Looks like a war is looming in Israel

You didn’t address my comment about vice presidents not being called out much, instead going straight to your perception that I must not understand management and leadership just because we don’t agree.
Intellectual debate I’m all for. Personal attacks you can shove.
Not long ago there was a fairly large UN contingent in Gaza and Israel......since that contingent withdrew, it appears the fracture between Israel and Gaza occupants has grown larger instead of healing...

I wonder how all this would have played out if that UN contingent was still operating there?

Over the past few years, Iran has been positioning it's proxy terror groups in key positions to generate as much damage and chaos as possible....and it worked.....Iran can sit back and watch from the front seats as it's proxies drag Israel into a 2 front war and once they have worn Israel down enough that Iran can finish them off, they will.......unless the US intervenes.....

I think the big question on many of the bad actor states leader's minds is who will be leading the US after the election.........
You didn’t address my comment about vice presidents not being called out much, instead going straight to your perception that I must not understand management and leadership just because we don’t agree.
Intellectual debate I’m all for. Personal attacks you can shove.
Ok, so let’s start with the general consensus about what the job of a VP entails. And let’s then talk about how Kamala conforms to the requirements of that job.

If you understand management and leadership, do you wish to go first, or do you want me to lead that, in order to start the intellectual debate?

BTW, I tried to steer you in this direction a few times, in previous threads, but never got a meaning-full response. Hence my incorrect perception that you don’t have a lot of experience leading a senior team.

My apologies for the incorrect perception.
And he skips the real issue about leadership, which can be discussed in detail.

Amazing how true facts are kept out of a discussion, by accusing it as bully style debating.

I’m here if you wish to enter into an intellectual debate, not if you don’t.
Dude. You're just an arrogant Richard Cranium. Intellectual enough to figure that out?

Tell me using a 168gr BTHP out of a 20in barreled .308 at a range of 800yds with a 4mph crosswind at 300yds what is your dope? Have you ever made shots like that? Do you know what you're doing? When youd like to have an intellectual discussion please come back.
Dude. You're just an arrogant Richard Cranium. Intellectual enough to figure that out?

Tell me using a 168gr BTHP out of a 20in barreled .308 at a range of 800yds with a 4mph crosswind at 300yds what is your dope? Have you ever made shots like that? Do you know what you're doing? When youd like to have an intellectual discussion please come back.
Sure, let's get back on topic of the post you replied to though.

You think Kamala did a good job the past almost four years?

BTW, when it comes to ballistics, I would love the challenge, but let's start a different thread for that. You ever plotted a Sine curve, of barrel vibration? Since you brought up the subject, there are calculators available to do that, but do you actually understand the math? Can you do it without the calculator from scratch?
Try a 6.5 Creedmoor, it will kick your 0.308's a$$ any time.
Different thread Bro.

Said, stupid people hate me, because I don't handle stupid very well. I did not take you for the stupid kind though?
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Sure, let's get back on topic of the post you replied to though.

You think Kamala did a good job the past almost four years?

BTW, when it comes to ballistics, I would love the challenge, but let's start a different thread for that. You ever plotted a Sine curve, of barrel vibration? Since you brought up the subject, there are calculators available to do that, but do you actually understand the math? Can you do it without the calculator from scratch?
Try a 6.5 Creedmoor, it will kick your 0.308's a$$ any time.
Different thread Bro.

Said, stupid people hate me, because I don't handle stupid very well. I did not take you for the stupid kind though?
The ONE pic of your pitifully mounted scope let us know all we need. I tried to help. Then you knew better. I have 3 6.5s but you'll find none when it's really needed.
I grew up shooting without calculators with memory and exp. It's ok. You're right. Different thread.
Carry on Squidward.
The ONE pic of your pitifully mounted scope let us know all we need. I tried to help. Then you knew better. I have 3 6.5s but you'll find none when it's really needed.
I grew up shooting without calculators with memory and exp. It's ok. You're right. Different thread.
Carry on Squidward.
Scope re-mounted. Grouping terrible. Needs work, working on it. You tried to help me back to where I started, scope tube to short, eye too far from relief. Got it good now, but rifle needs work, which I enjoy doing for years.

You and the Old Guy share something. When stupid people cannot debate intellectually, their ego's get hurt and they start throwing personal insults. When people who are a little less stupid experience those attitudes, first they don't lower themselves to that level, and second they find it entertaining. So have at it.

Good luck guessing windage with gut feel, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Old Men Laughing GIF by ABC Network
One wonders where the United Nations has gone?

The main job of this organization was getting in between such factions acting as a referee.....they did this several times before even in Gaza...

Cyprus, Bosnia, Gaza, Sudan and the list goes on where the UN was used to forge peace or neutrality by erecting green zones......

I myself went on a peacekeeping mission in Cyprus and have many former colleagues who went on missions in the other locations....
One wonders where the United Nations has gone?

The main job of this organization was getting in between such factions acting as a referee.....they did this several times before even in Gaza...

Cyprus, Bosnia, Gaza, Sudan and the list goes on where the UN was used to forge peace or neutrality by erecting green zones......

I myself went on a peacekeeping mission in Cyprus and have many former colleagues who went on missions in the other locations....
Relationships between the UN and Israel has been strained for a long time.

Oh my. Your link in the first paragraph.

"A state appeals court upheld a San Francisco gang member's second-degree murder conviction and life-without-parole sentence Thursday for gunning down an undercover police officer, a killing that became an issue in the recent attorney general's election."

And the 5th paragraph.
"Then-District Attorney Kamala Harris had just taken office after campaigning as an opponent of capital punishment. She declined to seek the death penalty for Hill."

Those are what set the stage for this whole soft on crime stance Harris took. California was already soft on crime. And even then they felt the death penalty was warranted. Harris set a new low bar for punishment.

I provided some "amplification" you left out in your link. Likely not on purpose as I don't think you're bright enough to understand why she was never popular in her state of California.

Everyone including Senator Feinstein, stated the killing of this police officer certainly met the statute for Special Circumstances which allowed for the death penalty. Harris refused to let it be pursued. So it went from soft to marshmallow, soft thanks to Harris.

When was the last time your elected official takes a survey to ask your opinion? The "survey" is taken when you cast your vote. They then represent you. That's the closest you will ever get to being surveyed.

You really seem fond of stating don't take you so literal, when you try to make a point that puts you in a corner. I didn't take you literally when you asked for a survey. I assumed you know how elected officials work for you.

You presented your link. I'm glad you did. It shows your thought process. I just don't think you realize you presented a link that is one of your anointed saviors stains on her record.

Speaking of "camps" as you define them. A place where the same types of people are kept. When in Ca history did all these homeless camps pop up? Are there any felonies taking place in them?

Educate yourself please.

What she feels is acceptable for Ca., will be acceptable as a country for her.
You stated that "everyone agrees" and I simply asked you where you got the "everyone" part. I've yet to see everyone agree on anything in my whole life on anything. I never said that I expect politicians to take surveys, even if my local politicians do a survey of all residents of our locale before they do the 10 year master plan. They are all Republicans and I commend them for it when I attend meetings.
Looks like Israel is getting ready to put boots on the ground into Lebanon.

Personally, I believe the war in Gaza has to run its course. However between Hezbollah and the Houthis, with the right strong leadership from the US, forcing Iran’s hand this war can be stopped.

We have a President who does not meet with his cabinet, if he does, his wife sits at the head of the table. And, we have Kamala telling us all the wonderful things she is going to do, after doing nothing for four years.
Do you remember all the great thing that Pence did when he was vice president? I seem to recall him being in charge of the Covid task force that cost us around 1 million lives. What great things has any vice president ever done, besides taking over when a president died?
Scope re-mounted. Grouping terrible. Needs work, working on it. You tried to help me back to where I started, scope tube to short, eye too far from relief. Got it good now, but rifle needs work, which I enjoy doing for years.

You and the Old Guy share something. When stupid people cannot debate intellectually, their ego's get hurt and they start throwing personal insults. When people who are a little less stupid experience those attitudes, first they don't lower themselves to that level, and second they find it entertaining. So have at it.

Good luck guessing windage with gut feel, you have no idea what you are talking about.
When Old Guy has something to say, he says it. He doesn't go down rabbit holes and change the subject to windage and elevation of some oddball rifle. And he also knows how to spell the word "meaningful". Hint: It isn't spelled meaning-full.
Ok, so let’s start with the general consensus about what the job of a VP entails. And let’s then talk about how Kamala conforms to the requirements of that job.

If you understand management and leadership, do you wish to go first, or do you want me to lead that, in order to start the intellectual debate?

BTW, I tried to steer you in this direction a few times, in previous threads, but never got a meaning-full response. Hence my incorrect perception that you don’t have a lot of experience leading a senior team.

My apologies for the incorrect perception.
The role of vice president has evolved into what Old Guy says, being a replacement in case the president can't continue and serve as president of the Senate including being a tie breaker if needed. Did you know that originally the vice president was the one with the second most votes? In modern times the tasks assigned to a VP will depend on issues of the time in question. Harris has had much less to do with the border crisis than is popularly thought. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas would be the "border czar" in this case. I think Harris shows to be quite capable of leadership. I'm sure you'll want to be all knowing of the situation, but truth be told nobody will know unless she gets a chance.
The role of vice president has evolved into what Old Guy says, being a replacement in case the president can't continue and serve as president of the Senate including being a tie breaker if needed. Did you know that originally the vice president was the one with the second most votes? In modern times the tasks assigned to a VP will depend on issues of the time in question. Harris has had much less to do with the border crisis than is popularly thought. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas would be the "border czar" in this case. I think Harris shows to be quite capable of leadership. I'm sure you'll want to be all knowing of the situation, but truth be told nobody will know unless she gets a chance.
Agree with all the above, but wish to add, the role of the Vice President is also assigned to assist the President in the execution of his duties.

I'm going to copy and paste from the link below, see if you agree and then go from there?

"The modern vice presidency is a position of significant power and is widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration."

"most modern vice presidents serve as a key presidential advisor, governing partner, and representative of the president."

"In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt raised the stature of the office by renewing the practice of inviting the vice president to cabinet meetings, which every president since has maintained."

"Most recent vice presidents have been viewed as important presidential advisors."

"Recent vice presidents have been delegated authority by presidents to handle significant issue areas independently. Joe Biden (who has held the office of President and Vice President of the United States) has observed that the presidency is "too big anymore for any one man or woman"."

Let me know if you are in agreement with the above, the link is below?
