The election is over

Ok Karen
Not only did president Trump not engage us in a war... he accomplished for the American people more identifiable landmark acts than a number other presidents did during their 8 years in office.
However... that pissed off the Neocons because they love wars... the money made off wars rivals anything that happens during peace times.

With China Joe and the Ho in control the Swamp will now be restored to business as usual with more political graft, corruption, and crony capitalism. The lobbyist are rejoicing... its time to get back in the pay to play business of getting new rules passed that enrich the powerful and their minion politicians.
Not only did president Trump not engage us in a war... he accomplished for the American people more identifiable landmark acts than a number other presidents did during their 8 years in office.
However... that pissed off the Neocons because they love wars... the money made off wars rivals anything that happens during peace times.

With China Joe and the Ho in control the Swamp will now be restored to business as usual with more political graft, corruption, and crony capitalism. The lobbyist are rejoicing... its time to get back in the pay to play business of getting new rules passed that enrich the powerful and their minion politicians.
So do you think MItch McConnell, Graham and Pence should be crucified for no longer supporting Trump the way you do?
Not only did president Trump not engage us in a war... he accomplished for the American people more identifiable landmark acts than a number other presidents did during their 8 years in office.
However... that pissed off the Neocons because they love wars... the money made off wars rivals anything that happens during peace times.

With China Joe and the Ho in control the Swamp will now be restored to business as usual with more political graft, corruption, and crony capitalism. The lobbyist are rejoicing... its time to get back in the pay to play business of getting new rules passed that enrich the powerful and their minion politicians.
Holy crap man! You have to let this go.....speaking of dead horses-this one's getting beaten pretty hard.

You are such a die hard Trumpeter that it's troubling...he was just a man, and a very flawed man at that, one your country is better off to be rid of....

The stolen election rhetoric just isn't washing anymore...there were just too many people involved in the investigation and just to many people over-seeing you think for a second if it was REALLY stolen, someone, somewhere in a place of authority wouldn't have been able to prove this fact???

Judges placed in position by the mighty Trump himself dispelled this fact. Even the die-hard Trumpeters in the republican party were unable to uncover any evidence to the contrary.

The election was held, Trump lost and he and his devout followers isn't happy about it-go figure....
With China Joe and the Ho in control the Swamp will now be restored to business as usual with more political graft, corruption, and crony capitalism.

Your other prediction was so spot on (Trump 4 more years lo freaking l), how could we doubt you now?
So do you think MItch McConnell, Graham and Pence should be crucified for no longer supporting Trump the way you do?
Mc Connel, Graham are definitely swamp creatures... both of them appear to be on the presidents side at certain times... but, in the end... they snuggled back into the womb of the Swamp and stood against the president. In my opinion Pence flipped recently... the left may have told him to tow the line or else... perhaps the message to him was as dark and as dirty as when Perot got the call to drop out or your daughter will die as noted back in 1992.

What you forget is their is a lot of head butting going on the behind the scenes and we will not be privy to what goes on in any great detail anytime soon. I hold no grudges.. I only see the actions taking place and realize which side of the law and order line these people choose to stand on. Yes, self preservation is also key just like it was with Perot. Remember Perot spent 60 million dollars on his election before dropping out... put yourself in that place for a moment... you buy ad time and other media to promote yourself for president and one phone call with a death threat causes you to quit temporarily. Perot did jump back in the race again but his 20% approval rating slipped away while he was out of of it.

You fail to realize my support for Trump is based on his ideology... he is simply the best choice to the two candidates... we already know what the Biden family is about... to step over all of the recent history of the Biden clan is to be truly ignorant of realizing who he really is. Biden will never protect you from anything unless it serves his best interest at the same time. Anybody that supported President Trump is to be vilified and silenced by Big Tech and the MSM... its how they roll now and nobody will stop them.

Like I said... the pubs are dead... many of them are rhinos... they didn't like Trump because he wasn't playing the game of political graft like they had access to prior to 2017. 2008 to 2016 Obama and Biden did what good dimtards do... the crapped all over the Constitution, they went around the world and apologized for American exceptionalism and supported BLM by inviting them to the White House to discuss how to racially manipulate the USA population. Would you like to hold some BLM meetings at your house?

With Biden its the beginning of socialism on the fast track... and socialism leads to communism as history has shown us at least 25 times in recent history.. Add to that even the dimtards are split on where they want to go and what they want to do... so... enjoy the next version of the Titanic hitting an iceberg... its over... we got bent over... and now the racist leftist are in control of the US Treasury... printing presses will continue at full speed ahead and the value of your labor will continue to drop... bet me...
Mc Connel, Graham are definitely swamp creatures... both of them appear to be on the presidents side at certain times... but, in the end... they snuggled back into the womb of the Swamp and stood against the president. In my opinion Pence flipped recently... the left may have told him to tow the line or else... perhaps the message to him was as dark and as dirty as when Perot got the call to drop out or your daughter will die as noted back in 1992.

What you forget is their is a lot of head butting going on the behind the scenes and we will not be privy to what goes on in any great detail anytime soon. I hold no grudges.. I only see the actions taking place and realize which side of the law and order line these people choose to stand on. Yes, self preservation is also key just like it was with Perot. Remember Perot spent 60 million dollars on his election before dropping out... put yourself in that place for a moment... you buy ad time and other media to promote yourself for president and one phone call with a death threat causes you to quit temporarily. Perot did jump back in the race again but his 20% approval rating slipped away while he was out of of it.

You fail to realize my support for Trump is based on his ideology... he is simply the best choice to the two candidates... we already know what the Biden family is about... to step over all of the recent history of the Biden clan is to be truly ignorant of realizing who he really is. Biden will never protect you from anything unless it serves his best interest at the same time. Anybody that supported President Trump is to be vilified and silenced by Big Tech and the MSM... its how they roll now and nobody will stop them.

Like I said... the pubs are dead... many of them are rhinos... they didn't like Trump because he wasn't playing the game of political graft like they had access to prior to 2017. 2008 to 2016 Obama and Biden did what good dimtards do... the crapped all over the Constitution, they went around the world and apologized for American exceptionalism and supported BLM by inviting them to the White House to discuss how to racially manipulate the USA population. Would you like to hold some BLM meetings at your house?

With Biden its the beginning of socialism on the fast track... and socialism leads to communism as history has shown us at least 25 times in recent history.. Add to that even the dimtards are split on where they want to go and what they want to do... so... enjoy the next version of the Titanic hitting an iceberg... its over... we got bent over... and now the racist leftist are in control of the US Treasury... printing presses will continue at full speed ahead and the value of your labor will continue to drop... bet me...
Holy crap man! You have to let this go.....speaking of dead horses-this one's getting beaten pretty hard.

You are such a die hard Trumpeter that it's troubling...he was just a man, and a very flawed man at that, one your country is better off to be rid of....

The stolen election rhetoric just isn't washing anymore...there were just too many people involved in the investigation and just to many people over-seeing you think for a second if it was REALLY stolen, someone, somewhere in a place of authority wouldn't have been able to prove this fact???

Judges placed in position by the mighty Trump himself dispelled this fact. Even the die-hard Trumpeters in the republican party were unable to uncover any evidence to the contrary.

The election was held, Trump lost and he and his devout followers isn't happy about it-go figure....
Yes... it really was stolen... in the same way JFK stole the 1960 election... do I begrudge JFK? Not in the least... though he made some errors while president ... he was pro Constitution... he was putting America 1st... he did not want to get bogged down in Vietnam... JKF called out the global elite and their political ties inside our government and around the world. Just listen to his secret society speech that has now been edited from its original message which proves once again the those that control the future also control the past. History is full of repeats... if you pay attention, you rediscover that shortly after the energy surrounding massive fraud is discovered that it melts away over time... and people forget what to be on guard for in the future... its like... oh shiitt... its happening again!

Example? You want an example? How about the Futures, Commodities, and Modernization Act of 2000?

What it did was open the the big Wall Street crowd to a rigged game from a point in time 80 years previous to the last time it was employed. This time the betting was upscaled to a new level unrivaled in American financial history. Now, you could be involved in credit default swaps and other financial instruments where you could leverage large amounts of housing equity with a small amount of dollars.

What was the end result of this ploy? Starting in 2008 and for several years 5.1 million Americans lost their homes and the rules employed to separate people from their property included "Arms Length Transactions" that didn't allow for family and friends to salvage other families and friends from losing their homes. Why was this rule nessasary? So the "equity theft" of equity could be assured for the insiders that rigged the mortgage industry from 2000 with the passage of that act. It also allowed the big bettors on Wall Street to make billions from the credit default swaps. Who is the poster child for some of this? It John Paulson... ( he made 3.7 billion in the first year of the collapse ) no relation to Hank Paulson that was the Secretary of the Treasury ( A former Goldman Sachs big shot that was earning 20+ million a year at Goldman Sachs, and then... he takes the paltry sum of whatever the Secretary of the US Treasury makes.. $200,000 a year? maybe? ) What was he thinking the day he walked into Ben Bernakes office as head of the Federal Reserve and said... The sky is going to fall if we don't get 800 billion dollars to the banks before they collapse and take down the whole country at the same time.... Because I am also involved in real estate I pay attention to this type of news and where it leads us.

Hell, even Hollywood got involved.. you can watch the movie titled "The Big Short" to see how even Hollywood was able to give us the clown show version of how this all went down. No longer available is Steve Crofts report on CBS 60 minutes where he explains the financial mayhem and how it was set up to play out once again... just 80 years after the last time the fix was in. Crofts segment was titled "The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street. I have researched and asked CBS to make that clip available again... there don't even answer my request... and so it goes.. its buried... you ain't gonna see that again.

As a side note we have One West Bank. Who is One West Bank? Well. its just another bank with several exceptions. 1. The major stock holders are George Soros, John Paulson, and Steve Manuchin our former secretary of the US Treasury... hmmm.. notorious bedfellows that have worked together before... and one of them even has a high position inside our government... that Steve guy...

Anyway... what happened? Remember Indymac Bank? What happened there? You don't even remember now.. do you? What happened is One West Bank got to launder all of Indymacs distressed properties. How much was their? Hundreds of millions if not a billion or more... I don't recall, but, it was big.

How much did One West Bank benefit from Indymac's failed porfolio? Between shortfall money and kickbacks from the FDIC One West Bank averaged about $100,000 in profit for every $480,000 worth of real estate they handled. What I remember is that for a $1000 a real estate agent could take a class from One West Bank and get free listing to sell properties out here in Socal... we know agents that did it... they did very well for a good period of time until all the properties were resold back into the market.

This is how well connected people like George Soros, John Paulson ( A Wall Street hedge fund manager ) and Steve Manuchin are... yes... its the same people... doing the same shiitt... and onward we go to the next big scam you will be lucky to get out of the way of before it to late to avoid it.
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Yes... it really was stolen... in the same way JFK stole the 1960 election... do I begrudge JFK? Not in the least... though he made some errors while president ... he was pro Constitution... he was putting America 1st... he did not want to get bogged down in Vietnam... JKF called out the global elite and their political ties inside our government and around the world. Just listen to his secret society speech that has now been edited from its original message which proves once again the those that control the future also control the past. History is full of repeats... if you pay attention, you rediscover that shortly after the energy surrounding massive fraud is discovered that it melts away over time... and people forget what to be on guard for in the future... its like... oh shiitt... its happening again!

Example? You want an example? How about the Futures, Commodities, and Modernization Act of 2000?

What it did was open the the big Wall Street crowd to a rigged game from a point in time 80 years previous to the last time it was employed. This time the betting was upscaled to a new level unrivaled in American financial history. Now, you could be involved in credit default swaps and other financial instruments where you could leverage large amounts of housing equity with a small amount of dollars.

What was the end result of this ploy? Starting in 2008 and for several years 5.1 million Americans lost their homes and the rules employed to separate people from their property included "Arms Length Transactions" that didn't allow for family and friends to salvage other families and friends from losing their homes. Why was this rule nessasary? So the "equity theft" of equity could be assured for the insiders that rigged the mortgage industry from 2000 with the passage of that act. It also allowed the big bettors on Wall Street to make billions from the credit default swaps. Who is the poster child for some of this? It John Paulson... ( he made 3.7 billion in the first year of the collapse ) no relation to Hank Paulson that was the Secretary of the Treasury ( A former Goldman Sachs big shot that was earning 20+ million a year at Goldman Sachs, and then... he takes the paltry sum of whatever the Secretary of the US Treasury makes.. $200,000 a year? maybe? ) What was he thinking the day he walked into Ben Bernakes office as head of the Federal Reserve and said... The sky is going to fall if we don't get 800 billion dollars to the banks before they collapse and take down the whole country at the same time.... Because I am also involved in real estate I pay attention to this type of news and where it leads us.

Hell, even Hollywood got involved.. you can watch the movie titled "The Big Short" to see how even Hollywood was able to give us the clown show version of how this all went down. No longer available is Steve Crofts report on CBS 60 minutes where he explains the financial mayhem and how it was set up to play out once again... just 80 years after the last time the fix was in. Crofts segment was titled "The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street. I have researched and asked CBS to make that clip available again... there don't even answer my request... and so it goes.. its buried... you ain't gonna see that again.

As a side note we have One West Bank. Who is One West Bank? Well. its just another bank with several exceptions. 1. The major stock holders are George Soros, John Paulson, and Steve Manuchin our former secretary of the US Treasury... hmmm.. notorious bedfellows that have worked together before... and one of them even has a high position inside our government... that Steve guy...

Anyway... what happened? Remember Indymac Bank? What happened there? You don't even remember now.. do you? What happened is One West Bank got to launder all of Indymacs distressed properties. How much was their? Hundreds of millions if not a billion or more... I don't recall, but, it was big.

How much did One West Bank benefit from Indymac's failed porfolio? Between shortfall money and kickbacks from the FDIC One West Bank averaged about $100,000 in profit for every $480,000 worth of real estate they handled. What I remember is that for a $1000 a real estate agent could take a class from One West Bank and get free listing to sell properties out here in Socal... we know agents that did it... they did very well for a good period of time until all the properties were resold back into the market.

This is how well connected people like George Soros, John Paulson ( A Wall Street hedge fund manager ) and Steve Manuchin are... yes... its the same people... doing the same shiitt... and onward we go to the next big scam you will be lucky to get out of the way of before it to late to avoid it.
Honestly, you are like a dog with it's favorite chew toy....

You will never convince me (or millions upon millions of others) that election was stolen in any way.

There were just too many people involved with both parties and independent observers to have this happen in the 21st century where social media is so readily used...even the republicans can't keep a straight face to say the election was actually stolen...

Trump lost, end of story. There will be more room in the swamp now that the biggest swamp monster has left it.

Like I've said several times, hopefully the republicans can get their act together and find a decent leader to run in 4 yrs, they sure hitched their wagon to a falling star 4 yrs ago.
Honestly, you are like a dog with it's favorite chew toy....

You will never convince me (or millions upon millions of others) that election was stolen in any way.

There were just too many people involved with both parties and independent observers to have this happen in the 21st century where social media is so readily used...even the republicans can't keep a straight face to say the election was actually stolen...

Trump lost, end of story. There will be more room in the swamp now that the biggest swamp monster has left it.

Like I've said several times, hopefully the republicans can get their act together and find a decent leader to run in 4 yrs, they sure hitched their wagon to a falling star 4 yrs ago.
Thanks for the chew toy comment... I love what America became before it was savaged with a virus and hijacked by a rigged election...

Remain blind to the truth and the facts... the election was stolen... are you telling us that after all the other things considered illegal performed by the swamp that they were above rigging an election? You rank up there with the most naive people to ever witness a corrupt election. Trump won... the irregularities defy any common sense comparison you could ever attempt to argue against. The scam was right in our collective faces... the affidavits prove that... the Smartmatic and Dominion combo was a death knell to any chance of a fair election... its the same shiitt they use in Venezuela... JB and the Ho are not the real winners... just look at what's already in the works.

1. Stop building the wall even though the US Border Patrol totally embraces it for the safety it provides for them and how much better they can manage human resources. The wall worked... just like walls have worked for centuries... you can argue that point if you like...

2. 13 Muslim countries now have access to our soil that were blocked under president Trump. Notice the decrease in muslim attacks in recent years... Orange Man Bad... right?

3. Kill the XL Pipeline... lets get back to buying foreign oil as soon as possible so we can restart Middle East mayhem and regain high oil prices. oh... banning fracking will be out there shortly... bet me...

4. $15 an hour minimum wage... small business will suffer more... $15 x two an hour still doesn't support a mortgage... it barely supports anything at all... but... if we kill small business we can further centralize power with big corporations... and thus gain more control.

5. Illegal aliens are now free to cross the border and get their free shiitt because the dimtards want more voters so they can control a permanent under class that can drag down the rest of the middle class with higher taxes and make more people dependent on government for support.

There it is... on the first day... lets regress to the dark past and show America what real power looks like... The Dimtards might as well say... we can bring socialism to the light... and we can die like every other country that ever went down this path before.... its how they roll... The only thing missing is the KKK they support... there they were about a 100 years ago bringing up the rear of a presidential inauguration parade while wearing their white garments and head gear... I should look for that picture... or... maybe its been deleted from the internet... just like the black men that were seen hanging from trees from back in the day that the KKK roamed the south. Now they simply hang us by stealing an election and using the technocracy to stifle free speech.
Thanks for the chew toy comment... I love what America became before it was savaged with a virus and hijacked by a rigged election...

Remain blind to the truth and the facts... the election was stolen... are you telling us that after all the other things considered illegal performed by the swamp that they were above rigging an election? You rank up there with the most naive people to ever witness a corrupt election. Trump won... the irregularities defy any common sense comparison you could ever attempt to argue against. The scam was right in our collective faces... the affidavits prove that... the Smartmatic and Dominion combo was a death knell to any chance of a fair election... its the same shiitt they use in Venezuela... JB and the Ho are not the real winners... just look at what's already in the works.

1. Stop building the wall even though the US Border Patrol totally embraces it for the safety it provides for them and how much better they can manage human resources. The wall worked... just like walls have worked for centuries... you can argue that point if you like...

2. 13 Muslim countries now have access to our soil that were blocked under president Trump. Notice the decrease in muslim attacks in recent years... Orange Man Bad... right?

3. Kill the XL Pipeline... lets get back to buying foreign oil as soon as possible so we can restart Middle East mayhem and regain high oil prices. oh... banning fracking will be out there shortly... bet me...

4. $15 an hour minimum wage... small business will suffer more... $15 x two an hour still doesn't support a mortgage... it barely supports anything at all... but... if we kill small business we can further centralize power with big corporations... and thus gain more control.

5. Illegal aliens are now free to cross the border and get their free shiitt because the dimtards want more voters so they can control a permanent under class that can drag down the rest of the middle class with higher taxes and make more people dependent on government for support.

There it is... on the first day... lets regress to the dark past and show America what real power looks like... The Dimtards might as well say... we can bring socialism to the light... and we can die like every other country that ever went down this path before.... its how they roll... The only thing missing is the KKK they support... there they were about a 100 years ago bringing up the rear of a presidential inauguration parade while wearing their white garments and head gear... I should look for that picture... or... maybe its been deleted from the internet... just like the black men that were seen hanging from trees from back in the day that the KKK roamed the south. Now they simply hang us by stealing an election and using the technocracy to stifle free speech.
Wow, You sure have bought into the whole Trump regime hook, line and sinker.....

I do agree however, some of these decisions were pretty fast in the making...almost too fast....

1. that wall would stop nobody, there have been deterrents before and they were easily circumvented...the only thing the wall is doing is spending your tax money.

2. when was the last attack by any Islamic country on US soil? 2001? Shutting off a country just because it worships another God is not going to deter a hostile attack if the enemy is dedicated. Be warned there are millions of people who follow Islam on US soil as I type.

3. Even though I am Canadian and the XL pipeline is coming from here, our oil is dirty and the destruction to habitat in the extraction of our oil is outrageous...I've been to these sites and it looks like the lunar surface...the tailing ponds kill millions of migrating birds each migration. (and our oil is foreign oil to you).

4. Our minimum wage is $15/hr and in today's economy it sure isn't a high wage...and it's the people who want this wage, not the government. Labor unions have been beating the drums for this increase for years and years...the fact your savior (Trump) didn't give this to the people who need it is more evidence he isn't looking after them.

5. If you read the whole piece, you would have seen there will be fast tracking for illegal aliens already working and living on US soil.....this is in contrast to the armies of ICE agents running around deporting people and leaving their legally born kids behind....bear in mind, without immigration, there'd be no USA.

With all the legal minds working and investigations occurring, you still beat the stolen election drums...???

The only thing Trump won was a one way trip into the history books as the worst president the US has ever had-and that's not my opinion but one of the US people. As for stifling his speech-it was necessary to stop his blatant spread of conspiracy theories and direction of his blindly following supporters. He still had other avenues to speak to the American people but never used them-even though he really needed to be speaking to all Americans, not just his supporters.

You are obviously far-right in your political alignment so anything said here which is not in total agreement would be construed as false in your eyes I figure.
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Wow, You sure have bought into the whole Trump regime hook, line and sinker.....

I do agree however, some of these decisions were pretty fast in the making...almost too fast....

1. that wall would stop nobody, there have been deterrents before and they were easily circumvented...the only thing the wall is doing is spending your tax money.

2. when was the last attack by any Islamic country on US soil? 2001? Shutting off a country just because it worships another God is not going to deter a hostile attack if the enemy is dedicated. Be warned there are millions of people who follow Islam on US soil as I type.

3. Even though I am Canadian and the XL pipeline is coming from here, our oil is dirty and the destruction to habitat in the extraction of our oil is outrageous...I've been to these sites and it looks like the lunar surface...the tailing ponds kill millions of migrating birds each migration. (and our oil is foreign oil to you).

4. Our minimum wage is $15/hr and in today's economy it sure isn't a high wage...and it's the people who want this wage, not the government. Labor unions have been beating the drums for this increase for years and years...the fact your savior (Trump) didn't give this to the people who need it is more evidence he isn't looking after them.

5. If you read the whole piece, you would have seen there will be fast tracking for illegal aliens already working and living on US soil.....this is in contrast to the armies of ICE agents running around deporting people and leaving their legally born kids behind....bear in mind, without immigration, there'd be no USA.

With all the legal minds working and investigations occurring, you still beat the stolen election drums...???

The only thing Trump won was a one way trip into the history books as the worst president the US has ever had-and that's not my opinion but one of the US people. As for stifling his speech-it was necessary to stop his blatant spread of conspiracy theories and direction of his blindly following supporters. He still had other avenues to speak to the American people but never used them-even though he really needed to be speaking to all Americans, not just his supporters.

You are obviously far-right in your political alignment so anything said here which is not in total agreement would be construed as false in your eyes I figure.
1. Wall is a sham. If we just held employers liable for hiring illegals. What’s Canada do? Could I jump the border and get a job?

4. What life cost in Canada? Gallon of gas. Standard of living. US is huge and Canada is big also. Wage and cost of living is so different depending on where you live. In Cali you can make $15 and be piss poor. Here in Iowa you can rent a place have a new car loan on much less. Living the American dream lol. I know lots of people that moved and moved back making $10 a hour in Iowa saying they have more wealth and a better life style. I believe min wage is set by the market even in Iowa we can’t pay 14 year olds $7.25 our min wage.

5. Correct me if I’m wrong. But Canada immigration is way tougher than US.
1. Wall is a sham. If we just held employers liable for hiring illegals. What’s Canada do? Could I jump the border and get a job?

4. What life cost in Canada? Gallon of gas. Standard of living. US is huge and Canada is big also. Wage and cost of living is so different depending on where you live. In Cali you can make $15 and be piss poor. Here in Iowa you can rent a place have a new car loan on much less. Living the American dream lol. I know lots of people that moved and moved back making $10 a hour in Iowa saying they have more wealth and a better life style. I believe min wage is set by the market even in Iowa we can’t pay 14 year olds $7.25 our min wage.

5. Correct me if I’m wrong. But Canada immigration is way tougher than US.
1. People have been tunneling and circumventing the wall in the US for generations, why is this one any different? I read where border agents have been investigated for their corrupt behavior-even so far as being on the payroll for the cartel. If someone is paying employees under the table, it is easy to hire illegal any country. The clencher is if people want any governmental aid, that's when we get them. Illegals here can't get a health card and we don't have the same system as the US where we can pay cash for medical services so if they get hurt or need health care-they are easy pickings.

4. the cost of living is like the US, it varies from place to place. In our larger cities $15/hr would be a drop in a bucket and even in our rural areas you aren't living high on the hog. A gallon of gas is around $4.50 or so.

5. Immigration is harder in Canada but people seem to want to flock to the US due to better climate and perceived better living conditions. Add to that, you share a border with a very poor nation where the US is perceived as a land of opportunity and there you have it. We have our share of illegal immigrants too but our climate is not as appealing.