(WWJD @ Jun. 05 2007,08:52) BigZ, thanks for responding. which war are you talking about that Christianity is feuling? there is nothing to discuss about the Crusades, and the current war has little to do with Christianity as far as I know - other than there are many Christians, over there fighting for our rights and freedom. I just realized...That means 200 years from now, when people are looking at this War, people are gonna say Christians are a bunch of murderous hypocrites, killing people even though the Bible says not to. That's just great. The NEW Crusades!!
People use the Bible to manipulate other people. People also use: money, guns, guilt, fear, careers, other people, media, sex... should we avoid all those parts of life too? I'm missing something there... people are people and >I< personally, can not control other people's use of vices, I just do what I can as a man living in 2007. "Guns don't kill people...."
Integrity of the Bible: you must be looking at it externally. If you were to personally practice what it preaches, you would understand the perfection contained within. If it is JUST a book with words in it, you can slice it up anyway ya feel. Like any other book. For instance, the Copyright info printed inside is a man made addition thus invalidating that it was created by God. I know that sounds silly... still... As far as historic validity, please find some of the thousand OTHER books that researched this already.
Satanism: can I pointout the first five letters in the name? S A T A N ...I'm just sayin'
maybe it would be safer and more politically correct if we genericized the name, you know like Chrsitmas becomes Xmas.... lets all start calling Satanism: Xism. Agreed?
Not married. Yes, PEOPLE would have labeled it a Sin, but not the Bible. I try not to listen to PEOPLE's ideas. And I do not live back then. I live here now, and the Bible doesn't say anything about not sleeping with your wife. I'm definitly not Mr. Book-learned know-it-all, but I don't recall any verses, talkign about not sleeping with your wife. Is there something? There is this one whole chapter/book celebrating sex....
"The Bible never has, nor never will set morals." Say what? ? ? Society makes LAWS based on Biblical morals - SOCIETY will never set morals, just laws. I certainly don't agree with all the silly laws man makes up, but I abide within them. Society may all gang up and disreguard morals, but that won't change them... only the laws of action. Generally, society makes bad into good, good into bad etc etc etc until no one knows what those are anymore and people start shouting "Self definition". Pretty scary but it's been going on for quite a while now.
BigZ, you have some very interesting perspectives and we should be able to have lots of entertaining discussions here I think. What is your history in seeking personal truth? Always satanist? Parents influence? If I may ask.
Also, are you truly a practicing Satanist, if you alter the practices or beliefs? If I recall, you'd mentioned not following the "get back at others who wronged you" doctrine. Is that right? I know my wordign is not exact on that part... I guess what I mean is I would not call myself a Christian if I was changing the parts of the belief to fit how I wanted them to be. Feedback?