The HAYABUSA vs. The new crop of 1000's

Yeah What He Said... Opinions Are like A55holes folks... And... You know the rest...

I dunno what all the sensitivity shid is here. The Busa is better all the time everywhere period!!!!!!

Sportrider does suck, But so does any of the other magazines that say negative shid about the Busa...

Hell... lets keep talking about which bike is "Better" OK??? Don't mention for who, or When, or how long, Yadda yadda...
I love my Hayabusa and I hate to hear of any new production motorcycles that may be quicker or faster (cuz I got my bike, cuz it was the fastest), but if something comes along that is quicker or faster so be it.

I'm certainly not going to sit around and try to convince myself that the BUSA is quicker or faster when it isn't.
Hell, I dunno if your agreeing with me or not, but either way I think we are mostly on the same page...

The Busa is a Unique and fast motorcycle that offers comfort, serious speed, and handling. What else is left to argue about?

The liter bikes are track tools, sharpened every year, the Busa is a STREET bike, designed to be livable day in day out...

No matter what, any comparison or any meeting of these bikes in the world, is going to come down to the riders... thier skill and mood...
If you ask me...I'm agreeing with you.

I don't understand why everyone is so sensitive just because I said I believe I can beat this person or that person in a race. I guess the only unfortunate part is that we'll probably never get a chance to dance so that I can prove my point and believe me...I can back up my words pretty throughly.

I love my BUSA and wouldn't trade it for any of the 1000's, that said...These new 1000's are some awsome machines because they can put it down in the twisties or in a straight line. Anyone who thinks the BUSA is dominant in straight line performance has their head in the sand or really doesn't race.

And you're exactly right...Racing comes down to the rider and the bike in tandem and the BUSA is almost always the right bike to be on if you can ride it mainly cuz it's probably the easiest of them to master, but if the other guy can ride his 1000 he's gonna definitely make you work very hard for the money and you may not get it. That's all I'm saying!

Never rest on your laurels, cuz the competition is always coming.
BulletTrain! you picked up a 10R?
??? Sweet. Is there a thread of pics or a review from you or anything?
Yep. I love it. Here's a couple threads I started on it.
W.T.G. B.T. sweet ride These bikes shouldnt be compared because they are not intended for the same purpose. Kinda like comparing a mustang to a corvette, why?
As for the rest of this crap, whatever... btreaves, there are other boards where trash talkin' and posturin' fit in much better. It usually doesn't go over too well here. I speak only for myself when I say this, but in my experience, most of the time the ones who talk the most trash and yell the loudest end up bein' the ones who get trailered early in the night.

You can post whatever you want and not bother me. It's just that you don't gain much respect around this forum by tootin' yer own horn... From what I've seen in yer posts you don't care... just take it as an FYI.
I still think it's funny to see folks talk about gettin' a big bore kit to stay ahead of the litres...

I'm just happy to be on two wheels, ya'll. Just like a lot of ya'll are happy with the busa whether or not it's the quickest/fastest, I'm happy with the 10 whether or not it's the quickest/fastest. Honestly, who cares? If you like yer bike and you get your ride, who really cares if the next guy's bike is faster or quicker? I enjoy a bit of bench racin' and a little friendly competition as much as the next guy, but basin' yer bike decisions on which is the quickest/fastest is pretty stupid unless you stand to win big $$$ by havin' the quickest/fastest.

I highly doubt that's the case for most people on this board. I don't know of any pro racers here. Maybe a few street brawlers take home a few bucks occasionally, but I don't really think we have any true heavy hitters here. The majority of the folks on this board seem to just be "riders" who do it for fun. We all just enjoy ridin' and get an occasional kick out of really turnin' up the heat. I think it's really more about ridin' and adrenaline for most of us.

Speakin' for myself, when I got the busa my main interest was in drag racin' a bike. I planned to slam it and drag prep it. Then I got talked into followin' a guy around in the mountains and I was hooked. I had never even considered ridin' the mountains before. Didn't even have a concept of what "ridin' the twisties" was even about. As my preferred type of ridin' changed, so did what I wanted in my bike. Once I got to the point that draggin' a bike was a very small part of my interest in bikes it just made more and more sense to me to get a bike more suited to ridin' the twisties and less suited to all out straight line performance. I still love the busa, but for my kind of ridin' a litre bike just makes more sense.

I'd love nothin' more than to run a busa with the 10 just for the frickin' adrenaline and fun of it. If I won, I won and if I lost, I just lost. Again I ask, who the fug cares? I love my ride. As long as the person I'm racin' loves their bike and has a good time, and we both come out of it safely, WHO THE FUG CARES WHO WON? Hell, we both win...

It's obvious that some folks just like to talk shid. Maybe they can back it up and maybe they can't. Really makes no difference to me. I'm gonna enjoy my bike my way. To hell with the rest of it. Come along if you want. We can race for fun, or a few bucks just to make it interesting. If you beat me, I'll still ride with ya next weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll win then...

To quote a signature used by a member of another forum I frequent... You got it... get on it!
I get your point Bullet Train, but some of us did buy our bikes to drag race, roll-on race, etc.  I had a ZX-11 before I got my Hayabusa...At that time the Hayabusa was the only step up and I got it cuz it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  When I got my ZX-11C it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  The BlackTurd really never lived up to much of anything.

You got your bike for your reasons, I got my bike for my reasons.  While I race ALOT I still simply ride alot (over 35k in 5 riding seasons) and I agree that the BUSA's overall package is hard to beat, but it's quite long in the tooth at this point, but I don't care if they make a better one at this point or not cuz I'm fine with what I've got and what I've got under the hood.  I don't think we'll ever see the day when any production motorcycle will make over 200rwhp, so I ain't really concerned.

As far as not caring whether my bike is faster or not...I'm one of those people who cares.  It does matter to me if I win or lose, cuz I love competition street or strip.  In competition winning is everything and in racing 2nd place is merely the 1st loser.  That said many of us BUSA riders were BEATING on our chests for many years about how the BUSA was so dominant, but now that things are changing some of us are coming up with these lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort, stability, riding two up, etc...If you really wanted all of those things you could have bought a Honda ST or GoldWing.

Oh and you best believe I can back up my $hit talk!  I'm not the fastest in the world, but I'd bet that I'm in the top 10-15%.
"lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort", if the smaller bikes are as comfortable for you as your busa, that's fine but don't assumed that some of us are making excuses. the comfort factor has been around a long time for some of us bigger riders. if there's was a bike that looks as good as the busa and as comfortable as "Honda ST or Goldwing", i'll be the first to get it. to me, nothings more wasteful than spending money on something that's not comfortable. it's kinda of like the people that buy things just because it's new and popular even if it doesn't fit them or their lifestyle.

"I'm in the top 10-15%", wow, why waste time racing for a few bucks here and there or even racing for free? join the pros and earn some real money unless you don't really have what it takes. plus, you seemed to enjoy racing so that would fit you just right.

you want the quickest/fastest bike, get use to spending lots of money for changing bikes every time something quicker/faster comes out because that happens quite a bit now and days. plus, if you have the quickest/fastest bike than maybe skill is not really a big factor to begin with in a race. bottom line is if you're insecure or concern because someone has a quicker/faster bike, by all means, get the quickest/ fastest bike available i.e., the y2k, it's only 150k dollar.

btw, i don't race for a living so my old 99 bus has more than enough quickness for me already. if there were a bike that's twice as fast and has twice the power of the busa but doesn't appeal to me or fit me like the busa does, i'm keeping the busa.
I still think it's funny to see folks talk about gettin' a big bore kit to stay ahead of the litres...

I'm just happy to be on two wheels, ya'll. Just like a lot of ya'll are happy with the busa whether or not it's the quickest/fastest, I'm happy with the 10 whether or not it's the quickest/fastest. Honestly, who cares? If you like yer bike and you get your ride, who really cares if the next guy's bike is faster or quicker? I enjoy a bit of bench racin' and a little friendly competition as much as the next guy, but basin' yer bike decisions on which is the quickest/fastest is pretty stupid unless you stand to win big $$$ by havin' the quickest/fastest.

I highly doubt that's the case for most people on this board. I don't know of any pro racers here. Maybe a few street brawlers take home a few bucks occasionally, but I don't really think we have any true heavy hitters here. The majority of the folks on this board seem to just be "riders" who do it for fun. We all just enjoy ridin' and get an occasional kick out of really turnin' up the heat. I think it's really more about ridin' and adrenaline for most of us.

Speakin' for myself, when I got the busa my main interest was in drag racin' a bike. I planned to slam it and drag prep it. Then I got talked into followin' a guy around in the mountains and I was hooked. I had never even considered ridin' the mountains before. Didn't even have a concept of what "ridin' the twisties" was even about. As my preferred type of ridin' changed, so did what I wanted in my bike. Once I got to the point that draggin' a bike was a very small part of my interest in bikes it just made more and more sense to me to get a bike more suited to ridin' the twisties and less suited to all out straight line performance. I still love the busa, but for my kind of ridin' a litre bike just makes more sense.

I'd love nothin' more than to run a busa with the 10 just for the frickin' adrenaline and fun of it. If I won, I won and if I lost, I just lost. Again I ask, who the fug cares? I love my ride. As long as the person I'm racin' loves their bike and has a good time, and we both come out of it safely, WHO THE FUG CARES WHO WON? Hell, we both win...

It's obvious that some folks just like to talk shid. Maybe they can back it up and maybe they can't. Really makes no difference to me. I'm gonna enjoy my bike my way. To hell with the rest of it. Come along if you want. We can race for fun, or a few bucks just to make it interesting. If you beat me, I'll still ride with ya next weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll win then...

To quote a signature used by a member of another forum I frequent... You got it... get on it!
I get your point Bullet Train, but some of us did buy our bikes to drag race, roll-on race, etc.  I had a ZX-11 before I got my Hayabusa...At that time the Hayabusa was the only step up and I got it cuz it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  When I got my ZX-11C it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  The BlackTurd really never lived up to much of anything.

You got your bike for your reasons, I got my bike for my reasons.  While I race ALOT I still simply ride alot (over 35k in 5 riding seasons) and I agree that the BUSA's overall package is hard to beat, but it's quite long in the tooth at this point, but I don't care if they make a better one at this point or not cuz I'm fine with what I've got and what I've got under the hood.  I don't think we'll ever see the day when any production motorcycle will make over 200rwhp, so I ain't really concerned.

As far as not caring whether my bike is faster or not...I'm one of those people who cares.  It does matter to me if I win or lose, cuz I love competition street or strip.  In competition winning is everything and in racing 2nd place is merely the 1st loser.  That said many of us BUSA riders were BEATING on our chests for many years about how the BUSA was so dominant, but now that things are changing some of us are coming up with these lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort, stability, riding two up, etc...If you really wanted all of those things you could have bought a Honda ST or GoldWing.

Oh and you best believe I can back up my $hit talk!  I'm not the fastest in the world, but I'd bet that I'm in the top 10-15%.
"lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort", if the smaller bikes are as comfortable for you as your busa, that's fine but don't assumed that some of us are making excuses.  the comfort factor has been around a long time for some of us bigger riders.  if there's was a bike that looks as good as the busa and as comfortable as "Honda ST or Goldwing", i'll be the first to get it.  to me, nothings more wasteful than spending money on something that's not comfortable.  it's kinda of like the people that buy things just because it's new and popular even if it doesn't fit them or their lifestyle.  

"I'm in the top 10-15%", wow, why waste time racing for a few bucks here and there or even racing for free? join the pros and earn some real money unless you don't really have what it takes.  plus, you seemed to enjoy racing so that would fit you just right.  

you want the quickest/fastest bike, get use to spending lots of money for changing bikes every time something quicker/faster comes out because that happens quite a bit now and days.  plus, if you have the quickest/fastest bike than maybe skill is not really a big factor to begin with in a race.  bottom line is if you're insecure or concern because someone has a quicker/faster bike, by all means, get the quickest/ fastest bike available i.e., the y2k, it's only 150k dollar.

btw, i don't race for a living so my old 99 bus has more than enough quickness for me already. if there were a bike that's twice as fast and has twice the power of the busa but doesn't appeal to me or fit me like the busa does, i'm keeping the busa.
All together now...

Kum by ya my lord, Kum by ya,

Oh lord, Kum by ya...

Someones crying my lord, Kum by ya...

I'm so sorry if I've offended any of you for saying that the BUSA may not be the quickest or fastest bike and I'm sorry that many of you have taken this thread more seriously than you should.
You cant compare a bunch of roaches to a spyder. Its two different worlds of riding. We have sport touring bikes that just happen to be the fastest production bikes.

Speaking only for myself here. I never said that I disagree with your opinion of the Busa and the liter bikes. The ONLY point I ever tried to make, was that the way you express yourself is a little abrasive. This was due to the trash talking/bench racing method of replying. They way you brag about your abilities, although you never acknowledged anyone's idea that you try the professional racing circuits due to your claimed skills.

I'm not being sensitive about your comparison of the Busa to the liter bikes. It is true that they are almost too close for comfort and Suzuki needs to up the ante once again.

I usually try to treat others on the board with the respect that I would like to be shown, but that's just me. You can do what you want and talk trash all you want. From what I've seen on this board, the best/fastest riders here are rarely seen talking trash...They don't have to.

Try to have a nice day, and ride safe
You cant compare a bunch of roaches to a spyder.  Its two different worlds of riding. We have sport touring bikes that just happen to be the fastest production bikes.
We're talking about straight line racing here. I don't see how you can't compare the bikes in that regard. It's simply a test of acceleration.

It wasn't comparing apples to oranges when the BUSA was dominant, but now that the tide has turned now it's apples to oranges, come on man...You can't have it both ways.

Oh and BTW, my particular Hayabusa ain't no "sport tourer"...Maybe yours is, but mine isn't...Never was...Never will be. My Hayabusa does nothing but blast huge sonic-wave holes in the atmosphere whenever it’s taken out for a ride. I really don't "Sport Tour" with my Hayabusa, but to each his own. If I wanna "Sport Tour", I'll ride my Vulcan Mean Streak.

Speaking only for myself here.  I never said that I disagree with your opinion of the Busa  and the liter bikes.  The ONLY point I ever tried to make, was that the way you express yourself is a little abrasive.  This was due to the trash talking/bench racing method of replying.  They way you brag about your abilities, although you never acknowledged anyone's idea that you try the professional racing circuits due to your claimed skills.

I'm not being sensitive about your comparison of the Busa to the liter bikes.  It is true that they are almost too close for comfort and Suzuki needs to up the ante once again.

I usually try to treat others on the board with the respect that I would like to be shown, but that's just me.  You can do what you want and talk trash all you want.  From what I've seen on this board, the best/fastest riders here are rarely seen talking trash...They don't have to.

Try to have a nice day, and ride safe
I feel you stkr00...All of us our different. This is how we chit chat where I'm from...It's never personal...It's just racing.

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone necessarily, but if they take it that way that's on them. I realize that some people don't like trash talk or cockeyness, but I'm not going to change who I am to conform to the wants of others who don't really know me.

As for why I don't race on the track...Well I do from time to time, but this is a hobby for me...I don't want it to be my life...I like it just the way it is right now...If I did it anymore it would become a job and I don't want that.

Some people sit back quietly and don't say a word and whoop ass.

Some people talk big trash and whoop ass.

Neither one is better than the other and I can appreciate them both...In the end it's just two different types of personalities.

Speaking only for myself here.  I never said that I disagree with your opinion of the Busa  and the liter bikes.  The ONLY point I ever tried to make, was that the way you express yourself is a little abrasive.  This was due to the trash talking/bench racing method of replying.  They way you brag about your abilities, although you never acknowledged anyone's idea that you try the professional racing circuits due to your claimed skills.

I'm not being sensitive about your comparison of the Busa to the liter bikes.  It is true that they are almost too close for comfort and Suzuki needs to up the ante once again.

I usually try to treat others on the board with the respect that I would like to be shown, but that's just me.  You can do what you want and talk trash all you want.  From what I've seen on this board, the best/fastest riders here are rarely seen talking trash...They don't have to.

Try to have a nice day, and ride safe
I feel you stkr00...All of us our different.  This is how we chit chat where I'm from...It's never personal...It's just racing.

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone necessarily, but if they take it that way that's on them.  I realize that some people don't like trash talk or cockeyness, but I'm not going to change who I am to conform to the wants of others who don't really know me.

As for why I don't race on the track...Well I do from time to time, but this is a hobby for me...I don't want it to be my life...I like it just the way it is right now...If I did it anymore it would become a job and I don't want that.

Some people sit back quietly and don't say a word and whoop ass.

Some people talk big trash and whoop ass.

Neither one is better than the other and I can appreciate them both...In the end it's just two different types of personalities.
No problem. I understand where you're coming from now.

As far as sport touring...If I want to tour, I just get on my Road-Sofa (Electra-Glide), crank the tunes, set the cruise control, feet on the highway pegs, and just enjoy the ride.

Have a good weekend. Try to get some riding in before Winter hits. It's too dam close already.

I certainly plan on getting a ride in this weekend...I'm probably gonna take the Meanie out. I've had a cruiser for about 2 months now and I never thought I could get into it, but I said what the hell and gave it a try...Come to find out I absolutely LOVE IT. Glad I didn't wait until I got old and grey to try it, cuz it's alot of fun. I like it cuz it's a way to get out and ride without all the danger and drama of hauling a$$, cuz honestly...I can't cruise around on my BUSA...I always end up breaking the law severly. But on the cruiser I'm a law abiding citizen (except for the beanie helmet) just out enjoying the country side ride. I got to work on the tunes part, although I do love the sound of my Hard Krome pipes...It's music to my ears.

BTW, I think you need to get a national ad campaign going on that "Slow Traffic Stay To The Right Thing". Hell if you run for president you might get my vote if you can pass that alone. LOL!
I still think it's funny to see folks talk about gettin' a big bore kit to stay ahead of the litres...

I'm just happy to be on two wheels, ya'll. Just like a lot of ya'll are happy with the busa whether or not it's the quickest/fastest, I'm happy with the 10 whether or not it's the quickest/fastest. Honestly, who cares? If you like yer bike and you get your ride, who really cares if the next guy's bike is faster or quicker? I enjoy a bit of bench racin' and a little friendly competition as much as the next guy, but basin' yer bike decisions on which is the quickest/fastest is pretty stupid unless you stand to win big $$$ by havin' the quickest/fastest.

I highly doubt that's the case for most people on this board. I don't know of any pro racers here. Maybe a few street brawlers take home a few bucks occasionally, but I don't really think we have any true heavy hitters here. The majority of the folks on this board seem to just be "riders" who do it for fun. We all just enjoy ridin' and get an occasional kick out of really turnin' up the heat. I think it's really more about ridin' and adrenaline for most of us.

Speakin' for myself, when I got the busa my main interest was in drag racin' a bike. I planned to slam it and drag prep it. Then I got talked into followin' a guy around in the mountains and I was hooked. I had never even considered ridin' the mountains before. Didn't even have a concept of what "ridin' the twisties" was even about. As my preferred type of ridin' changed, so did what I wanted in my bike. Once I got to the point that draggin' a bike was a very small part of my interest in bikes it just made more and more sense to me to get a bike more suited to ridin' the twisties and less suited to all out straight line performance. I still love the busa, but for my kind of ridin' a litre bike just makes more sense.

I'd love nothin' more than to run a busa with the 10 just for the frickin' adrenaline and fun of it. If I won, I won and if I lost, I just lost. Again I ask, who the fug cares? I love my ride. As long as the person I'm racin' loves their bike and has a good time, and we both come out of it safely, WHO THE FUG CARES WHO WON? Hell, we both win...

It's obvious that some folks just like to talk shid. Maybe they can back it up and maybe they can't. Really makes no difference to me. I'm gonna enjoy my bike my way. To hell with the rest of it. Come along if you want. We can race for fun, or a few bucks just to make it interesting. If you beat me, I'll still ride with ya next weekend. Who knows, maybe I'll win then...

To quote a signature used by a member of another forum I frequent... You got it... get on it!
I get your point Bullet Train, but some of us did buy our bikes to drag race, roll-on race, etc.  I had a ZX-11 before I got my Hayabusa...At that time the Hayabusa was the only step up and I got it cuz it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  When I got my ZX-11C it was the baddest production bike on the planet.  The BlackTurd really never lived up to much of anything.

You got your bike for your reasons, I got my bike for my reasons.  While I race ALOT I still simply ride alot (over 35k in 5 riding seasons) and I agree that the BUSA's overall package is hard to beat, but it's quite long in the tooth at this point, but I don't care if they make a better one at this point or not cuz I'm fine with what I've got and what I've got under the hood.  I don't think we'll ever see the day when any production motorcycle will make over 200rwhp, so I ain't really concerned.

As far as not caring whether my bike is faster or not...I'm one of those people who cares.  It does matter to me if I win or lose, cuz I love competition street or strip.  In competition winning is everything and in racing 2nd place is merely the 1st loser.  That said many of us BUSA riders were BEATING on our chests for many years about how the BUSA was so dominant, but now that things are changing some of us are coming up with these lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort, stability, riding two up, etc...If you really wanted all of those things you could have bought a Honda ST or GoldWing.

Oh and you best believe I can back up my $hit talk!  I'm not the fastest in the world, but I'd bet that I'm in the top 10-15%.
"lame a$$ excuses about I got it for comfort", if the smaller bikes are as comfortable for you as your busa, that's fine but don't assumed that some of us are making excuses.  the comfort factor has been around a long time for some of us bigger riders.  if there's was a bike that looks as good as the busa and as comfortable as "Honda ST or Goldwing", i'll be the first to get it.  to me, nothings more wasteful than spending money on something that's not comfortable.  it's kinda of like the people that buy things just because it's new and popular even if it doesn't fit them or their lifestyle.  

"I'm in the top 10-15%", wow, why waste time racing for a few bucks here and there or even racing for free? join the pros and earn some real money unless you don't really have what it takes.  plus, you seemed to enjoy racing so that would fit you just right.  

you want the quickest/fastest bike, get use to spending lots of money for changing bikes every time something quicker/faster comes out because that happens quite a bit now and days.  plus, if you have the quickest/fastest bike than maybe skill is not really a big factor to begin with in a race.  bottom line is if you're insecure or concern because someone has a quicker/faster bike, by all means, get the quickest/ fastest bike available i.e., the y2k, it's only 150k dollar.

btw, i don't race for a living so my old 99 bus has more than enough quickness for me already. if there were a bike that's twice as fast and has twice the power of the busa but doesn't appeal to me or fit me like the busa does, i'm keeping the busa.
All together now...

Kum by ya my lord, Kum by ya,

Oh lord, Kum by ya...

Someones crying my lord, Kum by ya...

I'm so sorry if I've offended any of you for saying that the BUSA may not be the quickest or fastest bike and I'm sorry that many of you have taken this thread more seriously than you should.
some may be offended but i'm not because everyone has their opinions regarding which is quickest/fastest. plus, i couldn't careless which is quickest/fastest because i ride my bus on streets, roads and highways not on the race tracks and most bikes already have more than enough for the public settings. however, i will chime in if i disagree w/ something so i was just disagreeing w/ the "comfort" comment. i'm sure that if comfort wasn't a factor we wouldn't seen posts from visitors like 'how comfortable is the busa, can i tour on the busa, etc.'