Looks like a war is looming in Israel

The sad thing is, most people void of leadership skills, don’t see this, because they don’t know any better.
Trump used Cabinet meetings as opportunities for attention and adoration. Whatever the reason is for Biden’s for the lack of cabinet meetings, I seriously doubt it’s Harris.
Kamala, was and still is fully aware of Joe’s cognitive status. She covered it up, lied about it. If she had leadership qualities of any sort, she would have stepped in, covered for Joe, and kept the wheels of government running.
You’re advocating for the coup that so many conservatives critically claim occurred. If you really believe that private conversations didn’t occur, I’m surprised. The correct protocol was for the Commander in Chief to make the call, and he did.
When an election is going up in flames in front of your eyes, grasping at ways to extinguish it is bound to occur.
Trump used Cabinet meetings as opportunities for attention and adoration. Whatever the reason is for Biden’s for the lack of cabinet meetings, I seriously doubt it’s Harris.

You’re advocating for the coup that so many conservatives critically claim occurred. If you really believe that private conversations didn’t occur, I’m surprised. The correct protocol was for the Commander in Chief to make the call, and he did.
When an election is going up in flames in front of your eyes, grasping at ways to extinguish it is bound to occur.
I'm a little retired guy now, lost all the big power. So I am really a nobody.

I own a small company, but I can assure you if I drop the ball tomorrow, one of my guys will pick it up and run with it. Unlike Kamala.
From the upswing in support, I’d say Kamala is sprinting up the field.
What does that "sprinting up the field look like"?
Does it look like ... I don't do sit down interviews and I don't answer any important questions? like Kamala has been doing...

Face it Red.... we have endured over 3.5 years of the most incompetent political grifters to ever occupy the White House.
Border, economy, foreign policy... take you pick... which failure has been the biggest failure so far?

That doesn't include the political graft operations that the Biden family have been actively engaged in for years.

Biden's advanced age in the brain hit critical mass years ago... and yet... your hero Kamala covered it up the whole time.

Everyone knows it now... his removal was fast, and abrupt... here today, gone tomorrow... the smoke and mirrors never ends with these people.
Again, back to the original point we were discussing, she is Vice President.
Relieving Kamala of any responsibility in terms of how the country was run, may work for you. It sure as hell doesn’t work for me.

If you are the co-pilot on a plane, and the Captain loses his cognizance during the flight, will you just lay low, do nothing and wait for the crash?
Face it Red.... we have endured over 3.5 years of the most incompetent political grifters to ever occupy the White House.
Border, economy, foreign policy... take you pick... which failure has been the biggest failure so far?
Some folks understandably cannot stand Donald Trump. Unfortunately it totally blinds them towards seeing anything else.
If you are the co-pilot on a plane, and the Captain loses his cognizance during the flight, will you just lay low, do nothing and wait for the crash?
To go with your scenario, she landed the plane and shook everyone’s hand as they left the plane.
Face it Red.... we have endured over 3.5 years of the most incompetent political grifters to ever occupy the White House.
I’ve watched the country go from a terrible pandemic to robust during that time. You were too busy complaining to notice.
To go with your scenario, she landed the plane and shook everyone’s hand as they left the plane.
Zerks disagrees with you. He thinks the plane crashed a while back, as soon as after the second war. He thinks we are still scrambling to put out the fires which burned trough or borders from the crash.

For once, I can’t say I disagree with him.
You, Zerks and Blanca seem fine with a man that refused to denounce white supremacists.
No big deal to you?
It is to me and I’m very comfortable with my decision.
I think I addressed that in post 1348.

Blanca won’t enjoy your comment, he totally despises me, because unlike you he refuses to interact in intellectual debates.
I think I addressed that in post 1348.

Blanca won’t enjoy your comment, he totally despises me, because unlike you he refuses to interact in intellectual debates.
Your post speaks to the importance, in your mind, of Trump’s attitude towards the Proud Boys. To me it’s inexcusable, and I don’t agree that his positives even come close to offsetting his character flaws.
It’s fine, if we agreed we wouldn’t take a closer look, which I think gives better perspective.
Your post speaks to the importance, in your mind, of Trump’s attitude towards the Proud Boys. To me it’s inexcusable, and I don’t agree that his positives even come close to offsetting his character flaws.
It’s fine, if we agreed we wouldn’t take a closer look, which I think gives better perspective.
To me it is not about Trump.

It is about the choice between the Democratic and the Republican Party.

And it is very unfortunate that Trump is the leader of the Republican Party.

During Obama’s term, I voted for him both times. But unfortunately the Democratic Party is not something I can support due to how they have changed. You are very forgiving towards their failures, I am not.

One of my best friends is a guy with an executive resumé. He sits on a team who designs and facilitates the new board and management structure of multi billion dollar companies after a merger.

He is like you, dislikes Trump to the extent where he gets upset with me because of my reasoning, to the extent that we no longer discuss it.

My previous boss recently retired, he was the Senior VP for operations for Conagra. Managed multiple facilities. He also will never give Trump his vote, but a bit more mature, so we can talk about it and laugh about it.

So in short, I respect your opinion, a lot of very smart accomplished people think the way you do. But there are also those who are very accomplished who think the way I do.

It is what it is, Mr. Red.
And it is very unfortunate that Trump is the leader of the Republican Party.
We do have common ground. I would not be nearly as hopeful of Harris’ winning if there was a different Republican candidate. I’m with you, several of my conservative friends and I laugh instead of disliking each other because of politics.