Trump and the news media

When I was in 5th grade in Boise ID I befriended a kid who happened to stutter. If he stuttered in class he was spanked for it. That’s right, he was spanked for his stutter. After a few spankings he wouldn’t speak to anyone unless he absolutely had to. When we spoke outside all it took was patience on my part which he appreciated immensely. Most people he said would try to finish his sentence or become impatient and just walk away. Overcoming this affliction must be very very hard. I hope his life went better than his public schooling did.
My friend and locker partner in public school from 7th grade through graduation had an intense stutter and got ridiculed for it a lot. He was a great guy and married a nice lady and raised a nice family in spite of his impediment.

I also worked with two men that had stutters over the years and both were my dads age and still stuttered. By that age, most people had grown up and stopped screwing with them and making fun of them.

I've never known any women to have a stutter and it makes me wonder if it's more of a guy thing. Aside from having some pretty strong opinions about some things and being pretty vocal about them, I thank my lucky stars to not have to deal with some of the things in life that others are born with.

My inlaws were from Poland and spoke very broken English and it put them at a disadvantage compared to most of us that were born and raised in the USA. I also worked with a super nice black gentleman who was from Mississippi and he had such a southern drawl that most people avoided speaking with him. Their loss, and I still consider him to be a friend who is in his late 80's. We served our apprenticeships together.

One of my coworkers used to say "there but by the grace of God go I", and I think that applies to a lot of things including stuttering. Trust me that those that deal with it didn't choose it.
Guys listen... Im not saying Trump is the savior. I'd love to have a different candidate to chose. But he is a million times better than biden. Your guy biden has a lifetime of making up stuff, getting called out for it, then having to eat crow for it. Remember when he had to pull out the first time he ran for president? Why did he? Look it up.
I won't even get into his horrible policy. Everything...literally everything is worse since he took office. The guy is shaking hands with ghost. Mumbling and falling asleep. Falling down every chance he gets... just asking you guys to open your eyes a little....
Alright. Now you struck a nerve. Maybe your "news" media told you that the January 6th thing was just a bunch of tourists looking at our capitol. Tourists don't usually break into places that are locked. And while this attempt to steal the election was going on, your messiah was sitting there watching it on television for over 3 hours. He could have stopped it right away but it appeared that he was hoping that their attempted coup could keep him in power. and then he had the nerve to talk about "stolen elections". He was the one trying to steal the election.

And as to lies, I can tell you that nobody that I've ever seen lies as much as trump does. If his lips are moving, he's lying kind of lying. Have you seen him release his taxes like he said that he would? Didn't think so. How about that super duper health care plan that he bragged about before he took office? He had four years to put it into place but was evidently too busy shaking down us little people so that he could give the billionaires some nice big tax breaks. It ONLY cost the USA about 8 trillion. The right wingers spent 8 years complaining about how much Obama had added to the national debt but when trump did the same in 4 years, they were silent.

Must be that you forgot that you weren't commenting on a newsmax site.

Is Biden the best candidate ever for the Democrat party. Not likely. But he is the candidate and will hopefully sweep trump into the dustbin of history for good.

And maybe you missed it, but the stock markets are in or near record territories and unemployment is at or near record lows.
Fellow felon Kwame Kilpatrick is now supporting felon trump. Maybe the trump campaign needs a new slogan like "Felons for trump". It's kind of catchy.
Why not, I doubt it would make any difference in the mind of the voting public. They are beyond slogans now, well beyond any sort of rational decision making processes. It's all memes and dreams. Who can tell the biggest lies, promise the most impossible futures. I found an interesting article on the subject of American politics, Western politics in general actually. I'll post it up somewhere relevant.
Donald Trump GIF by Storyful
The traitorous bastich has done it again and it’s outrageous even for him. He congratulated his mentor putin for the prisoner exchange the Biden administration arranged. That’s right, his war criminal dictator buddy in russia. The maga idiots should really take notice of who they’re backing. trump would love love love to be installed as the US dictator, to have the powers that putin has. He’d admit it too if he hasn’t already.
The man lies just to be lying. Complete falsehood.

Lying is so automatic to him, I don't think he realizes when he's slipped into it. He has the incessant need to impress, whatever it takes.
Oh shiiite, now he claims to have the flight records! :laugh:
He was on a chopper with Gov Brown not Willie Brown, and they were surveying some fire damage but they never nearly crashed.

It was this occasion that he quipped that maybe someone should…rake…the forest, remember?

You can’t fix this with a sharpie and a weather map.

He got addicted to lying before it was so easy to check records. The amazing thing is he keeps doing it now, defiant, stammering his way through explanations knowing his followers will believe him. I’d hate the job of explaining the crap he spews.
Oh shiiite, now he claims to have the flight records! :laugh:
He was on a chopper with Gov Brown not Willie Brown, and they were surveying some fire damage but they never nearly crashed.
I suppose that is an easy screw up when you are the "old guy" in the presidential race. Governor Brown, Mayor Brown, they all look the same to me....LOL. Trump is so full of poop.

It was this occasion that he quipped that maybe someone should…rake…the forest, remember?
Oh, that was a good one to.....Obama got so much crap for telling people to check their tire pressure to get better fuel mileage but Trump says rake the forest to prevent forest fires and Maga is out there raking....

You can’t fix this with a sharpie and a weather map.
That was classic, totally for about the hurricane path/sharpie adjustment....