Do you routinely ride across the border? Even Kamloops will see some triple digit days this month. I checked the coast hiway in NorCal and OR and the temps look great but the 200 miles to get to the coast are frying pan hot. Probably foggy there too, often is when it’s real hot inland. This frikkin heat wave really sucks! Spoiling my plans!
Do you routinely ride across the border? Even Kamloops will see some triple digit days this month. I checked the coast hiway in NorCal and OR and the temps look great but the 200 miles to get to the coast are frying pan hot. Probably foggy there too, often is when it’s real hot inland. This frikkin heat wave really sucks! Spoiling my plans!

This would be the first time since my youth in Michigan on a moto. Toying with a short ferry ride to try that out on the motorbike as well. Sort of thinking forward to my someday Alaska ride. Maybe visit Bumblebee. How big can Canada be..?
This would be the first time since my youth in Michigan on a moto. Toying with a short ferry ride to try that out on the motorbike as well. Sort of thinking forward to my someday Alaska ride. Maybe visit Bumblebee. How big can Canada be..?

A member of the MTF, Motorcycle Touring Forum just returned from ‘up yonder’. He rode from the SE coast I think and did the trek up the Dalton. Hundreds of miles of packed dirt and 30 miles of awful dangerous lousy deep gravel that sucks the tires deeper. He’s 69 and wanted to do the trip before turning 70.
A lil Beemer.

Incredible. So happy that he got to do that. I'll likely have to wait until retirement for something like that. In the mean time I can plan and practice.
Sooo. "A bad day on the bike, is better than a good day at work" type of ride. My fault entirely. "I'll just do that fun loop around the lake today." (On a holiday weekend.) Sigh. Who could have predicted that every RV, boat and police car in the state would be on the road today. Arrggh. I've become a total snob. I don't ask much. I just want what I want, when I want it.



So I ran across this sign. "That's odd." I think. I can't imagine any place on this route that would wash out. No cel service. No map. Hmm. Well, the tiny Garmin GPS thing, combined with my cel phone, showed me where I had missed a turn (below). Pretty cool technology.




Made it back to the river. Enjoyed a stout, the train, the surfers and a series of waitresses dressed for summer. The day was not a total loss...


It's actually easier to do it on the bike, and only takes a couple minutes.
Good Good. I can't remember how I did it last time, that was 2 girlfriends and another house ago. 6 months I've had this bike now and hardly ridden it so there is a backlog of mods, brake pads, new pegs etc. I've had a dicky leg but it's getting better now. I could have ridden but with a weak leg I though better of it.

Now that I have an expert on chat, what about these OEM peg ends snapping off, is that common on the older Gen 2s? Both mine were broken off and I suspect the long factory lean indicator knobs must have snagged the road and tore the peg. The replacement pegs have short ones but I'm not putting them on just in case.
Good Good. I can't remember how I did it last time, that was 2 girlfriends and another house ago. 6 months I've had this bike now and hardly ridden it so there is a backlog of mods, brake pads, new pegs etc. I've had a dicky leg but it's getting better now. I could have ridden but with a weak leg I though better of it.

Now that I have an expert on chat, what about these OEM peg ends snapping off, is that common on the older Gen 2s? Both mine were broken off and I suspect the long factory lean indicator knobs must have snagged the road and tore the peg. The replacement pegs have short ones but I'm not putting them on just in case.

Hope your leg mends soon. Like yourself, when I can't ride I tend to tinker.

I decided to remove the weights and extensions from the pegs on my bike. No regrets. I'll never lean that far anyway.

On the flip side, Wuzza leans so far that he has worn through three sets.

I have drug every peg 'curb feeler' on every new bike, and any used bike that still had them...I never understood the point of them.
Short or long, they just scraped bad, I unthreaded them, and then eventually put on aftermarket rearsets.
I have seen a few broken stock peg tips on other bikes, and All were a result of the bikes falling over, it took the weight of the bike to snap them.
I suppose that you could hit something on the road, or a crack or groove that would grab and break them, but it wouldn't be common, as the pegs fold and usually my boot would scrape whenever the pegs drug the road.
I honestly would not give it a second thought anyway.
I drug my stock Gen2 mufflers on the road several times, and their bottom sides were scratched up alot from it.
There was also an egg size and shaped scrape on the clutch cover area of my lower right fairing(there are pictures of this in my old threads here somewhere), as the right side of the engine sits out a little further than the left, because of the clutch.
Now dragging hard parts on the roads is never good(but spring loaded legs don't really matter, as they just move up and out of the way, kind of an early warning), and I was just learning the Busa's lean limits as I drug knees.
But I say all that as proof that the curb feelers are unnesacerry, and nothing to worry about.
I have seen a few broken stock peg tips on other bikes, and All were a result of the bikes falling over, it took the weight of the bike to snap them.
I suppose that you could hit something on the road, or a crack or groove that would grab and break them,
I drug my stock Gen2 mufflers on the road several times, and their bottom sides were scratched up alot from it.
Yeah I guess I was just trying to ascertain if the bike had been dropped, but it would have had to have done on both sides since the OEM pipes are pretty scratched up, and dented, underneath too on both sides equally. If it was down they did a good repair on the plastics and all the rest of the bits, insurance would have replaced the pegs too as a matter of course. But it doesn't matter, it rides straight. Bends in the front end is the only stuff that really bothers me so when I take it in to have the heavier springs fitted I'll ask the head mechanic to give it the once over.