My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 issue

Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

So if the rear is slipping what do you do? I.G. says let off the gas a little or just ride it out, which is what I would probably do. What should you do Tuff?
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Tuf, like I said earlier, you are rambling and provide zero useful information to riders here on the site, except for occasional jumping on topics to teach a poster that a poster does not possess riding skills. I don't know why you are jumping on the sliding subject while foot anchors are claimed to let a rider go FASTER as their primary benefit. This has been discussed. I am not in a position to teach anyone how to slide, however, as I stated earlier foot anchors allow for a lot more stability and better anchoring to the bike when an instability occurs. Defying all logic, you are desperately trying to find examples veering off the topic. Desperately trying to find some questions I cannot answer as a less advanced rider. Behaving like a kid.

To clarify Keith Code DID NOT ENDORSE foot anchors. You seem to make up stuff as you go. Magazines have to test something before publishing it, and it is a process which takes time. As someone who has never developed anything for a motorcycle you are probably not aware of how much effort, communication, and time this requires. Andrew Trevitt actually published about the Hump Mod a while back, after testing it. A different product, but nevertheless... Sport Rider actually published my comments regarding their G-forces article a few years ago - that was a full page editorial on my part. You probably missed it, but don't bother looking for it because you will probably disagree with everything anyway. There is a lot going on, but I don't like to speculate until things materialize into facts. And that is why you don't read about foot anchors in the magazines. Yet. Things may or may not work out in the end, and it simply would be irresponsible of me to brag or even discuss it in the open forum.

It is true that at the moment, none of the racers is using foot anchors. They are humans, and generally are as non-receptive to new ideas as you are, despite being advanced riders.

The video of how to use foot anchors has been on the website for a couple of months. It clearly shows the foot work. Don't know how you missed it. Missing things seem to be a pattern with you because you are so much focused on putting someone else down.

Arch, counter steering is not always possible because a) it takes time, and b) this would widen your line and possibly putting you off the road. The G-forces are NOT parallel to the ground. The G-force goes through the bike-rider-system CG and straight to the line connecting the wheels' contact patches. A part of it is parallel to the ground pushing the bike outward, and another part of it is pulling the bike-rider CG straight down. These are two vectors at 90 degrees to each other, so what you experience on the bike is the combination of the two. In a simplified case, if you are sitting upright and not hanging off, and the bike is at 45 degrees, each of the two vectors above corresponds to the force of 1G. If you add them up as vectors (geometrically), the combined force you will experience as if you are sitting on a stationary bike, but your weight just became 1.4G. It is significant because if you weigh 200 lb, it will feel like your weight became 280 lb. If you are sitting upright (not hanging off) this force will press you against the seat. However, if you are hanging off, whatever combined weight ends up hanging off the bike, it will be 1.4 times heavier. So, if you hang off on a stationary bike and manage to anchor yourself comfortably in that position, then in a turn at 45 degrees you will need an extra effort to compensate for the extra weight you just gained. If a person does not hang off much like you see in Tuf's avatar, his butt is mostly on the seat and in such case the extra weight helps him to stay planted. However, if a rider tries to hang off as much as possible, this becomes a real challenge as is observed even among top riders. The primary reason for hanging off becomes really less important - be it to tighten a line, to compensate for a slide, or to straighten the bike on corner exit.

Another part which Tuf is not even touching upon is that knowing what to do has very little with the rider's reflexes and actually doing the right thing. A rider can spend 2 hours listening to a lecture and answering all questions correctly at the end, then go riding and at the first sign of trouble react in exactly the wrong way. This is the whole different topic, and deserves a special attention: how to react properly when something like a rear slide occurs. I actively seek to put myself in such situations in as much gentle way as possible in order to replace my natural reflexes with the right reflexes... That's the gist of it. Oftentimes, in such situations doing nothing is the best thing - simply pretend it's not happening. However, it is the hardest thing to do. A more broad approach is to close your eyes, and visualize various scenarios like in slow motion, and visualize what the bike is doing and what inputs you apply. Doing such mental exercises over and over again helps a rider to re-program reflexes, particularly for scenarios which are hard to create in real life situation. Such approach has been advocated by many, and I am a big fan of it. It produces real results. For example, I am unable to close the throttle when any instability occurs thanks to such mental training.
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Deja Vu........??? :whistle:

Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Wow, are you guys still at this never ending debate?

IG, just my innocent opinion, but things sticking out of the side of a bike are dangerous on the track. Ask me how I know after a foot peg, which as you knows retracts by spring tension completely destroyed my Dainese boot and ended me up in the emergency room. Two guys touched and went down on Shenandoah at the end of the straight just as we start braking at around 140mph and I could not get past them, I probably went down at about 90mph and my footrest somehow had a direct impact on my boot.

So, how long is it gonna take you to sell about 5 to a few capable track riders, so we can put these discussions to bed?
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

You guys are funny.

Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Doesn't matter what the topic..... if those 2 happen 2 comment on the same thread it always comes back 2 "Foot Anchors"!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Frankly, Tuff and IG can both kiss my arse. I got a new track coach :whistle:

Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

You guys are funny... The thing that bothers me with Tuf that he brings so much negativity to riding. I try not to respond when he posts a complete non-sense, or to respond when he has a good point. Man, what was this thread about? Damn, taking the meaning of "going off topic" to the whole new level, LOL

jelly, safety is a real concern with foot anchors, and I am constantly thinking about it. A bit of a general statement that things sticking out of the bike.. So, the footpeg punctured your leg, and I am very sorry to hear about your mishap. Following your logic, one has to be insane in order to replace a foldable footpeg with a solidly mounted one. However, there is a significant benefit in such replacement, and most racers do exactly that. I also did that because I got tired on footpeg constantly folding as I kept moving around the bike. Other riders, racers, as well as Igor assumed the risks and learned to live with them. In return, all of them gained a greater degree of control and satisfaction out of riding. Yes, there are always scenarios with bikes that don't end well, but think how many times a foot anchor can save you from going down in the first place? I agree it's a bit of a grey area, and that's why I am very open about my safety concerns. I also explained on many occasions how it is virtually impossible for your foot to get stuck under a foot anchor due to unique indentation on their surface, and your foot sliding from under foot anchor as if it is lubed with oil. As I mentioned, one of the test riders demonstrated exactly that at the grid of a track day to other riders who had questions. He showed how his foot was holding him under the foot anchor, but the moment he relaxed his foot, he simply fell on the ground. So, if a rider's body is thrown off, the foot is not going to get stuck as if anchor is a foot peg. Not saying it is 100% stuck-proof, but very close. I do try to sell, but things are moving very slowly. I honestly hope that one of the known magazines would test them, and although there was clear desire from a couple of them to test, nothing materialized so far, and in big part because these guys are just extremely busy. So, it's a process...

Twobrothers, your depiction is very accurate. In my defense, I always try to turn any negativity into something positive and useful. I don't perceive the internet as a sort of a black hole not deserving my attention. I am fully aware there are real people on the other end, with real emotions, and real souls. If you notice everything I say is exactly what I would say in a face-to-face discussion. Always trying to see good in people, because I know that in most cases it's there.

1busa, I try to find what to say, but I have to agree with your statement. This only shows how truly universal foot anchors are, LOL

Now, let me have a look at the videos arch and 1busa posted...

Arch, I can't take the competition. High heels definitely hold you better than foot anchors. Now, I have to re-think the whole concept. Does she do two-up training? An attractive coach = distract-ive coach. BTW, don't know if you checked your email, but your set of foot anchors was shipped to you on Friday.
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Great man. Thanks for letting me try them.
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

1busa, I got it... NO CUPCAKES FOR ME. :nono:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

You guys are funny... The thing that bothers me with Tuf that he brings so much negativity to riding. I try not to respond when he posts a complete non-sense .

As I was enjoying my morning coffee I did a little poking around on the net. What I found was a thread title of "Looking for Racers who want to go faster" by none other than our infamous IG. It appears that Igor has been on many motorcycle websites doing the same as he does here. An endless struggle to convince anyone who will listen that he has a product that will indeed change the course of motorcycle cornering forever. He seems to have the same issue on every website I visited other than one stunt site that said his invention would probably improve a riders ability to ride a "No Hands" wheelie, it's a tough job convincing the rest of the folks.

The best example I found watching Igor struggle with endless answers to question that he had no tried and tested answer for that ended in rambling theories he had made after watching youtube video was on the WERA site "LINKY". If you have interest, go have a peek. 14 pages of chatter from mostly race guys that actually do have some degree of motorcycle logistics. He opens with statements like this:

If there is only one person who ends up willing to try, I will make it for free, and hope that you win.
I am pretty confident a mid pack racer would move to a podium, or will even win a race, and a back marker will get to top 6.

This got everyone's attention since every racer has that desire to win.
Here are a few more quotes from the discussion.

WERA: we need a highside volunteer!
IG: I tried. It wouldn't. Too stable.
WERA: You hook your toe under them rather than using your leg across the tank to hold yourself on basically.
IG: Bingo! It is so simple people can't believe it.
WERA: I'm all about innovation...but others can be the guinea pigs first for this one! I see all kinds of safety issues with your foot getting caught in many crash situations.
IG: You are right that I don't have crash test data to back up my logic. I researched a few scenarios and *^#@$$%^)??>"*%$#@

This stuff went on for 14 pages. On the last page of 250+ posts IG posted this.

IG: about 8 people expressed the desire to give it a shot,, and I reached out to all of them. So far, I actively communicated with one rider, and ended up making a set of foot anchors for him which has been shipped a short time ago.

After 14 pages of pleas to a large group of well school riders offering these space age appendages for free only one taker.

Another site "LINKY" that is entertaining

Gixxer: Looks like a good way to break bones in a crash
IG: Looks like a good way to avoid a crash in the first place.
Gixxer: Have you crash tested it yet?
IG: (This one actually made me spit my coffee out all over my keyboard :rofl: IG is actually telling these guys that he intentionally tried to crash his bike to test the results)
No, haven't crash tested yet. Did try, but the thing is so stable that it just doesn't want to crash.

You can't make this stuff folks. This stuff is very real in Igorville! :laugh:

So as it appears my views are overwhelmingly supported by the vast majority of street riders all the way up through the ranks to the upper tiers of club racing. After reading endless posts on multiple forums I found only one guy who actually took a free set and not one who was willing to pay for a set. Thus far there has been no follow up from the free set on that thread since July of 2014. This tells a story within itself. Like an old worn out prostitute, when you can't give your sheetz away for free, one can reasonably come to the conclusion that it ain't gonna sell on the open market.

All this theory BS is just that "Theory" with absolutely no supporting data other than that of a guy who can't even intentionally crash a bike yet seems to have the Skill & Knowledge to tell us and others including Rossi how we can all move to the front of the pack with the implementation of this simple additional appendage. IG has been using this appendage for over a year and his best slides require tar snakes on freeway ramps. Go figure! There seems to be a never ending supply of "Cranks" trying to pi-ss in our ear and convince us it's raining while separating us from our money.

Is this Igorville snake oil or the re-invention of the wheel? You Decide! :dunno:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Tuf, I guess you missed my multiple mentions about WERA forum so many times... The fact that you were "digging" to find something negative is actually a complement because if you truly didn't care you would've forgotten about foot anchors already. It is you who is bringing this up all the time. It is you who is bothered by the simple fact that there is something new, something real. You don't see how you fall into a psychological trap and desperately looking for any information which could possibly diminish foot anchors - effectively and in your actions admitting that there is definitely something to it.

Like I said earlier, this has become... unproductive, debilitating, tiring, obsessive, making no sense, and so on, and so forth. If I were to find your own threads from the past, they would show a person with a problem, a bully, an insensitive personality. Don't know, maybe you are like this online, but the friendliest guy in person. I reached out to you a number of times, but you wouldn't budge... Man, you've got a problem, and you are the only one who can fix it... Enjoy your moment of self-fulfillment. I have to go work on an a couple of new orders...
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Well what if you approached this from another direction. What if we try to help IG find ways to prove the FA's work. IG is pretty good at pushing an idea and obviously is a good salesman. But why not just vet the thing and be done with it?

I plan to give it a fair testing, and give my honest opinion. I don't think I need the ability to hang on to the bike beyond my knee gripping the tank and I like getting away from the bike in the event of an accident, esspecially on the street where I might not be the one making the mistake. But we'll see. If I truely do feel like I have more control over the bike (while using the proper body position) as IG says, maybe it has a place for people who want to use them.
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

There are a lot of popular things I would never have on my bike. Shorty levers are one. I like the full lever so I can slide up and down the lever when more/less leverage is needed. I don't like spike bolts. I think it looks like I'm trying to look like Mad Max and I'm too stupid to have thought about eating one of those spikes. Folding foot pegs. The control you get from rearsets makes those things a positively useless feature on a sportbike. Rubber brake lines - when are those a good idea? Skulls. LED's everywhere. Top cases, unless they are a back rest for a beautiful passenger. And of course stretches :hide:

Can I pick a fight or what? :tongue4:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

I want Fallens new riding coach, JS!!
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

I said this in the beginning "Arguing with Igor is like arguing with a fence post". Other points of view no matter how logical nor pointed they may be are totally irrelevant if they don't agree with his. That's the way it is in Igorville and it will never change.

I knew when I got into this how it would end. My goal from the get go was to get the term "Foot Anchors" in so many times that when "Foot Anchors" were googled this thread would come up near the top of the list. Igor was happy to accommodate the process and it worked out as planned. Thank you Igor, I couldn't have done it without you. Hopefully, every non-informed rider who finds themselves going down that Foot Anchor road will have an opportunity to see an opposing view before making the plunge. Arming one's self with information is a great asset when making decision that can improve both the rider and the bike.

I was a critic of Foot Anchors from the get go. I've been riding these two wheel contraptions longer than Igor has been alive and I see a scam in progress. So I will rest my peace on this thread and anxiously await Valentino Rossi, Josh Hayes, Danny Eslick or Mark Marquez to step up and tell us how these things REALLY work. Hell, I'd even settle for Andrew Trevitt to indorse Foot Anchors in Sport Rider. I'm easy, just show me something besides rhetoric from some street guy who has nothing other than theory.

I'll calmly leave IG to the complete his current project of crash testing his Foot Anchors! :laugh:

Oops, I will respond to Arch's question on how to respond to a rear wheel slide. I don't have time at the moment but I'll get to it soon. IG couldn't answer it so maybe someone else would like to watch that wobble video and take a shot at the proper answer.
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Hey Tuf, I think you should become IG's best bud so all these long threads can stop and change your signature line to read:

"If a cornering situation demands more lean angle than you can safely deliver, hang on to your foot anchors!" :laugh:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Would you rather read a good old fight thread or a thread that starts with "I searched and couldn't find this but how do you....":sleepy:
Re: My email to Roadracing World magazine,after reading about H2(R) in January 2015 i

Been thinking about this since my post and I think I figured it out. If you let off the gas in a slide the rear tire may actually hook up and eject you. So I say stay on the gas but try to roll the bike up on the fatter part of the tire to increase traction?