So these are the two sides of inflation. When workers make more, companies charge more to pay for more expensive workers. In the end, workers make more but actually have less spending power. Companies find themselves squeezed to the nickel trying to get smaller profits out of more revenue. Then the Fed steps in to try and restore balance by raising the cost of money, so interest rates go up.Saying it. Doesn't make it so. Make it expensive for American companies to do business outside the U.S.
And I'll share with you another current day frustration. I have no experienced if firsthand. I was looking to pick up a new driver. I just needed a part time few hours a week. She made it through her first day of training. Did alright. Nothing to write about but certainly trainable. 2nd day she couldn't come in. No problem. But you'll need about a week of training.
She made it the next day. We got half way through and she said this isn't too hard. I laughed and said it isn't hard but these are what you need to learn.
What does it pay?
I'll give you $20 a leg. A leg takes about 30 minutes. I needed her for 8 legs over 4 days. The easiest legs possible for the newbie.
She said she won't do it for less than $40 a leg.
I said you want $80/hr?
Yes that seems fair
Lady I don't even charge $80 an hour.
We are in a stalemate in this country. $8/hr want to be $15/hr. $40 wants to be $80.
A hamburger is going to run $32 to buy.
Biden better be careful as this situation hasn't ended well historically.