
Wow, I buy a new motorcycle and my whole world is opening up, who knew.

This forum is great.
LOL, what else can we help you with. Religion, relationships, home remodeling, paint, car audio, car repair, etc, etc, etc.......we have a very broad range of members that can help with just about anything.
gods come and go.. it's just superstition left over from our primitive ancestors who didn't understand science and tried to explain natural occurences...  or probably more likely..some chief who needed something dramatic as he tried to keep some slaves in line by using fear.. How's Athena doing...  how about Ra..  Jesus and Allah just the flavor of the day...  might as well pray to "jeff,the god of bicuits" for all that it matters..  If I hear one more relious nut say something "comforting" like "god works in mysterious ways" at the funeral of a close friend,I swear I'm gonna slap the **** out of them.....   Oh and if it wasn't blatantly clear, I'm an Atheist..
yeah that "God works in mysterious ways" is a lame reasoning for someone suffering loss.  I much more prefer the Atheist response to grieving people...

"Hey, Aunt Silvia.  Your husband's DEAD.  It happens.  Bummer.  His body will be eaten by maggots and recycled.  HE is gone for good.  Time to move on."    
..... "Hey are you gonna eat that dinner roll there?"

THAT's much more realistic comforting.  I mean... you can't bring them back, why waste the time on it ya know?  I'm TOTALLY with ya there.

Now the only thing that puzzles me about atheism is why they spend so much time worrying about OTHER's beliefs?  I never spend a half second thiking about Atheist's beliefs, let alone attempting to degrade their beliefs with negative examples or calling them "Nuts" because they don't believe exactly like I do.  Doing that would almost seem elitist.  And I doubt most Atheists would have a need to feel that way.  

ALL the science in the world isn't going to explain away humans need for belief in something beyond them.  Be it love, why toast tastes good, belief in a flying spaghetti monster or an omnipotent GOD.

For as much as we have "EVOLVED" mentally, we still can't loose belief in mysterious ways.  Why is that, do you suppose?   Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.  We've certainly replaced our Gods with better ones like money, TV, drugs, sports teams, super models etc etc etc and yet churches are filled and growing, new ones keep popping up...   most non-religious types think it's all about the money... so... all these people are just dieing to give money away every week?  That doesn't make sense to me.

Why are large numbers of people STILL reaching for whatever God, church, or religious has to offer?  

And why hasn't SCIENCE fixed that need yet?
We has humans have a basic need to believe in something more powerful than ouselves. It is called Hope. If we have evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? I believe in God and also believe He has a plan for me. I also believe God will not give you more than you can bear, although it may seem that way at times. I also believe that God puts people we need in our lives when we need them most. Maybe we need someone to talk to, a positive influence, or a good friend to help.
I do not believe in imposing my beliefs on YOU! If you want to believe something else, so be it, just dont expect me to see your way. Is a discussion and a healthy debate a good thing? Absolutely, that is how we learn. Keep the discussion going!
I don't think any of this really has anything to do with my question I had originally asked.

Maybe we need a over the top religious rant thread.
The difference is buddah, allah, and all the stupid bronze cows and other idols are dead, buried in a grave,then the torch is passed to another.  My savior lives. Just because you may not beleive it does not mean its not true.  Most all religions at least recongnize Jesus as a profit or other.  Christianity does not recognize any other infact it is forbidden.  The only way to Heaven is through the Son of God. Some beleive there is one God and many roads to get there.  This cant be because they all have TOTALLY different beliefs, they all cant be right! Why would the creator of everything, the Almighty want you to worship statues or dead people? You can beleive that your not a bad person or as bad as another, but sin is not based on a scale.  Sin is Sin, rather you rape, murder, or steal in Gods eyes you must Repent(turn away and know that Christ was sacrificed for your sin and have a true change inside and out, then you will be saved. I have been healed, my life has been changed and I will never be the same.  I too, thought Im not as bad as some so I am fine surely I wont go to Hell, this is why Sin is not on a scale one is not worse than another in Gods eyes. He simply has rules and regulations if you abide you will receive the Blessings, Favor and abundant life promised.  I know first hand. I have seen and experienced things that I would have never beleived unless I experienced them myself.  The Devil is not stupid and if you think about it is genius for him make us think there are other ways into Heaven or deviding Churches through religion.  Religion was created by man for thosethat accept some of the laws but want to tweak others.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever He cant and wont change for any of us.  Hell is real! Dont take it lightly.  Eternity of suffering in agony and pain never ends.  ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, REPENT AND ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR NOW!  IF NOT, EVEN GOD HIMSELF CANT SAVE YOU ON THAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT.  YOU HAVE A LIFETIME TO GET YOU NAME WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, THEN YOUR TIME IS UP.  HOW SCARY WOULD IT BE TO FINALLY SEE THAT THERE IS A GOD AND JESUS WAS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE BUT DIDNT GET AROUND TO LEARNING THIS AND HAVE GOD SAY "DEPART FROM ME I NEVER KNEW YOU.  I GUARANTEE YOU WOULD REPENT BEG, CRY, KICK AND SCREAM FOR ANOTHER CHANCE ONLY TO BE SENT TO HELL, A PLACED DESIGNED NOT FOR YOU, BUT FOR SATAN AND HIS ANGELS.  WE ARE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY NOW TO BE IN GODS KINGDOM RATHER THAN HELL.  ITS UP TO US.  GOD GAVE US FREE WILL TO MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, WE CANT BLAME HIM FOR ANYTHING FOR ALL GOOD AND PERFECT THINGS ARE OF GOD.
very well said
O.K. here is what my Preacher has always said and many others say the same:

"Christianity is not a religiong.....RELIGION IS HUMANS trying to work their way to God. CHRISTIANITY IS GOD coming to men and women through a relationship with Jesus Christ."

As a Christian your belief in God is what seperates from others.  I'm not here to frown on others for what they believe, but I do know what I believe.  And that is that one day He will come and bring all those who have asked for forgivness to be with him in the Kingdom of Heaven.  And that my friends will be a glorious day for sure!

Interesting thread. I found ibified's post, the story about the cat, to be the greatest testimony here, the testimony to goodness. Here's to you and yours, ibified
. We all have our beliefs, and I believe every man should hold their belief close, but not dispute other's beliefs. To each man there is one belief...their own. Be good...the Golden Rule goes a long way.
What is the GOLDEN RULE based on? Man's definition? Where did he come up with that? Seems to me, MAN makes the STOOPIDEST rules, not the good or healthy ones

just trying to spark conversation
Back to the original topic, I think it is a good idea to explore other religions, even if you are happy with your own. I think it is unfortunate that many people feel guilty about questioning things, or even wondering how the other side lives.

Think of this, even Jesus hung around prostitutes. I'm pretty sure he didn't condone the behaviour, but that didn't stop him from trying to understand them.
Yes it is funny how hard people who don't believe in God try to squash everyone else's belief.

And how infuriated and dare I say the word "Possesed" people become the more you try to talk to them about God.

The reality boils down to this. People who get angry over God, or the thought of God know in their hearts there is something out there.

However either their past has pain associated with God for some reason, usually stemming from humans inflicting either physical or emotional pain in the name of God and God gets the bad rap for it.

Or the person is leading a life style that they enjoy and believing in God would mean having to change that life style.

So these people lie to themselves saying there is no God. And the more they can force this un belief down others throats and make people not believe in God, the better they feel about themselves not believing in something that deep down inside they know exists

If a person honestly didn't believe in God, then reading stuff like I just wrote would be like water rolling off their back. It wouldn't mean anything.

But if you are reading this and finding yourself infuriated and it makes you want to reach out and slap someone, or blow something up or just pisses you off then you need to think to yourself.. why? If their really isn't a God why am I getting so upset?

You are getting upset because there is a God, you know there is a God but you have lied to yourself for so long you don't want to believe it. And anyone that tries to make you see the truth just pisses you off any makes you angry.
Back to the original topic, I think it is a good idea to explore other religions, even if you are happy with your own. I think it is unfortunate that many people feel guilty about questioning things, or even wondering how the other side lives.

Think of this, even Jesus hung around prostitutes. I'm pretty sure he didn't condone the behaviour, but that didn't stop him from trying to understand them.
Jesus didnt hang around prostitues to try and understand them. Jesus is God, he understood them. he hung around them to let them know he loved them regardless of what or who they were
The difference is buddah, allah, and all the stupid bronze cows and other idols are dead, buried in a grave,then the torch is passed to another.  My savior lives. Just because you may not beleive it does not mean its not true.  Most all religions at least recongnize Jesus as a profit or other.  Christianity does not recognize any other infact it is forbidden.  The only way to Heaven is through the Son of God. Some beleive there is one God and many roads to get there.  This cant be because they all have TOTALLY different beliefs, they all cant be right! Why would the creator of everything, the Almighty want you to worship statues or dead people? You can beleive that your not a bad person or as bad as another, but sin is not based on a scale.  Sin is Sin, rather you rape, murder, or steal in Gods eyes you must Repent(turn away and know that Christ was sacrificed for your sin and have a true change inside and out, then you will be saved. I have been healed, my life has been changed and I will never be the same.  I too, thought Im not as bad as some so I am fine surely I wont go to Hell, this is why Sin is not on a scale one is not worse than another in Gods eyes. He simply has rules and regulations if you abide you will receive the Blessings, Favor and abundant life promised.  I know first hand. I have seen and experienced things that I would have never beleived unless I experienced them myself.  The Devil is not stupid and if you think about it is genius for him make us think there are other ways into Heaven or deviding Churches through religion.  Religion was created by man for thosethat accept some of the laws but want to tweak others.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever He cant and wont change for any of us.  Hell is real! Dont take it lightly.  Eternity of suffering in agony and pain never ends.  ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, REPENT AND ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR NOW!  IF NOT, EVEN GOD HIMSELF CANT SAVE YOU ON THAT DAY OF JUDGEMENT.  YOU HAVE A LIFETIME TO GET YOU NAME WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, THEN YOUR TIME IS UP.  HOW SCARY WOULD IT BE TO FINALLY SEE THAT THERE IS A GOD AND JESUS WAS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE BUT DIDNT GET AROUND TO LEARNING THIS AND HAVE GOD SAY "DEPART FROM ME I NEVER KNEW YOU.  I GUARANTEE YOU WOULD REPENT BEG, CRY, KICK AND SCREAM FOR ANOTHER CHANCE ONLY TO BE SENT TO HELL, A PLACED DESIGNED NOT FOR YOU, BUT FOR SATAN AND HIS ANGELS.  WE ARE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY NOW TO BE IN GODS KINGDOM RATHER THAN HELL.  ITS UP TO US.  GOD GAVE US FREE WILL TO MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, WE CANT BLAME HIM FOR ANYTHING FOR ALL GOOD AND PERFECT THINGS ARE OF GOD.
I take it that you are not Catholic?

However, you sound like a Catholic with all of the fearmongering and sin this and that in your statements.
gods come and go.. it's just superstition left over from our primitive ancestors who didn't understand science and tried to explain natural occurences...  or probably more likely..some chief who needed something dramatic as he tried to keep some slaves in line by using fear.. How's Athena doing...  how about Ra..  Jesus and Allah just the flavor of the day...  might as well pray to "jeff,the god of bicuits" for all that it matters..  If I hear one more relious nut say something "comforting" like "god works in mysterious ways" at the funeral of a close friend,I swear I'm gonna slap the **** out of them.....   Oh and if it wasn't blatantly clear, I'm an Atheist..
Welcome to the team.
I like your style.
  Now I'm out again...

Some people will likely decide to dislike me now...
dude, you KNOW we love hearing what you have to say.  

I just figure there must be a "Mysterious" reason this thread got dug up again.  SOMEONE somewhere was needing to read it.  We may never know who, but that is not the point.
Happy to oblige.. Always.
PM -->
WWJD @ Mar. 26 2008 said:
1349067[/ATTACH] PM]
I just figure there must be a "Mysterious" reason this thread got dug up again.  SOMEONE somewhere was needing to read it.  We may never know who, but that is not the point.
Truth is that there are people with nothing better to do than to go around and "PREACH", proselytize and spread belief. They do it through guilt, fear and empty promises.
The person who "resurrected"
this thread like Lazarus did it more than likely as some sort of "Mission".

People ask why science has not corrected or alleviated this "innate" human behavior to fabricate and worship higher beings. Science understands it but can't get the "airtime" that religion uses so effectively to continue spreading the word. People do not congregate in a Science lab as willingly as they do at Sunday service, due to their mom twisting their ear, or in front of the TV set to watch the nonsense coming out of the Crystal Cathedral.

Mom did not smack me or guilt me to learn about science, she did so to make me attend mass in body (never to succeed in making me appear in spirit).

Science does not fix this "need to worship" because nature and nurture are at odds in this concept. Parents (Nurture) call the shots in what you are exposed to as philosophy and mythology in religious teachings. These days the movement (nurture) to limit influence has increased the amount of home-schooled children in Christian homes so as to concentrate and easily enforce the ideology. I say GREAT!!! because all of those hot young girls will one day go stir crazy and end up on the "Girls Gone Wild" bus.

Personally I think most religions offer good rules to live life by. There are a lot of good things that come out of religion. Whether or not I beleive there is a God I don't know. I would really like to beleive that there are. But in the same way I would like to beleive there is life on other planets. I believe Jesus existed but I think he was just a normal guy who happened to do some extraordinary things. Most of the things the bible says he did along with other story's in the bible are just that there "story's". I think its silly to beleive in a heaven or a hell. I don't think there is anything in this world that can be done that could possibly justify spending an eternity in hell. It just dosnt make since to me.

Now I admit, I don't know much about about the bible and maybe what I have wrote shows that. But the more I think about this stuff, the more it just dosnt add up. Perhaps, living in the south with all the "bible thumpers" has just really dis swayed me from believing. Yes I see a lot of good things, but I also see a lot of them trying to push there beliefs on others. The whole "no beer on Sunday" is just plain stupid. If you don't want to buy beer don't buy it! I get tired of seeing people protesting different events, such as the Kid Rock concert I went to a few weeks ago. Quit telling me im gonna burn in hell if I don't repent, that ones gotten old really fast. I keep seeing bigger and bigger churches being built on every corner. Not just bigger but nicer with big giant flouresent signs with plasma's on the inside. Why? When god said "let there be light" im sure he didnt mean from a 60" Pioneer plasma on each wall.

Ok but now im getting into a rant. Im not here to try and offend anybody or to tell you that your wrong. Its just my opinion. So please don't flame me.
Personally I think most religions offer good rules to live life by.  There are a lot of good things that come out of religion.  Whether or not I beleive there is a God I don't know.  I would really like to beleive that there are.  But in the same way I would like to beleive there is life on other planets.  I believe Jesus existed but I think he was just a normal guy who happened to do some extraordinary things.  Most of the things the bible says he did along with other story's in the bible are just that there "story's".  I think its silly to beleive in a heaven or a hell.  I don't think there is anything in this world that can be done that could possibly justify spending an eternity in hell.  It just dosnt make since to me.

Now I admit, I don't know much about about the bible and maybe what I have wrote shows that.  But the more I think about this stuff, the more it just dosnt add up.  Perhaps, living in the south with all the "bible thumpers" has just really dis swayed me from believing.  Yes I see a lot of good things, but I also see a lot of them trying to push there beliefs on others.  The whole "no beer on Sunday" is just plain stupid.  If you don't want to buy beer don't buy it!  I get tired of seeing people protesting different events, such as the Kid Rock concert I went to a few weeks ago.  Quit telling me im gonna burn in hell if I don't repent, that ones gotten old really fast.  I keep seeing bigger and bigger churches being built on every corner.  Not just bigger but nicer with big giant flouresent signs with plasma's on the inside.  Why?  When god said "let there be light" im sure he didnt mean from a 60" Pioneer plasma on each wall.

Ok but now im getting into a rant.  Im not here to try and offend anybody or to tell you that your wrong.  Its just my opinion.  So please don't flame me.
You sir are a ROCK STAR!!!!
What is the GOLDEN RULE based on?  Man's definition?  Where did he come up with that?  Seems to me, MAN makes the STOOPIDEST rules, not the good or healthy ones

just trying to spark conversation
Basically treating others the way you would like to be treated. Unless one is a masochist, it works pretty well. Way to spark conversation
. To me, the origination of a rule doesn't matter, as long as it works for the good everyone involved.
Yes it is funny how hard people who don't believe in God try to squash everyone else's belief.

And how infuriated and dare I say the word "Possesed" people become the more you try to talk to them about God.

The reality boils down to this. People who get angry over God, or the thought of God know in their hearts there is something out there.

However either their past has pain associated with God for some reason, usually stemming from humans inflicting either physical or emotional pain in the name of God and God gets the bad rap for it.

Or the person is leading a life style that they enjoy and believing in God would mean having to change that life style.

So these people lie to themselves saying there is no God. And the more they can force this un belief down others throats and make people not believe in God, the better they feel about themselves not believing in something that deep down inside they know exists

If a person honestly didn't believe in God, then reading stuff like I just wrote would be like water rolling off their back. It wouldn't mean anything.

But if you are reading this and finding yourself infuriated and it makes you want to reach out and slap someone, or blow something up or just pisses you off then you need to think to yourself.. why? If their really isn't a God why am I getting so upset?

You are getting upset because there is a God, you know there is a God but you have lied to yourself for so long you don't want to believe it. And anyone that tries to make you see the truth just pisses you off any makes you angry.
I would guess that an atheist would most upset by you making a judgment about them that isn't true.

For example, If I say anyone who drives a corvette has a small penis, will they only  get mad by my comment if they actually have a small penis? but if they are well endowed, will it just roll of their back?

An atheist could argue that religion is bad for the world... many wars have been started in the name of God. That could be a reason many atheists argue/  

Another reason that people could get angry when people talk to them about God is that it can be rather annoying. You have your believes, but if I come to you and preach about Buddah, Allah, or any other belief that you don't believe in, it gets tiring and I wouldn't blame you for getting infuriated.

I should mention that I haven't stated my actual beliefs, as I feel it isn't relevent, but I'm just trying to help someone see the other side.

This is why i think the OP should try to get to know them. It will do a lot more good than harm.
Back to the original topic, I think it is a good idea to explore other religions, even if you are happy with your own. I think it is unfortunate that many people feel guilty about questioning things, or even wondering how the other side lives.

Think of this, even Jesus hung around prostitutes. I'm pretty sure he didn't condone the behaviour, but that didn't stop him from trying to understand them.
Jesus didnt hang around prostitues to try and understand them. Jesus is God, he understood them. he hung around them to let them know he loved them regardless of what or who they were
glad I read on before replying to took the words right out of my mouth
what else is interesting is that all other religions seem to get protection from the gov. but Christians seems to have to defend themselves from the gov.

there seems to be alot more prjudicism towards christianity than other religions. And it has to do with satan. satan is the greatest adversary to christianity.
What is the GOLDEN RULE based on?  Man's definition?  Where did he come up with that?  Seems to me, MAN makes the STOOPIDEST rules, not the good or healthy ones

just trying to spark conversation
Actually the golden rule stemmed from the Bible. matt. 7:12

also luke 6:31