North America has been dependent on goods from China long before Obama came into power. I think every administration crows about how great the economy has been under their tenor.The economy was the biggest and best it had ever been in the history of the United States before the Chinese import was released on the world. I guess we have to give Obama credit for that because TDS will never be a validated mental disorder.
What you aren't aware of is that this country is under Marshall law right now... and the MSM will never tell you about it. The Corporation... as in the USA Corporation filed for Bankruptcy in Britain 13 months ago... we are now being governed by 2 generals in the military and the transfer of power of the military has already taken place... and JB is not in control of the military... its been a while since he received a military intelligence briefing... Notice the gold fringed flags and where they are placed in ceremonial activities... this is the flag of the USA Corporation. You will learn about it all some day.
JB is compromised... he is nothing more than a puppet for China and the elites that pay for the all the deconstruction that can get away with. The Democrats are more aligned with the Communist party in terms of how they manage and operate their party. They want to bring in illegals in the millions and make them a permanent underclass that votes democrat the rest off their lives so the democrats can stay in power. After they forgive all the student loan debt they will have a new batch of recently new democrat voters... its all about pandering too the weak minded and weak illegals... Strong immigrants enter the country lawfully... they pay the price to live in a country that should be free... or, as it appears now... use to be free.
As far as the illegal immigrants go-I see it is a problem and one that needs to be addressed, Like I said before this is what comes to living and sharing a huge border with a country as poor as Mexico. People have been crossing that border as long as it's been a border and nothing including a very costly wall will ever stop that.
Add to the fact many of these illegals are family of the very people who keep America going when it comes to harvesting produce, it would be a real challenge to keep them from wanting to enter the US...
Right now the US needs to heal more then it needs more conspiracy theories.