gods come and go.. it's just superstition left over from our primitive ancestors who didn't understand science and tried to explain natural occurences... or probably more likely..some chief who needed something dramatic as he tried to keep some slaves in line by using fear.. How's Athena doing... how about Ra.. Jesus and Allah just the flavor of the day... might as well pray to "jeff,the god of bicuits" for all that it matters.. If I hear one more relious nut say something "comforting" like "god works in mysterious ways" at the funeral of a close friend,I swear I'm gonna slap the **** out of them..... Oh and if it wasn't blatantly clear, I'm an Atheist..
yeah that "God works in mysterious ways" is a lame reasoning for someone suffering loss. I much more prefer the Atheist response to grieving people...
"Hey, Aunt Silvia. Your husband's DEAD. It happens. Bummer. His body will be eaten by maggots and recycled. HE is gone for good. Time to move on."
..... "Hey are you gonna eat that dinner roll there?"
THAT's much more realistic comforting. I mean... you can't bring them back, why waste the time on it ya know? I'm TOTALLY with ya there.
Now the only thing that puzzles me about atheism is why they spend so much time worrying about OTHER's beliefs? I never spend a half second thiking about Atheist's beliefs, let alone attempting to degrade their beliefs with negative examples or calling them "Nuts" because they don't believe exactly like I do. Doing that would almost seem elitist. And I doubt most Atheists would have a need to feel that way.
ALL the science in the world isn't going to explain away humans need for belief in something beyond them. Be it love, why toast tastes good, belief in a flying spaghetti monster or an omnipotent GOD.
For as much as we have "EVOLVED" mentally, we still can't loose belief in mysterious ways. Why is that, do you suppose? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm. We've certainly replaced our Gods with better ones like money, TV, drugs, sports teams, super models etc etc etc and yet churches are filled and growing, new ones keep popping up... most non-religious types think it's all about the money... so... all these people are just dieing to give money away every week? That doesn't make sense to me.
Why are large numbers of people STILL reaching for whatever God, church, or religious has to offer?
And why hasn't SCIENCE fixed that need yet?