Just wanted to sign on and let everyone know I'm doin a little better with it now. Still floored, but the support of friends and family, including you guys, makes it a little easier to deal with. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Family and friends are the only things that get us through times like this.
I lost my bestest little buddy in the world today. I can't put into words how much I love her. She was only three but she could keep up with me cuttin' up and pickin' at 'er. No matter how much I picked at her she just kept comin' back for more. I gotta share a story. I was over one day when she was really sick. She had a high fever and you could just look at her and tell that she just felt terrible. Since she was sick I was goin' easy on 'er and not pickin' at her like I always did. She climbed out of her Mother's lap, came over, and climbed into mine. She just layed there for a minute, burning up with that fever and looking like her eyes were about to roll back in her head. The sweet little soul looked up at me and said my name. I said, "Yeah.". She pulls her shirt up to expose her little belly and said "Tickle belly, tickle belly..." and forced a little grin. The child was so sick she couldn't hardly go but she couldn't stand it because I wasn't pickin' on her as usual. I tickled her belly and she rolled over and went to sleep in my lap. Ever since then every single time I saw her I got her belly no matter what the circumstances were. She busted out in a grin as soon as she saw me comin'. God I'm gonna miss that.
I am sharing that story to remind everyone that reads this to take advantage of EVERY SINGLE CHANCE you have to make great memories with the ones you love.
My sincerest thanks goes out to every one of you. You just don't know how much your support, thoughts, and prayers mean to me right now. If not for that and those great memories of good times I don't think we could handle this kind of thing.