Just because the crash was not your fault

I agree with you 100%.

While riding you need to continuously assess what is going on around you and anticipating that the other drivers do not see you and plan accordingly. This is why we teach about having a buffer zone around you to give you room to maneuver.

I agree. I must admit sometimes I speed just to create the buffer zone or get away from the teen who is texting at 70. Yes I do use other cars for shock absorbers.

I Uncle always said, "He with the most lugnuts wins. We only have two." "Ride like you are invisible." This second one saved my bacon with a car who was driving the wrong way on a one way street (bad road formatting very confusing).
I've never been involved in a crash that wasn't my fault.

Methinks there's a story here :whistle: confess you sinner!

me thinks same... :all-ears:

Hell, I've crashed so many times I actually invented ways of crashing! However, I have never been envolved in a crash which envolved another vehicle.

I am convinced I am in charge of my destiny. I don't even listen to tunes when I ride because it takes up to much useable attention space. I need all of what little gray matter I have to keep my buns out of trouble.
Mr Bogus ... thanks for bringing this topic to us..
We are invisible , Anything with wheels is out to kill us , assume sand or oil in every curve , The absolut most scary thing for me were i ride are Animals... no way to predict.... We have bambi's of all sizes , bear , coyoty's , mountain lions , skunks , large and small rabbits....this really put's me on edje every time i ride in the sierra's... almost takes the fun out of riding. Ps i do not stop behind a car with my arms crossed looking at the trunk lock.....ever... like one of my friends do....he won''t listen to me.. Oh well.
Good read Randy!

There are several thing I have seen others do that drastically increase the likely hood that they will have an issue in the future. I am even guilty of a few, but I try to be a better rider every time I mount up.

Following too close.
Stopped at a light, in neutral, with hands off the brakes.
Not being highly visible.
Riding too fast for conditions.
Riding to aggressively on a road that is unfamiliar, or that they have not checked out personally that day prior to riding.
Trying to keep up with others.
Not assuming everyone is out to get them.
Approaching an intersection too fast, even if they have the right of way legally.
Depending on the alertness of others to spot them.
Not leaving plenty of room around themselves in traffic.
Not keeping their machines in good repair.
Not wearing comfortable gear that fits properly.
Trying to show off or impress friends.

I'm sure there are many more to add. Those are just the ones that popped into my head at the moment.

I can either be right, or alive. You always need to make that choice before you even turn the key. If you need to be right, take the car. You will live longer.

Ride around others they way you want to be treated. We can only hope that the other vehicles around us will give us the same courtesy that we can give them. In other words, ride like and ass, get treated like an ass.

We truly can't avoid every possibility, but we can reduce the outcome by riding with better habits.

Riding is very risky. It's all about mitigating the risks.
I am 50+, have some 250,000 street bike miles and never been touched by a car... I have hundreds of "missed" opportunities however.. Some perceived, some probably real.. fact still stands.. they aint got me yet..

I am a couple of days older than you:)and have been riding since I was 13. There is over a 100K miles on the bikes in my yard now. I only wish I had a clue how many miles I have ridden in my life, but the only times I have ever been without a bike was 13 weeks basic training and eight months cruising on the USS Enterprise.

I too have never been touched by a car, but I attribute it to that every where I have lived (Alabama, California, Maryland, Hawaii, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina) only have excellent drivers that always watch out for motorcycles:)
If you take the biggest causes of crashes
1. Alcohol
2.Taking turns too quickley
3 Speeding/Aggressive Driving/Racing
4. Stunting

If you take these out of your driving, you most likely have no more chance of being whacked on a bike compared to a car. Two of them involve speeding too fast for conditions. Drinking and Stunting are idiot moves on a bike anyway.

I'm not talking about driving in an area for speeding/stunting etc, I mean the regular roadway with traffic. Most crashes are the bikers fault. Some people do get whacked by someone pulling out in front of them or not stopping at a light, but that is much rarer than the big 4. Drive smart and you can drive a long time.
To add to the above post, I always assume everyone is riding with helmet, riding jacket, draggin jeans and gloves. Not wearing this "minimum" amount of gear is NUTS if your riding a motorcycle.

Oh and my really big two issues with some bikers.

1. Not having health insurance! No insurance, no riding period. One comes before the other.

2. Also Term Life Insurance for anyone who depends on you in any way for money. Riding as a husband/father is NUTS if you don't have decent life insurance.

Well, that's all my preaching for the day.
You know, the more I know, the more apprehensive I become...Ignorance WAS bliss!
:poke: thats it Im never telling you about my accidents again Randy:moon::laugh:
only guy I know that talks to you while falling over and never misses a beat.... :laugh: foot ok there Knievel?

But honestly, I am glad most understand the post.. this was not a "who is at blame" thing but "survive the road" post...

Don... I love that you had such skilled drivers everywhere you have chosen to ride :rofl: It does add to the point I have seen... the same things seem to happen to the same guys over and over.. in your case? arrive at destination safe...

This post actually has an origin from about 15 years ago..

I rode in a customers car one day as a passenger.. At the same time he is telling me how he has been crashed into 3 times in the last year... He then went to turn right into the parking lot at Scottsdale road and Thomas... He damn near stopped, and idled into the parking lot... I was already bracing for impact... was not his fault someone behind him was not paying attention but he could easily avoid these crashes by changing his driving style...

This NEVER left my mind... one of the few times in the garage biz that I was scared riding with someone...
i agree with the 99% number. one thing to consider is even if you are totally aware of danger...do you have the skill to do something about it?

approx. 1/2 of all motorcycle fatalities happen in turns with NO CARS involoved...rider error and lack of skill. in almost all cases, the bike could have made the turn, the rider couldn't and paid with his life.

the other 1/2 approx. happens when an approaching car turns left in front of the rider. slowing down and proper use of the front brake could avoid almost all of these crashes.

it takes good instruction and thousands of turns and braking drills in parking lots and at the track before cornering and braking skills become second nature and are there when you really need them. and here's the bonus, practice is really fun.
only guy I know that talks to you while falling over and never misses a beat.... :laugh: foot ok there Knievel?

But honestly, I am glad most understand the post.. this was not a "who is at blame" thing but "survive the road" post...

Don... I love that you had such skilled drivers everywhere you have chosen to ride :rofl: It does add to the point I have seen... the same things seem to happen to the same guys over and over.. in your case? arrive at destination safe...

This post actually has an origin from about 15 years ago..

I rode in a customers car one day as a passenger.. At the same time he is telling me how he has been crashed into 3 times in the last year... He then went to turn right into the parking lot at Scottsdale road and Thomas... He damn near stopped, and idled into the parking lot... I was already bracing for impact... was not his fault someone behind him was not paying attention but he could easily avoid these crashes by changing his driving style...

This NEVER left my mind... one of the few times in the garage biz that I was scared riding with someone...
Posted via Mobile Device
Mr Bogus... I agree with U 100%. I drive a bus for NYC Transit and what U explained is what we are taught. Even though we are not at fault, we must do whatever it takes to prevent an accident. When we have a hearing after an accident, it will be classified either "not at fault" or "preventable". Meaning, "not at fault" will only be given when it has been proven that there was NOTHING that U could have done to prevent the accident...even if the other party was wrong!
Dino, I hate to inform you of this...but apparently you were registered in the remedial safety courses. They use shorter acronyms for the white matter challenged:laugh: Those students who were judged to still have something left in the tank were awarded longer acronyms..:whistle:2hip