That's the thing, it's not about civil rights or being treated "equally". If it was a civil union would accomplish such. It's about forcing their lifestyle on those of us that hold "marriage" as a sacred Godly union of a man and his wife, but who cares if we're offended. We have no rights.
How can we be surprised at the outcome when only one of three openly gay judges just happens to be the one deciding this?
Why not legalize marriage between a man and a kangaroo or a woman and a dog? Where does it stop? This is the problem with morality. When you remove God's law the lines on what's right and what's wrong get more and more blurred as interpreted by man and at some point the entire societal structure breaks down. History shows us that when society turns to immorality it's destruction draws near. No good will come from this.
Another sad day for America IMHO.
Seen that woman/dog thing, not pretty.