All starter clutches with 500 miles on them will have the blueing in the metal. They do run hot because they are slipping when the motor is running and gripping with the starter rpm is higher than the motors, like when starting. As long as it turns one way and not the other your fine. I was alarmed as well but after i swapped a friends that was also discolored, and bought a new one that discolored later, i learned thats just what they do.The part i took out for my hot motor, cold starter test was the starter motor and starter idler gear/ limiter assembly.
I finally opened the starter clutch cover and the starter clutch set looks discolored as if it was overheating. The starter bearing looks fine and rotates and the bearing in the starter clutch set looks good and is rotating but the discoloration is disturbing. I will get a new one tomorrow to test. I cant think of what it could be outside of the starter, idlers gear and starter clutch.
Will update tomorrow.
PLEASE let us know tomorrow!!! together we will find and fix the problem! Viperam when we talked mentionned that he tought it might be an injector locking up open when we shut off the motor and hydrolocking the motor, in my case i tried turning the motor over by removing the 10mm allen acces bolt in the cover when the motor was hot and wouln not start and it turned as easely as it does when cold, so i dont think thats the problem. Im still convinced the problem has got to lie in the starter cover/gears/clutches mecanism
This is really annoying as my busa powerplant is in a t-rex worth 50k (Campagna- Fun, Style, Performance) and having to bump start it is not an option.
Are you saying you replaced a the bolt on the starter clutch "cover" and instantly your bike would start fine? Venting that cover would have no impact on the problem. Im confused why doing that test, instead of removing the spark plugs would eliminate partial hydrolock putting extra strain or drag whe the engine is nearing the top of compression during rotating.
After listening to both of our bikes, it sound like the engine is turning over fine nearly the entire rotation and when it gets to the last of the compression it strains to get above top dead center and when it does it drops fine till the next piston tries to get to tdc.
If a gear, bushing, or bearing tolerance was allowing and idler gear to bind between the starter and the starter clutch, being they are perfectly machined and round, you wouldnt get the symptoms we have. You would get an immediate bind, that is has no reguard for what degree of rotation its in. It would kink and lock up. Not drag really hard for 90 degrees, release and then bind up again, prefectly consitant, and repeatable only when hot. It wouldnt work perfectly normal cold with absolutely NO signs, and when barely warmed up act this bad. There is no middle ground. it doesnt gradually get a little worse depending on how hot it is. Its working, or its dragging. ON-OFF
Believe me, i convinced myself and the 5 shops convinced themselves it was that assembly, but after replacing ALL of it, EVERY FUKIN part of it at once, and swapping with a known good bike and eliminating it. Only then, did this explaination make sense.
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