Pilot Road2

I was shocked that you rode 7100 miles in 2 months. I won't say how long it would take for me to ride that much.
Definitely a good review, though, and may be my next set of tires.
Where's the best deal on the pilot road2's now??
My hook-up got me a set for $190.

It's a deep-gouge discount special, but I don't know where else has 'em...especially near you.

Do you get consumables by internet shopping?

Cheapest I have been able to find is about $330 shipped...
I know. It's sick, isn't it? I'm getting both of them for less than the rear retails for.

I love my hook-up.

LBS here wanted $420 for a pair of PR2s.

$100 less for BT-021s so I was financially forced to go with them. 2000 miles, so far so good. Still more than it costs to put a whole set of 4 on my pickup.
did not mean to imply you were a thief, sorry it sounded like that but the tires cost the distributors more than that by a pretty big margin (500+ at a time does not even get you near $220 a pair)

But I would question the source of these skins...
did not mean to imply you were a thief, sorry it sounded like that
No harm done. (But to the unknowing could have cast aspersions on my character), so I offer the following...


I realize this how it must have appeared, and I seriously regretted (about 45 minutes after posting it) putting the glaring bottom-line details of my hook-up in a public forum. Too late to change it, I swallowed hard and hoped for the best. It was a mistake
and has, unfortunately, culminated here.

...and, for everyone's edification, I know full well from where the tires come. Everyone in this situation get a little something extra. This part just happens to be my 'something something'.

What have I learned? Well, just because I have an incredible hook-up doesn't mean I need to advertise it. And, let's just say I'll never do it again.


I think that squares it off. Thanks for listening.
lest thou shall share thy hookup.... outlandish price posting tends to "fail"

Hey I posted my source for the $243 Corsa3 tire sets and dang if they did not all get bought up and now I have to pay $300+ for them..
Holy crap. 7,000+ miles out of a set of tires?

How do they handle agressive riding? Do they stick well under hard accel heeled over? I'm on my fifth set of tires at 12K... I've currently got 1200 miles on a new set of Qualifiers, and although I like how they work..I've used up just a bit more than half.

The OE B56's lasted close to 3K each
Two sets of Pilot Powers @ about 2600 each
Lookin like the Qualies are gonna be toast at around 2400...
Well, here's the deal.

On May 9, 2008 (that's exactly two months ago), I had the first set of Pilot Road2's put on my Gen2. The odometer reading at that service was 9,840. Previously, I'd sworn by the 2CT's but wanted to try this 'longer-wear' unit on for size...

Today, at the wear bar, I go to the dealership to look for my next good deal.

The bike currently has 17,224 miles on her.

So, in two months, I got 7,384 miles out of the Pilot Roads. That's correct, nearly 7400 miles on one set of tires. Crazy.

Utterly unheard of mileage on a motorcycle tire, in general, particularly one on a bike as heavy and torquey as a 'busa.

For product recommendations, I can say the Pilot Road2 is a canyon-worthy, long-wear, user-friendly shoe.

I am extremely satisfied with this purchase. Highest marks.


I bought another set of Road2's, FYI, which is the strongest endorsement one can give...
Maybe the Gen2 is really lower on power.