OK, Here's another. Yeah The wife and I play pretty rough sometimes, we just have fun, mostly I tickle her and she beats me while I tickle...
We were roughhousing, just playing a little bit, well I had her pinned down and had a hold of both wrists... I thought it would be kinda funny to do the ole' "Quit Hitting yerself" thing right? Well there I am struggling just a little cause them lil Irish women are plenty strong, but making her hit herself (SOFTLY) in the forehead and cheeks ya know. She was fighting so I had to use a bit of muscle to get it done. He he, were having fun.
Well I guess I missed the notice that we were done with that little game. She suddenly relaxes, I am still going with some muscle behind it... Yep, POW right on her left eye with her own little fist... So yeah big ole' black eye.
So here's a 6'1" 215lbs Active duty Airman, with his little 5'2" 110 lbs wife walking around with a shiner... Well long story short, about a week later I am in front of the First shirt trying to explain that there is NO abuse in my house, while the wife is standing there looking like I had just hauled off and punched her in the eye...

This idiot just didn't get it, No I was not drunk, No she's not lying for me, WE WERE PLAYING!!!! It took a while but eventually they decided to believe that it was possible that I hadn't been beating my wife...
Now we have to get some head gear, mouth peices and gloves. So when we want to tussle, we don't risk leaving a mark.
The big squishy gloves were my idea. While I have pretty good control and timing, she will occasionally take a wild swing and them little hands freaking HURT...Lil Pointy knuckles...
Yeah it is great stress relief for a married couple, a lot of good exercise, lots of fun, and not mention can be a good way to aaaa, how to put this....you know...umm...well yeah...
Something else that can be fun if your both playfull. You know them pillow bats you had in junior high? Just thick cushy sticks? Well those are a lot of fun and you really cannot hurt each other. They make a great satisfying THWACK noise as well...