew is disrespectful for not accepting it....kinda the point I was trying to make earlier at a more personal level.
Its sad that some of you people keep going back to "how one judge over ruled the will of the people"

It was a vote of 51%/49% .... Barely a simple majority at all...

This is a perfect example of why a simple majority should NEVER be allowed to ammend the constitution...

A majority believed Prohibition was a good idea
A majority believe Segregation was a good idea
A majority believed Jim Crow was a good idea
A majority believed Slavery was a good idea
A majority believed Civil rights were not important
A Majority believed women should not have the right to vote.
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry
A majority believe Jews,Gypsies, etc. [insert current genocide] should be exterminated.

A majority believe....

Whats it called again, when those in control of the are willing to oppress those too small to have a voice...

oh yeah, Tyranny... I thought Americans were against that....

Majority populations have shown time and time again, that the majority of them have their heads up their @$$ a majority of the time....

Our founding fathers were all too well aware of this... and this is why the american constitution can not be ammended with a simple majority...

Its much harder to get it wrong, if a 2/3rds majority of house and senate is required to pass a bill.... or harder yet if its done by constitutional convention(never been done)...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness FOR ALL...

Not just those who match up with your idea of what correct is(majority or not)...
its sad that some of you people keep going back to "how one judge over ruled the will of the people"

it was a vote of 51%/49% .... Barely a simple majority at all...

This is a perfect example of why a simple majority should never be allowed to ammend the constitution...

A majority believed prohibition was a good idea
a majority believe segregation was a good idea
a majority believed jim crow was a good idea
a majority believed slavery was a good idea
a majority believed civil rights were not important
a majority believed women should not have the right to vote.
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry
a majority believe jews,gypsies, etc. [insert current genocide] should be exterminated.

A majority believe....

Whats it called again, when those in control of the are willing to oppress those too small to have a voice...

Oh yeah, tyranny... I thought americans were against that....

Majority populations have shown time and time again, that the majority of them have their heads up their @$$ a majority of the time....

Our founding fathers were all too well aware of this... And this is why the american constitution can not be ammended with a simple majority...

Its much harder to get it wrong, if a 2/3rds majority of house and senate is required to pass a bill.... Or harder yet if its done by constitutional convention(never been done)...

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all...

Not just those who match up with your idea of what correct is(majority or not)...

All laws should be applied equally to all members of society, not one set of laws for this group and a different set for that group over there. If you want justice and fairness you have to be willing to accept that if you want a particular right, in this case marriage, you must accept everyone is entitled to the same right, reguardless of race, creed, sexual orientation and so forth.

Explain to me exactly how homosexuals wanting to be married/civil union and provided the same protections as hetrosexuals is wrong?

If you are morally opposed to homosexuality, that is you right, and you have the right to express it, but you do not have the right to deny them any rights you think they shouldn't have just because you disagree with their life style choices.

If you disagree with gay marriage, don't marry a homosexual, plain and simple!
Its sad that some of you people keep going back to "how one judge over ruled the will of the people"

It was a vote of 51%/49% .... Barely a simple majority at all...

This is a perfect example of why a simple majority should NEVER be allowed to ammend the constitution...

A majority believed Prohibition was a good idea
A majority believe Segregation was a good idea
A majority believed Jim Crow was a good idea
A majority believed Slavery was a good idea
A majority believed Civil rights were not important
A Majority believed women should not have the right to vote.
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry
A majority believe Jews,Gypsies, etc. [insert current genocide] should be exterminated.

A majority believe....

Whats it called again, when those in control of the are willing to oppress those too small to have a voice...

oh yeah, Tyranny... I thought Americans were against that....

Majority populations have shown time and time again, that the majority of them have their heads up their @$$ a majority of the time....

Our founding fathers were all too well aware of this... and this is why the american constitution can not be ammended with a simple majority...

Its much harder to get it wrong, if a 2/3rds majority of house and senate is required to pass a bill.... or harder yet if its done by constitutional convention(never been done)...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness FOR ALL...

Not just those who match up with your idea of what correct is(majority or not)...

Only one problem, the MAJORITY changed these things, NOT ONE JUDGE :beerchug:
I could not disagree more.

A minority voted for prohibition (elected officials)
A minority voted for segregation (minority of states enacted it)
A minority enacted Jim Crow laws (minority of states again, all southern)

A majority of people since the beginning of time believed slavery was a good idea. That's only changed in the last 200 years.

I could go on and on but I won't. The fact remains, the vocal minority should not be allowed to speak for the majority. When we as a people reach a consensus, that consensus should be upheld regardless of who dissents. Citizens need to accept the majority decision.

Tyranny is best defined as "one who rules without law, looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extreme and cruel tactics -- against his own people as well as others". Now that I consider it, yes, that is what is happening now; but on a national level, not state.
Actually Judges did overturn segregation, see Brown V. Board of Education.

It is actually the responsibility of the Judical Branch to review and overturn laws that are found, when challanged, to be unconsititutional, it's part of that whole checks and balances thingy in the constitution, you know the seperation of powers:

Legislature Branch enacts the laws.

Executive Branch enforces the laws.

Judicial Branch reviews the laws.
Its sad that some of you people keep going back to "how one judge over ruled the will of the people"

It was a vote of 51%/49% .... Barely a simple majority at all...

This is a perfect example of why a simple majority should NEVER be allowed to ammend the constitution...

A majority believed Prohibition was a good idea
A majority believe Segregation was a good idea
A majority believed Jim Crow was a good idea
A majority believed Slavery was a good idea
A majority believed Civil rights were not important
A Majority believed women should not have the right to vote.
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry
A majority believe Jews,Gypsies, etc. [insert current genocide] should be exterminated.

A majority believe....

Whats it called again, when those in control of the are willing to oppress those too small to have a voice...

oh yeah, Tyranny... I thought Americans were against that....

Majority populations have shown time and time again, that the majority of them have their heads up their @$$ a majority of the time....

Our founding fathers were all too well aware of this... and this is why the american constitution can not be ammended with a simple majority...

Its much harder to get it wrong, if a 2/3rds majority of house and senate is required to pass a bill.... or harder yet if its done by constitutional convention(never been done)...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness FOR ALL...

Not just those who match up with your idea of what correct is(majority or not)...

I still believe most women shouldn't vote OR drive..........
AND....If you win by a fender length, you won....2nd place is the first looser.
Its sad that some of you people keep going back to "how one judge over ruled the will of the people"

It was a vote of 51%/49% .... Barely a simple majority at all...

This is a perfect example of why a simple majority should NEVER be allowed to ammend the constitution...

A majority believed Prohibition was a good idea
A majority believe Segregation was a good idea
A majority believed Jim Crow was a good idea
A majority believed Slavery was a good idea
A majority believed Civil rights were not important
A Majority believed women should not have the right to vote.
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry
A majority believe Jews,Gypsies, etc. [insert current genocide] should be exterminated.

A majority believe....

Whats it called again, when those in control of the are willing to oppress those too small to have a voice...

oh yeah, Tyranny... I thought Americans were against that....

Majority populations have shown time and time again, that the majority of them have their heads up their @$$ a majority of the time....

Our founding fathers were all too well aware of this... and this is why the american constitution can not be ammended with a simple majority...

Its much harder to get it wrong, if a 2/3rds majority of house and senate is required to pass a bill.... or harder yet if its done by constitutional convention(never been done)...

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness FOR ALL...

Not just those who match up with your idea of what correct is(majority or not)...

A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry ,

The majority was right :whistle:

Everyone preaches "diversity", diversity is for business not people. Hell, in 100 years there won't be any "race" anymore it will be a combination of all. America is losing it's Cultural Anthropology before our very eyes. What once was "American" is quickly becoming a combination of all the other countries migrating to here and wanting to change the American laws, language, etc.

And before someone throws the "race" card on the comment above, the only thing being created by a white woman/black man, or vice versa, is a life of turmoil for their child.

Should all the races be segregated and be forced to live apart? No, but they shouldn't rebel against society and just try to do things to go against the grain.

This world has never been more screwed up than it is now...........
You can take a 100 flavors, each one with it's distinct, exquisite taste, and pour them all in the same barrel and mix them up, and it ends up tasting like crap. That's where I am afraid we are heading.
I'll try to ignore the old school racist mentality comments... :banghead:

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
-Thomas Jefferson

Who are we to tell another person that they are not afforded the same rights under our constitution that we are?

Marriage to whom ever they please is their pursuit of happiness... Protected by the US Constitution.

Why is equal rights for everyone such a tough concept to swallow?
A majority believed a black person and white person should not marry ,

The majority was right :whistle:

And before someone throws the "race" card on the comment above, the only thing being created by a white woman/black man, or vice versa, is a life of turmoil for their child.

The only reason there'd be turmoil is because of the type of ignorance you've just wonderfully displayed.
Everyone preaches "diversity", diversity is for business not people. Hell, in 100 years there won't be any "race" anymore it will be a combination of all. America is losing it's Cultural Anthropology before our very eyes. What once was "American" is quickly becoming a combination of all the other countries migrating to here and wanting to change the American laws, language, etc.

I hate to break it to you, but this is exactly America's Cultural Anthropology, America is, and has always been the melting pot. This counrty was founded by people fleeing opression, looking for a better life, and trying to find happiness with the "American Dream." It is America's tolerance and cultural diversity that has made her great. It's time to get with the times, this is, has been, and will be a progressive country.

What does it say at Ellis Island, "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses."

How long is it going to take for people like you to realize that the world is constantly changing and evolving.

Perhaps you should study your history a little more next time.

And BTW, how did we get off on race when we were talking about gay marriage?
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