This bike came with Heli-Bars & 1" risers. I gave the Heli-bars to Matt, and removed the riser kit taking the bike back to stock. Odd I know, but I like the stock handlebar height. Haven't decided what to do with the Riser kit & longer bolts. May keep it.
Had to make a trip to the hardware store for different bolts that're shorter. $1.59 each, ouch. Plus I hopped on Amazon and bought a chrome bolt cap kit to get the bike back to stock.
More black that's removed the better. I've had these sitting on a shelf for years, finally unwrapped them.
Plus we'll add PMR mirror Extenders (& another trip to hardware store to get longer bolts)
PMR Mirror Extenders: Mirror Extenders for Suzuki - PMR Components | Pashnit Moto
Adding RAM balls to be used later as camera mounts.
Had to make a trip to the hardware store for different bolts that're shorter. $1.59 each, ouch. Plus I hopped on Amazon and bought a chrome bolt cap kit to get the bike back to stock.
More black that's removed the better. I've had these sitting on a shelf for years, finally unwrapped them.
Plus we'll add PMR mirror Extenders (& another trip to hardware store to get longer bolts)
PMR Mirror Extenders: Mirror Extenders for Suzuki - PMR Components | Pashnit Moto
Adding RAM balls to be used later as camera mounts.