Cheaper labor and taxes go hand in hand when the bottom line comes around.. you can reduce the cost of labor by large margins if you simple remove the tax load.. company pays 20-40% on every dollar and the employee pays 20% or more of every dollar.. you spread that across the entire spectrum of product costs and you might see a 30-50% reduction in costs to produce your goods...
I really do not expect you to agree with any of this as you seem purely antagonist about these threads and I really do not know why you even get involved.. the theme you play is pretty predictable and normally has nothing but boo's and haa's with little factual information to backup the some what liberal attitude (or shall we just call it the "left")
I could care less about party affiliation, I want what is good for this country and just handing out trillions in "stimulus" is a disaster in the making.. It has been tried and failed in dozens of economies just before you could find the currency laying in the streets like garbage..
Ignore or make fun, what ever you prefer but I would pray that the rest of the country has more regard for its own well being...