We aren't going to bring them down.
Maybe they will bring themselves down through the flawed ways of oppression and slavery when a billion slaves decided they have had enough. Russia's communist style government thought totalitarism was a superior way to govern its people... until it wasn't... 1991
If China had the problems we have with MAGAs, they would put them in prison or kill them.
Yes... the beating and killings will continue until moral improves. Does the language of Mandarin even have a word for "liberty". Plenty of Chinese people that want more personal freedom have effectively defected against China... You could call it the anti CCP faction... The CCP could be over thrown as history reminds us... No government is immune from a take over... you only have to understand what happened in this last election to know that.
Their system allows them to do that and they don't worry too much about what the world thinks.
They CCP only worries about being spied on and revealed because their media is state controlled and only approved propaganda is allowed by the CCP. Dissenters will be silenced as you mentioned... do you approve? Or at least approve of pro Trump people being silenced? Facebook, Twitter, Google and others are happy to suppress free speech anytime it doesn't fit the narrative they prefer...
I mean... who would want the biggest economy in the world to make a comeback after this covid shiitt ends... people going back to work and having the lowest unemployment stats in the world is a bad thing if Trump is at the helm... right?
Their president is elected for life, but he knows he has to perform or that can change. Besides, who out there is going to turn down Chinese products? Nike, Walmart, who?
It doesn't matter what stores peddle Chinese products... when people start voting with their debit / credit cards it doesn't take long for retailers to figure out nobody wants their cheap shiitt anymore.
Yes, China's young people are pushing the country more to the west, but we have a couple of Chinese in our office, and they still love China even though they are here.
Of course they love their country... they grew up there... however... they left it all behind... actions speak louder than words... nobody forced them to move here... they chose the USA for personal reasons like not living under an oppressive regime that can threaten their existence at any moment.
Their main problem is the pace of change in China, not the lack of it.
Yeah... personal freedom is in vogue... what a novel idea... we jumped out of Europe in increasing numbers about 400 years ago.... something about all that medieval shiitt wasn't real appetizing...
But... we now have that load of shiitt called the 1619 Project... reparations baby! Ain't it great? You support that... right? After all... conquring a continent with natives living on it makes us multigenerational criminals, right? I mean... we bought Long Island NY for a buck... what a deal that was for somebody... I wonder who.... lol !
The Chinese government doesn't want their country to follow the path of the US and sink into an amoral, materialist monster.
You mean the country that churns out material goods and distributes them all around the world is preaching anti materialism?
Think about how this country devolved into the debauchery that is so prevalent these days... From Miley Cyrus twerking onstage in front of Will Smiths family ( check out that photo of the look of horror on Will's face ) to all the gross examples we have seen for decades keep one thing in mind.... people will do things to satisfy their curiosity and desires when in private... or, should we outlaw that to?
Americans don't see this.
No, we see it... we enjoy it... it serves a purpose... and what is that purpose? The purpose if the pursuit of happiness... isn't the purpose of life to create love and joy through all the various ways it can be accomplished? if its serving others or helping yourself to a better life... its a fair activity for those willing to work for it.
We have everything and we think everyone wants what we have, but they don't necessarily.
Its called free will... you can pick and choose what you want and what you don't want... being concerned about what others think is a fools game anyway... see... you don't like me... and I am good with that because I don't care.
That's why we consistently overestimate our influence.
Hmmm... and yet people from all over the world would move here if they could... perhaps they like what they see from afar... Or, perhaps the so called American Dream is just a myth. No rags to riches examples in this country... right?
The best way to keep from having to learn Mandarin is to form alliances with other countries and indeed continents.
Are the people in Iran being made to learn Mandarin?
So while we let Trump put tantrum tariffs on friend and foe and Americans paid for it,
The tariffs were to serve a temporary objective... and that is to balance the trade deficit between us... yes... its painful at first... China has been getting away with all kinds of unfair trade deals for decades. How does it work when we buy 700 to 800 billion more in goods a year that they buy from us? Something needs balancing.
China is building a strong footing in the next millennium with strategic leads in software development, especially AI.
How about the fact they send their best and brightest to American universities to learn from our academia? They are using our system of education to build the intellectual ability to surpass us. Do you know how many hours a day Chinese children are required to be in school in China? I do...
When we do projects here they are a building or maybe a couple of buildings. They build entire blocks or even entire towns.
yeah... the Chinese build cities and if you notice... some of them are severely under populated. Imagine a city that could support 5 million people and only about 5000 even live there... talk about materialism. I showed pictures of empty cities too a couple of Chinese teachers ( 25 to 35 years old ) that spent a few weeks at our house. They didn't know anything about it... they had never heard or seen any of that before.
Americans think college is a waste of money.
Oh please... American have been attending colleges in large number for decades... and many colleges of higher education have been over charging student for just as long. Then the feds step in and start making money by funding these students... well... here we went again... letting the feds get involved... what could go wrong? serious... its been a big mistake... just wait till you see how student debt gets resolved.
So the sad thing is I think Trump has caused enough commotion that alliances are going to be very difficult to make.
The world needed some shaking up. President Trump was the only guy that could do it... Look at NATO as one example... the other countries enjoying our military support for decades finally got the message they need to start paying for it... what a novel idea... countries paying for what they get... and the US tax payer not having to cover the protection deficit.
As long as he and his supporters are trying to bring the country down who wouldn't side economically with China?
You have it backwards... the leftist want to control this country with an iron fist disguised as a velvet glove... Do you have a copy of "Rules for Radicals"? It is the definitive playbook for the dimtards and rhinos and other leftist that don't really understand what they stand for... they just think we should burn it all down... They think... Capitalism is bad... socialism is the finest example of how to run a country... right?
Well... as Margret Thatcher once said... socialism is a great idea until you run out of others peoples money.
In summary... the world is floating on a sea of fiat currencies... a reset could come anytime now because its unlikely the 25 to 30 trillion of national debt will ever be resolved without a big debt forgiveness moment. The dollar is still king of the currencies... for now... the bankers have plans... who they decide to fund will determine where the power is when its time for a change.
Isolation is silly. I had a Ford dealer I know tell me that globalization started in 1945, how are you going to reverse things now? Raw material sources, parts suppliers, secure/reliable shipping lanes can take decades to develop.
Sometimes isolationism serves a purpose... we isolate the bad guys with restrictions on trade because it is so obvious they will mishandle nuclear arms if given the opportunity. Maybe you like the idea of N Korea and Iran having nuclear stockpiles and the ability to deliver those weapons to our soil... hard to say... I think it's a bad idea myself.