Judge overturns CA Proposition 8

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That's the thing, it's not about civil rights or being treated "equally". If it was a civil union would accomplish such. It's about forcing their lifestyle on those of us that hold "marriage" as a sacred Godly union of a man and his wife, but who cares if we're offended. We have no rights.

How can we be surprised at the outcome when only one of three openly gay judges just happens to be the one deciding this?

Why not legalize marriage between a man and a kangaroo or a woman and a dog? Where does it stop? This is the problem with morality. When you remove God's law the lines on what's right and what's wrong get more and more blurred as interpreted by man and at some point the entire societal structure breaks down. History shows us that when society turns to immorality it's destruction draws near. No good will come from this.

Another sad day for America IMHO.

Seen that woman/dog thing, not pretty.
The beastality remarks are taking a topic and stretching it past "on topic". We are talking about human beings being with other human beings. I am not trying to argue just to argue. I think that people should not be denied any right that other person is granted. I think that is wrong. So +1 for PandaNin. If we remove the government, we would solve a lot of problems. But then again, that would apply to many of our problems that we are facing right now as a nation.
That's the thing, it's not about civil rights or being treated "equally". If it was a civil union would accomplish such. It's about forcing their lifestyle on those of us that hold "marriage" as a sacred Godly union of a man and his wife, but who cares if we're offended. We have no rights.

How can we be surprised at the outcome when only one of three openly gay judges just happens to be the one deciding this?

Why not legalize marriage between a man and a kangaroo or a woman and a dog? Where does it stop? This is the problem with morality. When you remove God's law the lines on what's right and what's wrong get more and more blurred as interpreted by man and at some point the entire societal structure breaks down. History shows us that when society turns to immorality it's destruction draws near. No good will come from this.

Another sad day for America IMHO.

theres nothing godly about my marriage. come tell oklahoma to take off my civil union papers.. :rofl:
Not to threadjack the original topic but it is
well documented that over 500 animal species have homosexual relations. *

*Bruce Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, St. Martin's Press, 1999; ISBN 0312192398

That's a book I think I'll pass on .
It may be true that over 500 species practice it but none of them do it in the same manner as humans do . They may practice it , may demonstrate it but they don't live their lives being gay . Show me two chimps or two lions who were gay and never reproduced . It's not the same .
The issue of gay rights is really secondary here to me .
The fact a voting populace ruled in majority and then one person overturns it is what upsets me most.

Doh! That's OK. There are straight humans too. Hard to imagine when you live in CA. Feel like an outsider if you're not gay.
this makes me laugh.....

this is what happens when you let church and state mix. the gov. should have nothing to with marriage, it is a religious ceremony...but since it does, the Gov. must treat all couples fairly...

a bit ironic...

the .org is filled with post about the gov. telling poeple what to do,getting involved in people personal business. you don't want the gov. telling you whcih guns you cannot have, or how fast you can drive ....but you don't mind the gov. telling people who they can and cannot marry...also ironic, and hypocrytical...but thats seems to be the norm.

Homosexuality might disgust you, and you might not want to see it...but it part of human sexuality. anti gay groups will cite that only 2% is gay, while gay groups will report the number to be 10%...

so whether you believe its 6 million or 30 million.....that is alot of people, and those people have rights.

this is not the middle ages, you cannot descriminate against those you do not like....even if it disgusts you.
so whether you believe its 6 million or 30 million.....that is alot of people, and those people have rights.

So if just 6 million people want it, they get it? Tell that to the millions of Americans that want Arizona's immigrations law or the millions that don't want government run healthcare. Because that's a lot of people and they have rights.

I don't agree with the entire situation on a lot of levels (most of which Panda nailed) but here's the thing, you cannot really argue with the judge's argument in his ruling. He's not forcing anything "religious" he's just enabling a civil union, which is required for even straight folks to obtain a "marriage certificate" to be recognized as "married" regardless of a church service. Plenty of straight folks are civil unioned without a church service as well.

Separate the church from the civil stuff and you'll find that this turns into a matter of how does this impact the state in a civil way.... dunno perhaps it will not, perhaps it will just add to Cali being broke as hell :laugh:

The ruling says:

Marriage in the United States has always been a civil matter. Civil authorities may permit religious leaders to solemnize marriages but not to determine who may enter or leave a civil marriage. Religious leaders may determine independently whether to recognize a civil marriage or divorce but that recognition or lack thereof has no effect on the relationship under state law.

Walker also writes,

Proposition 8 does not affect the First Amendment rights of those opposed to marriage for same-sex couples. Prior to Proposition 8, no religious group was required to recognize marriage for same-sex couples.

He cites the California constitution that...

[A]ffording same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the designation of marriage will not impinge upon the religious freedom of any religious organization, official, or any other person; no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs.
So if just 6 million people want it, they get it? Tell that to the millions of Americans that want Arizona's immigrations law or the millions that don't want government run healthcare. Because that's a lot of people and they have rights.


if you want to discuss Arizona bill 1070 we can, but it has nothing to do with what happened in CA. You cannot vote to take away the civil rights of any group. I don't see what Healthcare has to with it either, but it is a good attempt to sidestep fact when you have nothing substantive to say.

This may be hard for some to handle, but times are changing. The days when you could use your religion to support hatred and discrimination of gays is coming to an end.
if you want to discuss Arizona bill 1070 we can, but it has nothing to do with what happened in CA. You cannot vote to take away the civil rights of any group. I don't see what Healthcare has to with it either, but it is a good attempt to sidestep fact when you have nothing substantive to say.

This may be hard for some to handle, but times are changing. The days when you could use your religion to support hatred and discrimination of gays is coming to an end.

Very true...
Separate but equal doesn't work... It's still discrimination...

Civil unions and marriages are not the same thing.

Live and let live. We are a Country rich in diversity, and that makes us special. Let's not let our differences tear us apart when they should instead unite us.
Separate but equal doesn't work... It's still discrimination...

Civil unions and marriages are not the same thing.

Live and let live. We are a Country rich in diversity, and that makes us special. Let's not let our differences tear us apart when they should instead unite us.

I think PandaNin explained it better than I ever could. I wish my debate skills were better.

I don't want the gay/lesbian agenda forced upon me or my family. I do not want my daughter's school forced to teach her that it's acceptable behavior. I do not want to see the military put in the really bad position to have to support a policy that most find morally reprehensable. Expecting me to accept gay/lesbian marriage is impacting my right to expect it to be between a man and a woman only.

If people want to be gay, that's their choice, and they have to live with the repercussions of the choices they make. It's the militant gay people who think they have to force me to see it as acceptable behavior that I can't stand. What two consenting adults do in their own bedroom is their business, so don't be out trying to make it mine.

The judge was biased. The people of the state of California VOTED and aproved the measure. It will eventually make it's way to the Supreme Court as it was pretty much destined to all along (which was the intent of the movement in the first place).

My brother is gay and an "in your face type". I no longer can be around him as I find his views and attitude heinous. I share your thoughts on this matter.
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