Russia and Ukraine

I don't know how fighting aged people (men and women) from the Ukraine can flee and then sit in the safety of another country knowing their country is in peril....

If my country was under invasion, there's absolutely no way I'd ever leave it as long as I could hold a weapon.
Unless it's being invaded by its own citizens. Replace the word invade, by taken over, and welcome to America.

I'm not going to stay and fight. They are slowly destroying what we built, and I'm not interested in taking up arms against them.
Unless it's being invaded by its own citizens. Replace the word invade, by taken over, and welcome to America.

I'm not going to stay and fight. They are slowly destroying what we built, and I'm not interested in taking up arms against them.
If you are talking about the "woke" and "cancel culture" can't fight them anyway....

I was thinking more of an armed invasion such as the Ukraine is facing....
If China invades Taiwan I'll probably agree. If it's a European War, I don't think it will spread to the World.

I do totally think China and N. Korea are testing Biden. It's no accident what they are doing.
I can see a world war brewing....the UK and US are all gearing up troops to fight a European war...

It wouldn't take much to spark it off...

If China invades Taiwan I'll probably agree. If it's a European War, I don't think it will spread to the World.

I do totally think China and N. Korea are testing Biden. It's no accident what they are doing.
shouldn't be much trouble to cof up 3 or 4 trillion for a war? no wait didn't the idiots spend it all in Iraq, so there's going to be a postponement forecast for the next 10 year's any invasions will be on the back burner
There's always money for a war........sadly enough...
hyperinflation is a war of impending poverty and risk of being thrust into real vulnerability of collapse
high inflation is going to be very painful for consumers the because it's directly govt failure to govern...sadly its overspent and over corrupt there's no turning back time
hyperinflation is a war of impending poverty and risk of being thrust into real vulnerability of collapse
high inflation is going to be very painful for consumers the because it's directly govt failure to govern...sadly its overspent and over corrupt there's no turning back time
As I type billions upon billions are being spent on the war in the Ukraine......and that conflict has only just begun, it will be going on for years and years unless the west decides to escalate it by actually deploying NATO forces into the war zone instead of just having observer/trainer/advisors. on the ground.

I can personally see this happening eventually...
Personally I don’t give a poop about Ukraine and want our $52 billion dollars back.
Unless the Europeans want to stop it Putin can have it.

As I type billions upon billions are being spent on the war in the Ukraine......and that conflict has only just begun, it will be going on for years and years unless the west decides to escalate it by actually deploying NATO forces into the war zone instead of just having observer/trainer/advisors. on the ground.

I can personally see this happening eventually...

If it doesn’t happen sooner it will most definitely begin summer of 2024.
Historically this country does not like to change admins in the middle of a war. That will be the lefts last hope of retaining power.
Personally I don’t give a poop about Ukraine and want our $52 billion dollars back.
Unless the Europeans want to stop it Putin can have it.

If it doesn’t happen sooner it will most definitely begin summer of 2024.
Historically this country does not like to change admins in the middle of a war. That will be the lefts last hope of retaining power.
See, we can agree on at least one thing....
You can guarantee the US has a bill to charge Ukraine when this is over - nothing is for free

the same way UK had to pay back the US for all the hardware given in WWII

I believe we only settled the account in 2007

Ever think they may have a TON of info on Hunter and Sleepy they are holding on to? ‘Send us weapons or else’
Ukraine has been a money laundering haven for many in DC for decades. They have dirt on people on both sides of the aisle.
There's always money for a war........sadly enough.......
War is a money spinner for the military industrial complex… the share holders of those companies get extremely wealthy… all off the backs of the US taxpayer, who will pay for this in generations to come.
In short, war is big business.
Putin would have zero respect for the comedian/puppet Zelinsky…. And same goes for Biden and Harris, couple of clowns.
It’s a sad situation, so many lives lost and the destruction of a very old country and its people.

War is a money spinner for the military industrial complex… the share holders of those companies get extremely wealthy… all off the backs of the US taxpayer, who will pay for this in generations to come.
In short, war is big business.
Putin would have zero respect for the comedian/puppet Zelinsky…. And same goes for Biden and Harris, couple of clowns.
It’s a sad situation, so many lives lost and the destruction of a very old country and its people.
And when the curtain gets pulled back you get to see the real source of some of these wars. Like somebody famously said years ago... "everything is a lie"... Well... its more like the truth and the lies getting mixed together to the point where it is a bit difficult to separate fact from fiction.

The most alarming thing going on now is we have two wars... one we are feeding and the other one that has a good shot at eating out lunch if we can't talk China out of it. According to unreliable sources right now China has cut off all communications with the western powers so negotiating is pretty unlikely. With the current clown and his entourage in the White House working overtime on all the ways they can come up with to take down former president Trump its pretty unlikely anybody has the brains or the respect of China to get anything done that prevents the takeover of Taiwan.
This is a clear sign of escalation, once North Korea puts boots on the ground, other countries aligned with Russia will feel obligated-it will soon no longer be Russia invading Ukraine and once that happens all bets are off.
