Gentlemen, we have a green light as far as weather.
Kickstands up at 6:00am from LIE exit 63 (unless I oversleep
) Hope you are all happy getting me up so early. I won't have time to do my hair...
Kickstands up from Yonkers at 7:45am
I haven't heard otherwise so everyone on list is still in.
Get to meeting points safely. For some, the sun will still be well behind the horizon when we leave.
just got home , was a great day , hot , but great . was realy good to get off of the island and uh , blow the carbon out of the busa ! we did hit a little traffic
Jen and I are home. Great people, good ride, decent day. I'll post up pics tomorrow.
Where was this traffic you speak of John?
Hey Dave, did you see any traffic??
Oh, what's that Carl? Dave is home looking at the traffic for the Whitestone on TV already?
Guess we'll have to dig up that Gas station dilemna...
(busa-rich @ Aug. 25 2007,17:15) It was a great day,a little rough in the am but turned out real nice! thanks to everyone who set this up and make it possible..
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